Space…The Final FUCKtier Part 3 [FF]

I had Part 3, 5 and 6 all pre written, so once I have finished part 4 you can expect the two after to come very quickly. Happy quarantine!

LOG ENTRY 1000: I have finally reached Log 1000! I can hardly believe that I have been serving on the Valentine for 1000 days…It seems like only yesterday I was on the bottom tier doing push ups and drills all day and night, seeing my old friends sneak peeks at me when I was running on the treadmill…I miss them every single day. Especially you Lynn, I know you’re out there somewhere after the abduction. I love you sis and hope you’re ok, please come back to us one day!

I can’t dwell on the sadness, this is a celebration. Senior Investigator Bishop has a great ring to it, Wendy thinks so too. I wonder if the old Drill Sargent knows what goes on up here, I wonder if he knows that Wendy and I are some of the most important crew members on this station. I hope you’re proud you dirty old perv, without you none of us would be here!

Speaking of Wendy Willingham, Valkyrie Squad captain herself is coming over mine to celebrate. It should be fun, we haven’t spent much time with each other since she became the leader of the Valkyrie’s. Either way, I hope that I keep writing these up, here is to another 1000.

Signing off, Angela Bishop.

“Wow where did that spark go?” She muttered rhetorically. Sighing deeply she wrapped her lips around a cold glass and took a short sip of whiskey; The alcohol sent a warm sensation down her body. Her day was a long and grueling one; meetings and reports to file were the bulk of her long working day, but filling out letters of recommendations for Tier 2’s who wanted to graduate to Tier 3 always seemed to fatigue her. Her head stung from a painful headache which was caused by seemingly endless walls of text which needed to be studied for a variety of different reasons.

Angela was resting her weary body on one of her chairs which surrounded a small glass table in the center of her Tier 3 Apartment. Clad in nothing but a white towel she laid back and let the comfort of the pillows relax her muscles. Her hair was damp and hung loosely over her shoulders. She took another sip of the whiskey and sighed as she examined more entries in her personal log book. Looking into the past was something she liked to do every now and again, she had made the phrase “Never Forget Where You Came From” her life motto.

Her eyes lingered on the name Wendy Willingham, smirking to herself as she remembered how close they had been once upon a time. She vividly remembered the night the log had referenced. Every small detail from what they drank to the shortness of Wendy’s skirt; A fashion choice which only after Wendy left the Valentine to join World Congress, she had done to attract the girls on the ship…a trick Angela had adopted only to feel like the bombshell she was.

She looked up slightly over her hologram projection of her writings, to a large machine in the corner of her room, over the pile of her uniform and light pastel blue coloured lace bra and panties which topped the pile of clothing. She shook her head and stood from her seat, trying to put off the temptation. She moved toward her large liquor cabinet to pull out an old vintage whiskey which was given to her a long time ago. She poured a moderate amount into the glass, extending the volume of liquid which was already in there. She leaned over her kitchen counter, made of white marble with elven carvings etched into the sides. She felt the cold surface through her thin towel and press on her huge bust which sent a shiver down her spine. Taking a long sip and feeling the burn move down her once more she stared at the machine.

It was a simple padded seat with a glass dome encasing it. To the left of the seat was a small holographic keyboard and screen which glowed in the dimly lit apartment. After a moment of locking eyes with it she slammed the glass onto the counter and proceeded to approach the machine. She scolded herself in her mind, chastising her for using the machine again. As she approached, the glass dome begun to retract backwards like a simple sliding door, allowing her to sit in the seat. Once she was in a comfortable position the glass folded back over and closed her inside.

“Welcome to Memory-Make. Please State User ID.” A soft voice rose from inside the dome.

“Angela Bishop. Val Dash Two Six Six.” She rattled her identification without pause.

“Welcome Miss Bishop. What Memory Will You Be Visiting Today?”

“File name…Wendy.” She responded.

“File Found In Most Visited Filter. Will Miss Bishop Activate Sensory Mode?”

“Activate. Set to 100%” She laid back and clutched the cushioned arm rests of the chair, her heart beating quicker than usual.

“Warning. Setting Sensory Mode to 100% Will Make Your Memory No Different Than The Moment You Experienced It. This Includes Moments Of Pain And Emotions You Felt At The Time. Are You Sure You Want To Set Sensory Mode To 100% Miss Bishop?” Angela took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Ready to embrace what was going to take place.

“Yes. Please activate the memory.”

The glass around her had begun to change to a cloudy form. Angela heard and felt nothing, almost as if she was in a trance. At that moment she opened her eyes.

