Kayla’s Loan, Part II. [Freeuse] [Gangbang] [Gloryhole] [Mind Break]

It had been four months since Kayla had been accepted in the university of her dreams and by every account it was even better then she imagined. Her classes were challenging, yet rewarding, She participated in clubs she enjoyed, she started making good friends, She had even had free time for once, and decided to join some clubs she found interesting. She was in a much better place then where she was in highschool and often times found herself reflecting on that fact with a smile on her face.
The alarm went off and Kayla rose out of bed with a yawn. She stretched her limbs and sat up in bed, Basking in the morning sunlight as it reflected off her skin through the blinds. Since she got accepted in the university she had moved to an on campus dormitory and for the first time in her life got to enjoy the perks of having space to herself. Especially being able to sleep in nothing but a pair of her favorite black panties.
She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hands ran down her body as she admired her figure. She was no fitness model, but despite the slight pudge on her stomach she knew she had a good body. With a big butt and big breasts that promptly showed no matter what clothes she chose to wear.
Kayla got dressed and immediately began her morning routine. Which consisted of eating breakfast, going for a quick run on the treadmill, and making her schedule for the day. After finishing the first two things she scoured through her email and checked the due dates of her assignments to see what she’d need to be doing today. First she’d be heading to her classes, then working on a project with her friends before studying for an upcoming exam.
Upon browsing her email however there was another message. This one was marked as “Orientation” and sent by the school counselor. It was in a very basic layout, yet formal and straight to the point. It read “All students who are part of the campus relief scholarship program must report for orientation at Room 907, ‪at 12:00 AM‬ sharp. In order to have access to the room please go to your specified counselors office and tell him that you are there to go to orientation. Please note: Any students who fail to come to orientation will have their scholarships put on hold as well as their benefits frozen until further notice.”

“Well, looks like this is important” Kayla said to herself.  Mr. Richard said that the program that she needed to take part in….the one where she had to “service” students and teachers would begin soon after the semester started, but he did not say when. She scheduled in her planner to go to Mr. Richards office ‪at ‬11:50 sharp. Kayla had always been an early bird, and she wasn’t about to change that here.

The day went by pleasantly, her classes were enjoyable, and she had lunch with her friend Sonya. An outgoing, happy go lucky redhead who always had a smile on her face, and she got good work done on her project and assignments. Knocking out most of her work early. she decided that a nap before heading to Mr. Richards office and getting ready for the orientation would be just what she needed right now. A couple of hours flew by with Kayla sleeping soundly on her couch, before her alarm went off and she quickly rose to her ready.

She decided to go out in formal attire, despite knowing deep in her heart that this orientation might not be very formal. She made her way to Richards office. There he sat drinking a cup of coffee and reading the college newspaper with his legs resting on his desk. As soon as Kayla came in however he rushed to sit upright.

“Miss ishwari, please come in! Have a seat.” Kayla smiled warmly as she sat down in the chair in front of her. “How have your classes been going? The last time i talked to you was 4 months ago. Ever since then you didn’t even bother to pay me a visit, or send me a thank you card” Richard said with a smirk. Kayla laughed. “Well i’ve been too busy with all my classes which are also thanks to you, so i think we’re even”. The two joked about campus life and exchanged some small talk before getting to the reason why Kayla was there.

“This Orientation will definitely be something new and maybe even a bit scary especially for new students like you, but don’t worry, i assure you, the safety and well being of our students is our biggest priority.” Richard said with a smile.

That made Kayla ease up a little, but she was still nervous as to what awaited her. They began to make their way to room 907, walking down many corridors and hallways in the college campus before finally reaching a room with a black door near the campus garden. From the outside it seemed like nothing more then a janitors closet, but after the two stepped in, Richard closed the door behind them. Inside was to Kayla’s surprise, an elevator. Richard pushed the button to open its doors and the two entered inside.

As the elevator brought them down Kaylas anxiety brewed further and further, Clearly trembling but trying her best to hide it. Richard however could see right through her. He put his hand on her shoulder and told her that it was going to be alright, and that he’d watch over her. Kayla smiled, and began to relax a bit. Richard swore he saw her cheeks blush at that moment.

