Pet (Part 3) [corruption][transformation][mf]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

The rest of the walk back was easy enough. Besides the thoughts anyway. What started out as questions quickly turned to fantasies. She could imagine crawling back to the lab, working herself into the chair, having the doctor, no master, do whatever he wanted. Her whole body was on fire and the rest of the walk home felt like she was on autopilot. Reaching the front door to her apartment building, she felt a distinctive warm throughout her whole body. She ran up the stairs to her floor. She knew that her keys were somewhere still inside that lab so she could only hope that her roommate was home. She knocked on the door, and felt a distinctive warmth throughout her whole body. She definitely needed a shower. A few moments later she heard the door bolt move and it swung open.

“Where have you been?!” Her roommate sounded more worried than mad and threw her arms around her. The roommate spoke again.

“It’s been days, Marcy! You said you were going for a quick appointment. What happened?”

She had trouble speaking up. She had always been a shy person but she hardly even felt the ability to speak.

“I didn’t mean to worry you ma-… Sara.” She choked the name out. Had she really been so close to saying master? Why was that the first thing that came up? Why did she feel so bad for disappointing her?

Sara’s eyes widened. She had known that Marcy had gone for the injections, and she had done the research to support her in the transition, so she could tell what had happened.

“You got more than one injection! Why?! You know the risks! You know what that stuff does to people!”

Marcy felt like crying. She had disappointed master, eh Sara. She felt small compared to her roommate. They had always been similar in height though. Had she shrunk? Sara then caught sight of the hat. Something was twitching underneath. She pulled off the beanie and there were two little black nubs, the start of pet ears. Sara knew that it was too late for her roommate. She would either have to live as she was, incomplete and torn between her human life and her desires to be a pet or to finish her transformation. Sara felt angry, betrayed, and grabbed hold of her roommate’s shoulders.


Marcy didn’t hear her though. Being grabbed had sent her mind into a spiral. She felt herself becoming like a toy in her arms, being thrown about. She felt herself getting wet and her face turned a deep red. Her lips parted and she let out a quiet moan. Sara heard it and looked at her. She was angry. One hand tightened on her shoulder, the other started to roam her body.

“It is too late for you now. Just from getting touched you are horny. Look at you.”

Sara turned her around to face a stand up mirror by the door. She was panting from lust, her face red, the buds of her pet ears twitching, her nipples visible through her tight shirt. She loved seeing herself. Sara spun her back around.

“I don’t want an incomplete pet though. If I am to use you, I want you to be made to be used.”

With that, Sara threw her aside.

“I’m leaving. Feel free to pleasure yourself while you still can.” With that she slammed the door. Marcy was too preoccupied in her lust though, and in an instant she had torn off her jeans and felt just how wet she had gotten. It felt good, and after minutes on end, she couldn’t climax. Her mind started to race. She was thinking about the doctor, the man of the bus, her own roommate. Her masters. She moved on to grinding on a pillow, letting her juices drench it. It still wasn’t enough. She needed master. She grabbed a hair brush. Immediately she thrust it inside. She didn’t bother to go slow, she needed it, needed some relief after everything. She needed master. Thrusting the handle inside her again and again just filled her mind with fantasy. There was no relief here, she needed master, she needed the doctor.

She cleaned up the best that she could manage, still covered in the scent of sex. She put the jeans back on, no panties, she wouldn’t need them. She made her way to the door and looked at the beanie that Sara had thrown to the floor. She debated for a moment if she even wanted to take it, if she wanted to hide to her nature. She decided it best for her to not be raped in an alleyway though. At least the doctor offered a bed. She could barely contain herself on the bus ride. She knew people could smell it in the air, she knew that they could see the lust in her face. She also knew that she would have no intention to stop them if they made a move. Fortunately, or unfortunately, they did not, and she arrived at the lab without incident.

She suddenly got nervous. This was it. This was what her body desired, but she knew there was no going back. He would make her finish the injections, and they would only change her more. She didn’t know where her old self ended and her altered self began, but she knew she wanted it. She knew she wanted to be good for master. She knew that she would transform for master. To be exactly what he wants. She had made up her mind, and walked inside.