“So, here’s you your 1000th day in this hell hole Angie!” Wendy rose a glass of brown alcohol towards Angela. They both clashed their glasses lightly together and took a sip in sync with each other. Wendy Willingham was a pretty woman. Whilst nowhere near the curves of Angela or even Mckayla, Wendy filled in the female uniform very well. She wore her dark hair short just measuring below her pointed chin, fringe combed to one side covering her left aqua blue eye. They were both in the same uniform, but still had slight differences which made their own style unique.

While Angela wore her skirt longer and slightly loose, Wendy kept it tight and small, showing most of the top of her thigh high stockings. Angela kept her badges in pristine condition, whilst Wendy kept the only one which mattered over the right side of the uniform; the Valkyrie Squad insignia. Even the jacket differed, with Wendy having hers much tighter and form fitting with the Senior Investigator’s being quite baggy and handled with extreme care; A crease would never be found no matter how long you examined it.

“I was thinking earlier…” Angela began before moving slightly on the sofa to face Wendy.

“The old Drill Sargent.”

“Oh not him. Don’t remind me of that perv. Always trying to look up my skirt.” Wendy rolled her eyes and took a long sip of her drink.

“Mine too; I was just thinking if he remembers us. Seeing as both of us have the highest positions on the ship. We could order him around.”

Wendy chuckled, taking a moment to think about the image of that old man at their beck and call.

“Order him around huh? I bet you like ordering men around to do whatever you want.” Angela blushed, giggling. Wendy raised an eyebrow, intent on unwrapping certain mysteries which her friend kept close to her well developed chest.

“You know…I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with a man. I was looking forward to judging him from afar over all his imperfections.”

“Well…I-I just don’t think anyone really likes me.” Angela looked away, turning back to face forward on the comfortable sofa.

“Oh come on don’t be coy with me sister.” Wendy shuffled forward closer to her, wrapping one leg over the other causing her skirt to ride further up her legs.

“I’d sell my soul for tits like yours…and an ass like yours…and legs-”

“I get it.”

“You must be a fool if you think guys don’t want to have it on with you. What you got to do is flaunt what you got girl.” Wendy reached forward to place her glass on the trendy table in front of them and stood up, Angela followed her with her eyes as Wendy turned to face her.

“Up.” She motioned with her hand. Angela followed suit and stood up.

“Well firstly…” Wendy reached to Angela’s hips and grasped the waist of the white skirt and pulled up. Instantly it had stretched and tightened as more of her thighs were exposed. Angela blushed as she felt the skirt tightly wrap around her.

“There we go. Already you’re looking sexier than usual…Which I thought was impossible.” She winked and smiled at her, casing them both to blush. There was a short silence before Wendy started to unzip her jacket. Angela moved to adjust her skirt, slightly embarrassed over how high it was. Wendy slipped her jacket off and extended her arm to pass it to her friend. Underneath her jacket she had donned a white tank top and a necklace of dog tags with her name inscribed onto the ovular metal trinket.

“Come on, swap with me. I want to see how a smaller one fits in you.” Angela blushed and timidly began to unzip her jacket. Wendy watched intently, nibbling at her bottom lip as she quickly realised that Angela had only a black lace bra once the baggy garb was off her body. She looked in pristine condition ass per usual.

“I had no idea you liked lace Angie…You’re so cute.” She chucked and held her hip, taking in the view before the smaller jacket encased them in a shell of fabric.

“Shut up.” Angela said quickly. She had difficulty zipping the uniform up over her chest, but already she felt confidence. She looked to Wendy, who seemed transfixed on her chest.

“…Stop staring…” She muttered.

“You’ll get used to the looks Angie. Hell you’ll like the attention sooner rather than later, men already want you, just wait until they see you like this.”

“What about you, it’s not like I’ve ever seen you with a guy.”

“I’m different.” Wendy snapped in retort. She reached over and unpinned the Valkyrie insignia badge and held it up for Angela to see.

“As the leader of the Valkyrie Squad I have to maintain professionalism at all times. Which means no intimate relationships.” Angela’s elven ears flicked in reaction. She scoffed and sat back down on the sofa, looking up at the Willingham woman.

“Sure. Keep spouting that nonsense and I’ll believe you eventually.” She folded her leg over the other, just as Wendy did before. She raised an eyebrow as she took a long sip of the body warming whiskey. Wendy crossed her arms and grimaced.

“What do you mean?” She said sternly.

“Wendy come on. There’s a reason why I’m the new Senior Investigator on this ship. I can find out about all sorts of things, I know that Congress is looking for new ambassadors, I know Captain Rays has a ex-husband who turned to pirating. And…” She crossed her arms under her breasts and rested back onto the sofa, staring into the bright eyes of Wendy.