Finally the elevator stopped, and the two stepped out. Kayla looked on to see a large, wide, Hexagonal shaped room, Lit up with Dim orange lantern like lights and decorated quite beautifully. There In the room she looked up to see different devices and machines. She didn’t know their names at the time, but she would later find out that they are called “breeding benches” and “Fucking machines”, but those weren’t the only contractions there.

In that moment however, she wasn’t thinking about the machines, Kayla’s mind was in complete shock as to what was happening before her. There were dozens upon dozens of girls, all stark naked. All of them around her age. Being used and passed around by men like objects. Moans, screams, and groans filled the room like a choir. The smell of sweat and sex filled the air. There was a wall lined with girls asses poking out through holes. each of them bent over and stuck inside a hole in the wall. Their holes spread open as men pounded away at them, Like they were toys. Some of them even had tally marks written on them, as well as phrases Kayla had never heard of.

Before Kayla could take in the shock of seeing a place like this, Richard instructed her to follow him. The two walked to a door that led to another room of the same shape and size. This one also had machines in the middle of it, with dozens of girls strapped to them, but this time the girls in the walls only had their faces and breasts poking through the holes, each of them taking care of a different man. Richard smiled. “The girls in the walls are usually referred to as “gloryholes” or “fleshlights”. We made this set up as it allows two students to use one girl at a time, making it more time efficient and convenient.”

Richard lead her to a corner of the room, where there stood a tall women with raven black hair and blue eyes. She towered over Kayla, and had a toned, muscled body and big breasts to match. she looked like an amazonian to the young girl. She wore a black latex outfit. Which covered next to nothing. Her nipples just barely covered by two pasties, and the only bottoms she wore was a black thong. Richard patted Kayla on the back. “Alexandra, meet Kayla, The girl i told you about. Kayla, this is Alexandra, one of the people who will teach you the ropes around here.”

Kayla could hardly speak and while tremblingly she let out a meek “Hello”. Alexandra didn’t respond at first, instead she looked up at Richard and gave him a death glare. Richard just shrugged, “Hey i told you, she’s a pretty innocent one.”

Kayla didn’t move, she just stood there trembling. The woman looked at her, and fear immediately gripped her heart. “You will obey me from here on out kayla if you wish to keep your scholarship, Richard, Put her on her knees.” Richard put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her down. “Listen to what she says Kayla, Otherwise you wont have a scholarship to worry about anymore.”

Kayla’s knees hit the floor, too weak to fight Richards power. “Open your mouth” Alexandra barked, Looking directly into the young girl with eyes like that of a viper. Kayla could feel the power and venom in her words, she meekly did as she was told. Kayla has never had a problem following instructions, but this was different, this felt both foreign yet familiar at the same time. In a strange way she felt as though she was simply following the orders of another teacher. Upon seeing the girl open her mouth Alexandra leaned down, looking at her innocent puppy eyes, and without a hint of remorse she spit into the girls open mouth.

Kayla winced, she wanted to immediately spit it back out, disgusted by such an act, but she also knew that this woman could easily overpower her. She was helpless in this situation. Alexandra kept her eyes fixed on Kayla’s. “Swallow” she commanded. Saying the word in a slow, annunciated way. Kayla shook her head. The tall women pushed her foot right up between the legs of the girl before her, grabbing her neck and coming nose to nose against her face. “Swallow” She said again, the words filled with venom and coldness. Kayla was completely gripped by fear. Just feeling Alexandra’s strong grip around her neck made her shudder. She swallowed as she was commanded.

“Listen girl, For the last four months you have been enjoying all the perks we gave you, but now it’s time you give back and pay up the debt you owe. You have two choices. You can either walk out the door with Richard right now, your scholarship will be cancelled and you’ll be promptly removed from our academy. Or you can keep staying here, and begin paying off the debt by giving yourself to me and do everything i say without question, is that clear?”

