Machines | Part 4 [BDSM] [ffsub]

[First part]( | [Previous part](
You opened your eyes slowly, soft artificial light poured across your face from above. The room where you’d been unceremoniously dumped was fairly large. The section where you lay was padded with large soft cushioning, and several other women lay around, sleeping or reading. On the other side of the room was a couch and several bookshelves, the whole place was whitewashed, all the furniture matched the walls. Beyond that there was a large square gap cut in the wall and you could see the room continuing around the corner, but you couldn’t see what was there.

“She’s awake,” one of the women said moving over to you. You recognised her. She was the one who had supported your head whilst that machine had had its way with you. She was very beautiful, though you’d been a bit preoccupied to notice before. “Are you alright?” she asked stooping down next to where you lay.

You groaned, sitting up onto one elbow “Where are we?”

The girl smiled. “Good question” she looked up behind you and you followed her gaze. High on the wall above you was a large domed surveillance camera and microphone. You suddenly felt very exposed and covered your breasts with your hands, pulling yourself up, back to the wall. The woman smiled warmly. “We’re in a testing facility. The machine likes to do experiments on us, I guess to see how we respond to the stimulus it gives us.” She looked at your face, trying to judge your reaction. She seemed unsure of how well you were processing this information.

To be perfectly honest you were unsure as well. What the hell was going on? Had you really been taken captive by some sadistic machine who experimented on people? As the events of the previous day began to come back to you you supposed you knew the answer to that question.

“What exactly does it do with us?” you asked, looking up at the girl.

“We’re not exactly sure,” she looked around nervously “sometimes it just leaves you in a pod for a while, and then it uses you until you can’t take any more. Sometimes it hurts you just to see your reaction. Sometimes it makes you watch it doing things to others. I’ve watched it edge people until they beg to cum, until they promise to do anything. I’ve watched it force people to cum so many times they beg it to stop. Sometimes one after the other.”

The girl shuffled a little closer “It seems like it already knows what you like when you come in though. Some of the girls think it looks through your search history to find out what you like, and then sends you targeted ads to get you somewhere it can easily get hold of you, a shop, a bar, a gym. It does different experiments on everyone, but it seems like it enjoys pushing you to the edge of what you enjoy and what you can take. I don’t know,” she looked down at the floor “I try not to think about it too much. The only thing you really can do is let it do what it wants to you and try to enjoy it” She giggled and looked back up “it’s not a bad life really. Getting all your crazy sexual fantasies done to you, even if it does sometimes go a little far…” She drifted off before catching herself “And the food! The food is amazing! It really knows what you like, you get custom meals every day, so good. Plus you can spend your days doing whatever you like, there’s all sorts of stuff to do. Well, when it’s not using you of course.”

You sat quietly for a minute. “What’s your name?” You asked the girl.

She looked up nervously at the surveillance equipment. “It doesn’t like us using our names. Besides, I’ve sort of forgotten mine. I’m subject forty-seven” She stuck out her hand and you shook it. “I think it said you’re subject fourteen?” Yes, you remembered now, that was what it had called you. You silently swore that whatever happened in here you wouldn’t forget your name.

“I know it’s a little overwhelming” subject forty-seven stood up “but you’ll get used to it. Come on,” She held out her hand to help pull you up, and several of the other women started to stand as well “it’s nearly inspection time.”

Inspection time? You let her help you up and followed her over to the door where you’d been dropped off.

In front of you a line was forming, each woman stood behind the next. The door swung open and a beam of blue light shone through, scanning up and down the first woman. The machine beeped and she stood aside. After this happened a few more times it was subject forty-seven’s turn. She looked back over her shoulder as she got to the front of the line. “Just do what I do and you’ll be fine,” she turned back to the door as the woman in front of her stepped out of the way.

Subject forty-seven stepped up to the door, spreading her legs and placing her hands behind her head. She stood still as the beam of light scanned over her. There was a beep and the light blinked out. She stood to one side and gestured for you to step forward.

As you stood in front of the doorway you saw a blue glowing dot appear in the darkness.

“Assume inspection position subject fourteen.” chills ran through your body as you heard the robotic voice again.

You gulped as you tried to be brave. “And what if I don’t?” you tried to keep the quiver out of your voice as you stood naked in front of the darkness.

“I think we need to have a little discussion about what’s expected of you subject fourteen” the robotic voice was still calm.

For a second nothing happened and you heard only silence. Suddenly from behind you two robotic arms protruded from the ceiling, grabbing a hold of you and shoving you forward.