She was quick to make it inside, skipping past the few people in line and making her way into the operating room. All the while shedding off garments. First her hat, then her shirt, then her jeans, before walking right up to the doctor fully naked. She knew that she should be ready for master and she knew that this was a good way to show it. The doctor smirked, looking up from an older woman on the operating chair.

“Very good progress.” He didn’t sound very impressed. He then motioned to the floor. “But pets walk on all fours.”

She immediately dropped to her hands and knees.“Good. Now, good pets wait to be signaled before coming to their master.”

She was angry, she had done everything for him, stripped in front of him, and now she was made to wait. But she couldn’t be a bad pet, could she? She needed to wait. She was told to wait. A voice in her head told her that it would be worth it. She watched as the doctor consoled the older woman. She seemed rightfully afraid of the procedure after watching the nude display. The doctor’s voice was calm though. He said something about this being his ‘personal assistant’ and that she would be homeless if not for him. It was lies, but she knew better than to correct master. Being called his personal assistant though sprung up new fantasies and it wasn’t long until she was dripping pussy juice onto the sterile floors. She watched as the older woman got the injection. She watched as the woman’s breathing got heavy. With each heave she saw as wrinkles on the woman’s face were disappearing, her breasts began to lift back up and her whole body looked to be becoming twenty years younger. It was at a cost though, such drastic physical changes meant she needed much more than a single dose, and as she watched the woman’s grey hair turn blonde, she saw pet ears sprout from her head. She could even hear the faint sound of purring get louder and louder from the now young looking woman. The transformation stopped and the woman stood up, a significant wet spot left on the seat. She waved her hips about and felt her firm breasts in her hands, loving her new body, but then caught sight of the doctor. She moved slowly, swaying from side to side, peeling off the blouse that was barely holding together on her chest. The woman cornered him and started to rub his cock through his pants. Marcy could only watch. She was told to stay. She felt her pussy leaking as she watched the new pet grind on the doctor. She was jealous but knew better than to disobey. The doctor took note of her obedience though and smiled. He looked at the other woman and commanded,

“Sit.” And she did without question, but continued to talk about how much she was willing to give up her body to the doctor. She talked with barely any coherence, trying to speak between the purrs and it became an annoyance to the doctor.

“Pets speak when spoken to.” The other woman stopped immediately. The doctor walked up to Marcy now.

“You did well. I can see you will be a very good pet to me.” He took her chin in his hand.

“I think you’ve earned yourself a reward”

She felt a prick in her arm. The doctor had injected her again. She felt the rush of warmth running through her body from her arm.

“Stay here and try not to move. I do not want to clean more sections of floor than I have to.”

With that he began to walk off and signaled the woman to come with him. Marcy was left alone, feeling her whole body light up, heat spreading to every inch. A sort of bubbly feeling took control of her head. As she felt all the little carbonated bubbles in her head getting popped, she found it harder and harder to think. She couldn’t exactly remember what she had done for work, what she had done in school to get that work. Not that it mattered, she was too enthralled with her body. A deep murmur built in her body and evolved into a purr and as it grew louder she felt her chest swell and expand out. She was being made to be exactly what master wanted, a pet to be there for him, for him to relieve all his stress. She imagined waiting for him at home, being pulled up from the floor and used right then and there and with that, she felt the numbs on her head expand out into fully grown pet ears. She could not hear out of them, they were purely for cosmetic purposes, to denote her as someone, well something, that was made to be owned. She wasn’t human, she was a pet. She would wait for master. She hoped that these new changes would please him. So she silently purred, watching the door, and drooling juices onto the floor. Hopefully he would be back soon.

Hi, thought I would throw this at the end to not detract from the story. Sorry for the long wait, online coursework started up and kinda killed the mood for a while. Anyway, part 4 shouldn’t take so long. Also I am open to suggestions so feel free to comment a fantasy you’d like to see happen to our fun protagonist. And thanks for reading!