Kaylas body continued to tremble but she knew she couldn’t give up. This felt like a test for her. A trial to see if she had the strength to persevere through this. She had to do this. for her family, for her own future. She would never be able to live with herself if she quit now. She nodded or head slowly. Alexandra smiled. “Looks like tonight i’ll be cracking open another virgin.” her eyes shot to Richard. “Strip her and leash her”. Richard nodded. “Yes ma’am”.

He grabbed the back of kayla’s shirt, and pulled it off her, Kayla obliged, her face going red as she was exposed. He picked her up and pulled her pants down, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. Richard quickly undid her bra and tossed it to the side, before ordering her to take off her panties. Kayla was surprised by the sound of his voice, he sounded different now, nothing like the kind older man she met before. Richard went to go bring the leash, upon returning he attached the collar to Kaylas neck from
behind the girl. Ordering her to hold still as he did so. The collar fitted tight, Whilst Kayla could still breathe its presence was always going to be known.

Richard put the leash attached to the collar in Alexandra’s hand. The amazonian like woman cracked a smile. “Crawl” she demanded. She began to walk to the other side of the room as Kayla fell to her knees, scrambling to crawl quickly and keep up with her pace. She felt so humiliated. No one had ever seen her naked before, but now she was on her hands and knees, being walked like an animal with her bare body on full display. She could feel the eyes of the men in the room looking at her. Like wolves hungry for fresh meat. This was not how Kayla pictured her first time being naked in front of a man would go, let alone dozens upon dozens of students in her campus. Alexandra stopped at a chair at the side of the room, sitting down on it as if sitting on a throne. Her firearms on resting on each arm rest.

She spread her legs and pulled her panties to the side, giving Kayla full view of her nether region. She had a patch of black hair on her crotch and her pink slit in between was visibly wet. “Greet me properly” She demanded, with a smirk on her face. Kayla trembled on her knees, unsure of what to do. Alexandra sighed, rolling her eyes.

She grabbed Kayla by the back of her head and pushed the young girls face into her crotch. looking into her eyes the entire time with a smile that didn’t waiver. “Greet. Me. Properly” she demanded again. Kayla had never felt the feeling surging through her in her life. The strength of this woman was immense, she couldnt pull her head away from her grip even if she tried to.

Kayla immediately started moving her tongue against the woman’s pussy. “Smart girl” Alexandra said with a chuckle. The woman enjoyed herself as the young virgins tongue lapped away at her vagina, moaning in pleasure and spreading her legs wide. Teaching her how to place her tongue and how to stroke her clit. Kayla found herself getting entranced in the act without realizing it. As the woman neared orgasm she put both hands on the girls head, spreading her legs and pushing herself into her mouth. “Fuck, Give it to me.” She shouted out without holding back.

Some men who were previously busy using other girls for their own pleasure began to watch. Alexandra Wrapped her thighs around Kayla’s head as she came, putting her in a head lock and throwing her head back. The innocent, inexperienced girl couldn’t breathe as her tongue smothered against her wet clit. The orgasm lasted only 20 seconds, but for Kayla it felt that she was suffocated for a lot longer. As Alexandra recovered, she let go of her leg lock around Kayla’s neck. Kayla gasped for air coughing as strands of saliva and pussy juice connected her mouth to the women’s body part.

Alexandra smiled at her. “Looks like you’ll do well bitch” she said in a confident tone. But that was just the very beginning of this little “orientation””. She picked Kayla up and threw her over her shoulder, making her way to one of the empty breeding benches. There she placed the young girls body down in place and waved her head, beckoning someone to come over. Kayla didn’t know what was happening, still recovering from being smothered and having her mouth get used for Alexandra’s pleasure, but as the person Alexandra called over drew near, her eyes began to widen.

Mr. Richard stood before her, not a scrap of clothes on his body. His muscles fully exposed to Kayla, as well as his cock. Which was hard and covered in lube. The older man smiled. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since i laid eyes on her”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fp4tb8/kaylas_loan_part_ii_freeuse_gangbang_gloryhole


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