“And…?” She retorted quietly.

“You like girls.” Angela responded, raising an eyebrow. Wendy turned a deep shade of red, her heart sped at a mile a minute.

“I don’t mind by the way. I think its pretty obvious. You look at everyone in the showers all the time. Never give Andy Anderson any attention.”

“Andy Anderson is a jackass…”

“True but every straight girl has thought about him in that way.”

“He’s not my type.”

“Yeah because your type is boobs and a vagina.”

Wendy stayed quiet, scanning her brain to think of a comeback. She slumped down to the sofa beside Angela, flicking her vision from her new tight outfit to he face.

“Well I’ve seen you stealing glances at some of my squad. When they’re in their battle suits.” Angela shrugged and took a deep sigh. She felt the confidence flow through her, slowly getting to like the tightness of the uniform.

“That’s probably because I like girls too. And boys. I guess i’m”

“Bisexual…” Wendy muttered, their eyes met as the light hum of the ships engines gave the room a relaxing ambiance. Wendy slithered her tongue to moisten up her lips. She leaned forward slowly. Angela did the same. Her cheeks pulsing with heat. Their lips pressed together. It was like a stun shot from a laser. Angela felt her entire body tense up, she had never kissed a girl before. She eased up once she felt Wendy’s hand rest on her hip, guiding her to turn to face her. Angela pressed her legs together tightly as she felt Wendy slide her tongue into her mouth.

After a few moments of blissful kissing, Wendy retreated back to her side of the sofa. They both felt awkward, a quick playful kiss on the cheek was one thing, but a full on tongue dance was entirely different. Angela spoke first, muttering softly

“Wow…That was-”

“I’m sorry Angie. I dunno what I was thinking.” Wendy looked away from her friend, shame overcame her; a great ball of guilt and lust continued to grow inside of her.

“I’m just going to-” She was cut off when Angela pressed her lips on her once more. This time with more passion than surprise. Wendy wrapped her arms around her partners neck and quickly the guilt dispersed. They broke the kiss, immediately Wendy reached for the strained zipper of Angela’s jacket, the zipper zoomed down her chest with haste, Angela slipped it off her arms and down onto the sofa. She reached behind to unclasp the lace bra while Wendy pulled her top over her head, revealing her smaller, perky breasts. She looked at the pale body of Angela and grinned, seeing her huge chest bounce out of the bra.

“Here or your bedroom?” Wendy demanded. Angela was too busy kicking off her heels and pulling down the tight skirt down her thick thighs with difficulty to answer. Wendy shrugged and took her hand. Moving her body up from the sofa and slowly, step by step into the room behind them. The bedroom.

Angela gasped as her body landed on the large bed. She smiled as she saw Wendy approach and slowly crawl up the bed to meet her. She was quick to pull her skirt, underwear and stockings off before they even got into the bedroom itself.

“No panties? My you’re such a slut Angie…Bet you just want someone to pull that old baggy skirt up and give you some real love huh.” She pressed her fingers between Angela’s legs, slowly using her thumb to massage her clit. The Senior Investigator moaned and pressed her legs together as a reflex reaction to the sudden jolt of excitement which ran like a wave across her body. Wendy smiled as she began to kiss her thick body, starting at her lightly toned stomach moving up and up to her tits.

“Ahhh…” Angela breathed, closing her eyes tightly as Wendy slowly inserted her fingers into her pussy. Her toes curled and rose her knees up; wet slicking noises filled the room as Wendy slowly fucked her with her fingers.

“You’re cute when you’re horny.” Wendy grinned moving up her partners body to lay beside her. She used her free hand to pull Angela’s face towards her, she kissed her as she slid another finger inside. Angela squealed, pressing her legs as tightly together as they could as a climax erupted from her pussy. her hands gripped her bed sheets, mails digging firmly into the soft fabric.

They backed off each other for a moment as Angela recovered from one of the most intense feelings of pleasure she had ever received. A feeling of lightheadedness grew inside her once Wendy pulled now wet fingers out of her and began to lick her juices from her fingers. Angela proceeded to take a finger into her mouth as she sucked, wrapping her plump pink lips around he base of the finger, looking into Wendy’s eyes as she bobbed her head up and down slowly.

