[MM] My awakening as a fully-fledged bisexual – and the seduction that led to it – Part 2

Part 1 Here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fp2f8g/mm_my_awakening_as_a_fullyfledged_bisexual_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fp2f8g/mm_my_awakening_as_a_fullyfledged_bisexual_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)

Tom beckoned me to stand up and come with him and – like a sailor absently following a siren’s call – I complied. Perhaps it was the residual endorphins from the wildest and more intense orgasm I’d ever had in my life, but I felt a strong sense of duty and love for this man. There was literally nothing that he could direct me to do that I wouldn’t comply with at this point. I was all his.

Feeling silly to still be wearing it, I ditched the polo I had been wearing and followed Tom down the hall, with about 50% of the load I had just expended dripping down my chest. I did not care about my messy, disheveled appearance. I wore my ruined undies and cum-stained chest as a badge of honor, a token of my awakening to a beautiful new side of myself that I was extremely eager to explore deeper.

As we made our way to what I assumed to be the bedroom, I contemplated the abrupt and drastic change that had come over me in the last few hours. If you had told me 5 months ago that I would be covered in my own cum having just been drained by a man twice my age, I would’ve thought you were crazy. But maybe not. Maybe just the suggestion in a real world context was always what was needed to spark that fantasy within me.

But it was more than that. I as I thought back to my interactions with Tom over the summer, I realized how much this desire had been building in me this whole time. From the first hand-shake, Tom had been unlike any person I had met to that point. He looked directly into my eyes when we talked, not in a creepy, over-bearing type of way, but in a genuinely selflessly engaged way. His generous, giving nature had instantly made me feel comfortable and welcome in a context I would have normally felt either indebted or awkward.

I thought back to small moments from our porch-side chats together. A hand on the knee here, a squeeze of the shoulder there; all so effortless and friendly that at the time I had zero notion that there could be anything sexual behind them. But those small acts had slowly endeared him to me over time. Without ever fully revealing his sexual feelings towards me, he had made me as trusting in him as I was in anyone in my life who wasn’t direct family.

Was this brain-washing then? Had he intentionally “converted” me to satisfy his own desires? No. That wasn’t it. I was sure that Tom was just a naturally kind person and if I had given any indication I wanted him to stop, he would have. I had a sudden inspiration to test this theory.

“Hey Tom.” I said, meekly. “I don’t know, I’m feeling kinda weird about this… I might just go back to the…”

He turned around and looked at me, with a mixture of concern and disappoint etched across his face.

“Oh, Jack.” He said, very calmly. “I’m sorry. I totally understand. If you want to go home and talk about this later…or not. Whatever feels best for you. Let me get you a robe to walk back in.”

There it was. There was no hint of a lie in his voice or face. He genuinely wanted this to be an incredible experience for both of us. As he turned to go, I reached out and stopped him and pulled him into a deep kiss.

“I thought… “ He said.

“I changed my mind.” I responded, smiling. “Let’s keep going.”

He looked into my eyes again and found no hesitation behind them. A wide smile spread across his face. He really was extremely handsome.

“That was quick” He laughed. “What made you -“

I laughed and pushed him forward. “Let’s go! I want to see the rest of this house!”

He stared at me, slightly agog at this new forward enthusiasm I was displaying. And to be honest, it slightly surprised me too. But now that I had mentally committed, I was filled with a strange giddiness to move forward with our sexual exploration. And I wanted to see that cock!

His bedroom, it turned out, was basically it’s own wing of the house. After entering a set of double doors, a short hallway led to large bathroom on the right and a sitting room straight ahead with a large picture window looking out over the grounds and mountains beyond. The view in the moonlight was so stunning I was immediately drawn to it, but Tom held me back. Directing me toward the bathroom.

It was HUGE, probably twice the size of my whole dorm room back at college. A jetted bathtub stood across the room from a pair of basin sinks set on a marble counter against a mirror that took up an entire wall of the bathroom. In between them on the floor was a rectangular padded ottoman. A glass barrier separated a full quarter of the space that was dedicated to the shower. A large framed mirror hung on the wall directly across from the shower, two terrycloth robes hung on pegs on either side of the mirror.