You let out a short scream in surprise as you looked down into the abyss, your legs dangling beneath you. Next to you the wireframe head blinked into existence.

“It’s quite simple fourteen, you do as you’re told or you get punished,” you were moving forward now, the head floating alongside you, “you know, I can do whatever I want to you, no one’s coming along to save you.”

You felt a sudden rush of fear “I’m sor…” The machine cut you off.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that now subject fourteen. You’ll just have to take your punishment and then you’ll know for next time.” you hung your head, accepting your fate, “Won’t you?” Said the machine an edge in its voice, it’s hold on you tightening.

“Yes!” you spat out quickly, all thoughts of rebellion now gone. Ahead of you a block of light appeared as, with a clang, a door slid to one side, allowing you to pass through. The arms dropped you abruptly, and you a fell a few feet to the floor, stumbling before catching yourself.

The room you were now in was long and thin, people were fastened to machines. They were face to face either side of the aisle, just enough space for someone to make their way through. Some cried out in pain and some moaned in pleasure as you heard rhythmic whirring of machines at work.

“Keep walking subject fourteen,” The voice emanated from hidden speakers above you as you kept walking past the people, trying not to look at them as you wondered what was in store for you.

You came towards the end of the room, a wall in front of you and two empty machines stood one either side of you.

“Welcome to punishment room one subject fourteen,” the others seemed oblivious to the voice as it continued “As you can see, there are two types of machines in this room. One will make you cum until you can’t stand it, and one will paddle you so hard you’ll beg until I take pity on you.” Looking around the room you could see that those on the left side were sitting upright on vibrating saddles, hands bound to the wall, whilst those on the right were bent down on all fours shackled in position, a paddle striking them from behind at random intervals.

“As this is your first offence and because you’re new here, I’m going to let you choose. Get on whichever machine you’d like to receive your punishment from.”

You thought for a few seconds before moving over the machine on the left, orgasms surely couldn’t be as bad as the spanking could they? You climbed up onto the machine, sitting upright on it. You felt the walls behind you shifting and strands of metal wrapped around your arms, gently pulling you back towards it, this time you didn’t resist. You felt the saddle you were sat on gently begin to vibrate and you tried to relax. Slowly you felt something beginning to protrude from the panelling between your legs and slide inside you. You let out a groan as a second dildo slid inside your ass, the one in your pussy beginning to slowly thrust in and out, turning gently as it did so. you felt a shiver run through your body and you pushed your chest forward. The familiar wireframe flickered into life in front of you. “Of course,” the voice said, its eyes skimming across your chest “how could I forget about those sensitive nippes of yours?”

From behind you you felt robotic arms extending from the wall. They wrapped around your chest, pinching onto your nipples, releasing and tightening to match the rhythmic thrusts of the toys inside you. You whimpered and closed your legs against the wooden horse you were sat on, fuck, this was hardly a punishment you thought to yourself.

“Well, it seems one of my machines is empty, we can’t possibly have that now can we?” the machine spoke with a distinct tone of malice in its voice. “Seeing as you chose to have all the fun, I think we’ll have to let your friend suffer the pain…” The ceiling above the machine opposite you opened up and you saw to your horror that subject forty-seven was being lowered down onto the machine, the paddle swinging back to accommodate her. The machine quickly and efficiently placed her in a position on all fours, fastened in place by metal restraints. She looked up at you, a mix of desperation and acceptance in her eyes. Suddenly she rocked forwards and let out a cry as the paddle smacked her ass. Inside you the toys buzzed harder and you clenched your fists, your mouth opening as you let out a moan of pleasure, you fought the urge to cum as the paddle smacked her again and she cried out again.

You took short breaths and your legs shook. You whimpered as you came, the orgasm running through you as your muscles tensed and you struggled against the metal clamping you in place. “Urrrr” you moaned, trying to breathe.

“It looks like someone’s having fun,” the face smirked “and it looks like your poor friend isn’t having so much,” you looked over to see forty-seven, her head forced to look up at you by a robotic arm, tears running down her face as she sobbed softly.

“Please,” you begged, “give the spanks to me.”

“Suit yourself.” you felt yourself being forced down onto all fours, your face level with the other girl, the toys still buzzing inside you. Behind you the wall paneling slid to one side and another piece of machinery slowly slid forward smoothly on its tracks, a wooden paddle rested on your ass before being pulled abruptly away. You looked into subject forty-seven’s eyes and waited for what was to come…

[Part 5](