There was a quick flash of light. The memory skipped forward a few minutes. Now Wendy was laying on the bed, with Angela over her her legs pressed firm on her head as the Senior Investigator locked her in place. They were passionately giving oral stimulation to each other; Angela using her tongue to give her partners trimmed pussy long and fast love, while Wendy was going slow and deliberate. Both techniques were effective, as they both heard each others moans and reactions of their bodies when one of them hit a sweet spot. Heir hearts beat in sync, as did their orgasms. Within a second of each other their bodies locked up, letting the pleasure overcome them.

“F-fuck you’re so good…” Wendy panted as she licked her lips round and around. Angela blushed and rested her weary head on her partners thigh.

“You are too…That was amazing.” Angela replied simply, her body at equal fatigue.

There was yet another flash of light. A number of minutes past from the last memory. They laid together on the bed, only a few centimeters away from each other. Angela was transfixed on Wendy, whom was holding a long thick object in both hands.

“You like them big. Can you even get that to fit?” The Squad Leader muttered impressed. She herself was impressed with the firm red dildo in her hands. It was heavy, long and large; at least 9 inches. Angela nodded slowing in reply to the question with her face glowing red with embarrassment.

“This thing is almost as big as my brothers…” She spoke out loud. Angela raised an eyebrow.

“You’re kidding…” Her whole body reacted at the thought of a real cock the size of her favorite toy.

“H-how do you know you’re brother is that big?”

“Mmm, I walked in on him jerking it off once.” Wendy turned toward Angela, a devilish look came across her face.

“He was using both hands…” Angela blushed and parted her lips to let a deep breath escape.

“Both…?” Wendy nodded. moving the toy to rest on Angela’s stomach.

“Oh yeah…he’s hung. God only knows how many women hes ruined with it…and hes only 18” Angela felt her pussy tingle, her mind automatically thinking about him. She felt goosebumps form on her arms and legs as Wendy moved the toy up between her huge bust. slowly pushing it up and down as if a man was mounting her and fucking her tits.

“Just imagine it…my younger bro on top of you, slapping that horse cock all over your naked body…running his hands through your hair as he feels your lips wrap around this thick shaft. Slobbering all over his big balls.” Wendy giggled demonically sliding the toy down her body to her lips. Angela stared at the toy, bracing herself as the large head was inserted into her she immediately threw her head back and let out a loud


“Mmm, such a closet slut. Would you let him have his way with you? From tonight I can tell you like getting dominated.” Angela nodded slowly, pain from the dildo sending waves of euphoria up her body, closing her eyes she imagined being under this faceless brother of Wendy, suckling his huge cock as she looked up into his eyes.

“He’d spank that bubble butt of yours so hard you’ll see his hand on your ass for weeks.” She increased the speed, ploughing deeper into the size queen’s pussy stretching out her walls to adjust for the size let alone the speed and force.

“Oh fuck…give it to me…” Wendy moaned as she heard Angela talk so lewdly.

“You want my brother to fuck you stupid?”

“Yes…give it to me daddy.” She gasped as she came bucking her hips up as her body convulsed and vibrated. Wendy watched Angela, seeing her tongue slide out of her lips and eyes roll back into her head. The Senior Investigator went limp, feeling her body shiver every few seconds. She felt the dildo leave her, her mind telling her to put it back in as fast as possible. However her body was telling her that she needed to sleep. Wendy say Angela’s eyes flutter before closing, chest rising and falling as sleep took her away from the real world.

There was a blinding flash of light. The glass dome came into Angela’s view as she opened her eyes. Instantly she felt different. Her face was on fire, sweat sliding down her body leaving the towel which wrapped around her stunning body to absorb it all. She was breathing heavily and felt her erect nipples stab the damp towel. The glass dome began to retract into itself creating an opening for her to escape. She took a second to get to her feet, recovering from reliving her most erotic memory. She felt her wet thighs as she stood, clear that she felt too much of the memory. She slowly staggered to the outside of the memory machine; she pressed her hands onto the edge of the same sofa from that night, in order to keep herself from falling onto the cold hard floor.

“By the goddess…” She smiled to herself, pointed ears flicking with joy. Her mind lingered on the last part of the memory. About Wendy’s brother. Recalling her fantasies about the faceless Willingham sibling with a cock that big. His damn sister ruined her professional opinion of the guy, now all she’ll think about when she sees him is if what Wendy said was true.

“Was it just to get me excited…?” She muttered to herself. Quickly she saw a vision of her all all fours, Willingham behind her pulling her hair back as they kissed, his huge cock ball deep inside her. She blushed and shook her head.

“Can’t think like that. It’s against the rules.” She placed her hand on her forehead, wiping the sweat away from her brow. Slowly but surely she made her way back into the bathroom, needing to clean herself once more before passing out on her bed.