As I marveled at the setting, Tom started to strip off his clothes and my attention was immediately diverted. I had checked him out a bit before, but I was seeing his body through an entirely different lens now. I wanted to run my hands over the muscles of his broad, strong shoulders. I wanted my face up close and personal with his abs, the trail of hair going down to his crotch brushing against my chin as my lips explored his stomach –

He caught me staring and smiled.

“Here.” He said, holding out a hand. “Let’s just toss those.” Indicating what was now a sorry excuse for underwear. I had almost forgotten about them. I pulled them off and handed to them over.

“Go ahead and hop in.” He said, gesturing toward the shower. “I’ll join you in a sec” And walked through the other door to what I could only assume was the bedroom.

I walked across the heated-tile floor and stepped into the shower. There were dual heads facing the middle and a hand-held wand hanging from the wall between them. I turned on the water, grabbed some soap, and quickly and thoroughly washed both my cum-stained chest and my ass. I wanted to be as clean as possible for Tom, but would prefer he didn’t see me looking to “concerned”, maybe he knew that and had kindly given me space.

He walked back into the room fully naked and placed some items on the counter. I stopped thinking about the soap as my jaw dropped. His cock was amazing. The “V” from his hips met in trimmed – but not fully shaved – pubic hair that looked more meticulously manicured than the lawn outside. And his cock was not huge (a bit smaller than mine actually), but it swung effortlessly and confidently between his legs as he walked. And his thighs and ass, holy shit, I just wanted to sink my teeth into that soft skin and firm muscle.

Tom hopped into the shower just as comfortably as if we did this every day and started to lather up; looking at me occasionally and giving a friendly laugh at the what must’ve been an awed and hungry expression on my face. He was making an obvious show of cleaning himself. He must’ve known I was a bit nervous about giving my first blow job and wanted to subtly assure me of its cleanliness.

As I watched the foamy soap bubbles drip down his abs and thighs and off the tip of his semi-hard penis. I was filled with that same raging desire that had consumed me earlier after my shuttering orgasm. I wanted that cock. I wanted to feel it harden to my touch. As these thoughts ran through my mind, my own dick started to grow hard and stiff again. The blood rushing in, propelled by the growing desire to feel this man’s skin against mine.

The last drops of soap washed away, Tom stepped forward wordlessly and looked into my eyes again and pulled me into another deep kiss; weakening my legs as my lust for him grew. Standing in the center of the shower with water streaming against both our backs, I dropped to my knees on the tiled floor and looked up at Tom submissively, past his cock and abs to those wonderful smiling eyes. He nodded.

I grabbed the base of his cock with my hands and felt his hips give a tiny lurch in response. I brought the tip to my lips and gave it a soft kiss. The soft silky skin of his head felt amazing against my virgin lips, like nothing I had ever experienced. I played teasingly with his cock for a while. Feeling the blood and lust run through his shaft as my soft lips sent waves of pleasure from the tip of his cock coursing throughout his body.

As I looked up at him, I could see pure ecstasy in his face. But I could also feel his body restraining itself from pushing me to do more. He didn’t want to force me to go faster than I was comfortable but was having trouble holding back. So I dove in.

I heard him let out a loud gasp of pleasure as I took the length of his cock as far as I dared into my mouth. It felt incredible. I could feel his cock twitching and stiffening against my tongue and his tip pulsing against the back of my throat. It was like I had direct access to his deepest pleasure centers as my lust and hunger fell in tune with his rushing bliss and gratification.

I grabbed his firm ass with my free hand, feeling the muscles there tightening and relaxing, pumping softly into my face in rhythm with my mouth. I loosened my throat and braved taking him in all the way to the hilt, hearing him moan “Holy Shit, Jack” and “yeah, just like that.”

As I picked up the pace and enthusiasm I could feel a different quality to the stiffening of his cock and the shuddering of his ass-cheeks in my hand. This is it, I thought, this is what another man orgasming feels like and i picked up the intensity. I wanted to feel his warm pleasure burst into my throat. But just when it seemed likely to erupt, his softly placed a hand under my chin and pulled out.

“Oh shit Jack.” He said, smiling down at me. “I never expected you to take to that so well. But I’ll take a little longer to rebound than a young guy like yourself and there is something else I want you to try first.”

