[MF] Pretending to be roommates and making out with strangers at a bar. [long]

A few months ago, I [posted](https://redd.it/dnum32) a story on how my fiancee, Jess [27F], and I [30M] have started getting into a bit into sharing our sex life via platforms like SnapChat. We’ve have been off and on (things got busy around the holidays with families), but on those days when I would get out of work and see that she had sent photos of herself to other men for them to get off got me so turned on, I would often not need to masturbate to porn for days; just the thought of her getting someone off electronically would do it for me. We hadn’t progressed into anything physical, as we were a both a bit apprehensive to dive in (her more so than me). That changed in Mid-January.

We were planning on going to a friends house party on a Saturday, which happened to be in the city and nearby a lot of really great (read: dive-y) bars. Ones that people go to in order to get completely wasted and have random hookups. The night before, she surprised me by going down on me before bed, and started dirty talking in between taking my cock deep in her mouth. Telling me stories of her past. Saying how much she missed going to bars and making out with strangers with no ramifications. Blaming me for taking her locking her down in her prime so she would never be able to have a one night stand again.

In between gasps and moans of pleasure from her licking up and down my hard cock, I looked down at her and said, “if you want to go out to a bar and make out with a stranger, you’re more than welcome to. As long as you tell me about it afterwards.”

She looked up at me while stroking my cock and said, “so if we go out tomorrow night after the party, I can make out with anyone?”

“As long as you tell me about it,” I answered back.

She muffled a giggle as she started working my cock harder and deeper, wanting to finish me and taste my cum in her mouth. It didn’t take long after that.

Afterwards, we were laying in each other’s arms and I asked her, “so do you really want to go to a bar and make out with a stranger?” Thinking maybe this was just some way of her using my fantasy to get my off, but not really wanted to go through with it.

To my (pleasant) surprise, she said, “I think so. I do miss that time in my life when I was able to go to some sleezy bar, find a guy to dance and make out with, and then never worry about talking to them again.”

We talked through how it would work. We would use our friend’s party as a way to pregame going out. We would get nice and drunk before so our inhibitions would be down, and then go to a dive bar where we knew there would be plenty of people looking for random hookups. In order to go and leave together without being too suspicious, we said if anyone asked, we would say we were roommates. We also came up with a safety phrase in case any feelings changed at any point, which we would say to to other and then leave, no questions asked. Rules applied to both of us, so I was free to hook up with someone if I was able to as well.

I’ll spare you the details of the party, but the hours seemed to crawl by for me because I just wanted to get to the bar. Around midnight, we used to excuse of me being old (30s isn’t that old!) and left the house party with a decent beer blanket to head into the cold, January night. We stumbled to the bar we had agreed upon, and immediately upon entering, Jess became a different person. She went straight to the bar, got herself a drink, and then headed to the dance floor leaving me behind entirely. Wanting to watch a bit, I saddled up to the bar, ordered a drink, and looked around, half looking out for potentials for me, and half looking out for potentials for Jess.

She had already found someone to dance with (not surprising me at all), and I was slowly drinking my beer watching her and imagining this is what Jess was like in college. I loved it. I loved watching her dance with other men. I loved how they all wanted her attention, and how she would give it for a few minutes then move on to dance with someone else. She hadn’t kissed anyone yet, but I knew she was waiting for the right one. I couldn’t wait to fuck her later that night, after she had been kissing someone else.

A group of women came up to the bar next to me and ordered a few drinks. I moved slightly to give them all room, and locked eyes with one of them. We made some kind of nonsense conversation to break the ice, but then started to talk to each other. I noticed how she turned her body towards me and away from her friends. I made a dumb joke, which she had no business laughing at, but she did anyway so I figured she was at least a little bit attracted to me. She asked me, “so who are you here with?” I nodded my head towards the dance floor, and said, “my roommate, Jess. She’s the one in the short dress dancing on that guy over there.” She grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the dance floor saying, “well we can’t let her be the only one of the two of you to dance tonight.”

It had been years since I had danced like this with someone else, but I fell back into the rhythm quickly, letting my hands fall to her hips, feeling her ass press against my hardening cock, moving to the beat of whatever trashy top 40s mix the DJ could put on. She turned around to dance facing me, and I knew she wanted me to grab her in an embrace. I looked over at Jess, to see if she knew I was dancing with someone, to see if she had some kind of reaction, and to see if we were still good. I’m not sure if Jess knew where I was, because in the time I had been talking to my new friend, Jess’s had found someone, too, and was lost to the world around her. Seeing her kissing another man was hotter than I had imagined it. I wanted to grab her, take back her home, and fuck her harder than I ever had before. I couldn’t watch long, as my new friend was waiting, so I turned back and kissed her. Not a romantic kiss, but one of wildness and passion. She responded in kind. She moved her hand to my chest, then moved down, and felt the outline of my hard cock, not knowing it was only partly because of what she was doing. I moved her hand to my waist, as I didn’t want it to move farther than kissing and dancing (at least not until Jess and I agreed on it).

We danced and continued to make out for the next few hours. I would steal occasional glances over at Jess, who was doing the same. Eventually, the lights came up at the bar. The man Jess had been dancing with asked to come back to her place. The girl I was with (I learned at some point her name was Sarah) asked me to come back to her place. Jess and I looked at each other, giving a look that we weren’t ready for that yet, and declined. We got their numbers though, and called an Uber home. It only took 20 minutes, but it felt like an eternity because I just wanted to fuck Jess. We got back to our apartment and didn’t even make it to the bedroom before all of our clothes were off and I was inside her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/frei3j/mf_pretending_to_be_roommates_and_making_out_with

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