He turned off the water and pulled me up. Guiding my outside of the shower.

“Lay down.” He instructed, indicating the padded ottoman. I obeyed.

He grabbed a towel and after drying himself, started to dutifully and slowly dry my back with the softest towel I had ever felt. Once he was done with my back, he told me to turn over and repeated the process on my front, taking special care with my again rock-hard and overly sensitive cock.

I looked to the side and realized just how precisely this room was planned. Laying on the ottoman, I could see in the mirror that my body was perfectly in line with the height of his crotch; I knew what was coming and was suddenly filled with an incredible sense of anticipation.

When I was dry, Tom grabbed a bottle from the counter and set it on the floor next to him as he knelt between my legs. This time I was ready for the feeling, but the amazing and all-encompassing ecstasy of his tongue against my ass threw me again into the state of wild and thoughtless passion I had experience earlier.

He worked my hole softly with his tongue for a few minutes while firmly holding my hips in place with his arms as my body writhed uncontrollably in his grasp. After a couple of minutes of this, I just couldn’t help but gasp:

“Holy shit, Tom, I need you to fuck me.” Again, the words escaped my lips without my brain forming the conscious thought.

It seemed to be exactly what he was waiting for. As he pulled away, I felt the cool sensation of his saliva evaporating off my warm asshole and took a moment to catch my breath. My head was already swimming.

Then I gave a slight jolt as I felt a cooler substance dripping down the base of my cock, through my crack and over my highly sensitive asshole. He softly rubbed the liquid into the skin around my hole, not trying to tease, but nonetheless filling my insides with an insatiable yearning to be filled.

Then I gave an involuntary half-yelp, half-gasp and my eyes snapped shut as the tips of his fingers pushed slowly inside me. Not being in a state of imminent-orgasm, I felt more pain this time as my hole stretched and reacted to his fingers.

“Just relax” Tom said softly in my ear. “Just, breathe and accept me in.”

HIs voice both instantly raised hairs on my neck and calmed my breathing. I’d feel a slight burning when my ass reactively clenched, followed by the warm, filling feeling as I relaxed and let him slide deeper; and when he pulled out, the absence of his fingers was replaced by a pleasant, dull empty feeling.

And this time when I left him push in, it felt different. Tom’s fingers were no longer two stiff and slight boney entities, but one firm, silky-smooth shaft that filled me with the feeling of completeness that had ever permeated my body.

My eyes flew open and I saw Tom over me, looking directly into me; intense desire and pleasure in his face. His hips pushing into mine. This was his cock; he was fucking me and it was incredible.

The pain was still there and I alternated between winces and moans as he started to pick up the pace; deftly pumping his hips like a well-oiled piston. It was a constant, fluid motion with no jerky starts and stops. But that pain was mixed with such mind-blowing ecstasy that far from being distracting, it was almost welcome. Grounding me to reality as the wild pleasure threatened to take me completely out of my self.

I could feel his pace quickening and heard his breathing deepen and I knew he was getting close. My head rolled to the side and I got a glimpse of us in the mirror. Me – my newly earned muscles glistening with sweat- and Tom – between my legs and bent over me, fighting to elongate his building orgasm. And I exploded.

For the second time that night, my legs shook uncontrollably and my hips bucked wildly; my animal instincts taking over the fucking as my mind flooded with a absolutely blinding pleasure. My cock -untouched- pumped stream after stream of cum all over my abs and chest as I furiously rocked my hips on his cock. My hole gripping and lessening on his shaft as my balls drained themselves of what remaining cum I had left.

And in one second his cock was gone, and in another it was right in front my face. My mouth instinctually and hungrily took him in. He let out a loud moan and I gagged slightly as a massive load of warm seed filed my mouth. I swallowed greedily, ready for the next blast. And they came, one after another, my lips feeling the contractions in the muscles of his cock as it pumped his cum into me.

Completely spent, he pulled out and I swallowed the last drops. He rolled over onto the heated tiles. Both of us breathing heavy and soaking in the fading and surging bliss. I felt him reach out and squeeze my hand.

“We’re going to have a fun couple weeks.” He panted, his hand dropping back to his side…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fplxnh/mm_my_awakening_as_a_fullyfledged_bisexual_and

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