The Wrong Road Part 6 [MF] [Oral] [Anal] [Witchcraft]

“Luke the reason I called this rare conference of practitioners is to decide what to do with you.
How are we to train you, who is going to train you and last but not least, is it safe for you to have these ability’s?” Lucretia told me.

It took me a moment for Lucretia’s words to sink in.
It wasn’t so much what she said as it was the implications of her words.
If it turns out they felt that it wasn’t safe for me to have these ability’s what could they do about it?
What would they do about it?
Was there a danger here for me, should I be watching over my shoulder?

Suddenly everybody seemed just a tad less friendly.
“Luke,” Keiko spoke up snapping me out of my introspection.
“Luke why don’t you walk with me for a while.
If that’s OK with Lucretia.”
“I think that that is an excellent idea Lucretia said to Keiko, why don’t the two of you take the afternoon and get to know each other.
There will be plenty of time to meet the others.”

Keiko and I began our hike through the back yard and into the woods.
Walking along the well-manicured path we spent the first few minutes noting the various plants that grew in profusion along the walkway.

Lucretia had brought in plants from all over the globe.
Many of these would never grow outside their native grounds due to having been adapted for millennium to the climate that nurtured them.
Yet somehow Lucretia had coaxed them into not only surviving here but thriving.

“Keiko, Lucretia tells me you and her have been friends for quite some time.
How did you meet, what brought you two together?”
“Ah Luke that is indeed a long story, but I will do my best to keep it relatively short.
Before that let me tell you about my history.

I don’t know the exact year I was born due to poor record keeping of the time but the best guess was around 1320.
When I was around ten years old I discovered that I had skills that none of the other kids had.”
Doing some quick math in my head I was startled.
“Wait a minute, Keiko are you telling me your almost 700 years old?”
“Yes Luke I am.

Now if you would please allow me to go on with my story.
My parents were afraid that I would be branded what today would be called a witch.
To that end my mother took me to a monastery to be kept safe and to be taught how to control what was inside me.

There I had made an impression on a very ancient monk his name was Asahi.
He was so incredibly old and appeared so frail that many mistook him for an invalid yet I don’t think there was anyone there who would stand a chance in a fight with him.

Anyways he took a liking to me and took me under his wing as his personal student.
This caused a lot of questions from the others there.
Everyone else was tutored by the entire staff of monks.
It was unheard of that a single student would be taught be just one monk.

However Asahi had considerable stature and pull, so in the end his will prevailed.
What many of the other didn’t know is that Asahi was himself a practitioner of the arts.
One of the strongest I had ever met.
He saw in me his successor, someone carry on his teachings.

I spent twenty years as his student.
One day he told me he was tired and wished to go on a journey.
That was the last time I ever spoke to him.

Although about a hundred years later I thought I caught a glimpse of him in a market in Istanbul.
However when I went after him he was nowhere to be found.

I did find on a post near an alley a silk belt that was exactly like the one he wore every day while I was his student.
I think he left it there for me as a jest or just to let me know he was still alive.

Every so often I catch sight of someone who looks like him.
I would give chase but never was I able to catch him.
I believe he thinks it’s a grand joke to play on me.
So nowadays if I catch sight of him I just smile and wave, never bothering to give chase.

Now back to your question.
I was in Sweden visiting old friends.
It was November, the Danish King Christian II had just been crowned king of Sweden.

Four days later there was an invasion of Sweden by the Danes.
Followed the next day by the execution of the entire Swedish Royal family.
In the middle of this carnage and bloodbath I spied a woman walking calmly through the blood covered courtyard while all around her people were being killed by the sword.
Not one person, not a soul ever looked in her direction as she walked through the courtyard.
They had to have seen her yet none saw her.

Right away I knew she was a practitioner.
None but one of us could have done such a thing.
So crafting a quick cloak of indifference where others would see me but not care, I walked through that same bloodbath and strode right up to her.

To say that she was startled would be an understatement.
For just the briefest moment she let her guard down and was spotted by one of the invaders.
Sensing this I extended my cloak around her.
The soldier did a double take, blinked and went back to his killing of the Royals.

The two of us walked out of that courtyard and onto the road leading away from the seat of power.
Once safely away from the fighting and carnage we found a quiet place to sit where we wouldn’t be attacked.

After our introductions we began the process of discovering our mutual practices of the arts.
For the next twelve years she and I traveled the world as friends and lovers.
There came a day when Lucretia wished to stay in Lassa to study with the monks there.
I on the other hand was desiring to go back to Japan to further my education.

So on that day she and I went our separate ways.
There was no anger, no disappointment.
We knew this day would come and we also knew we would remain friends for life.

Over the intervening years we would manage to meet up and spend time together until we need to once again part.
And that Luke is the short story of Keiko and Lucretia.”

As we walked along Keiko told me more about her life and travels.
I guess when you are 700 years old you tend to get around.
That thought brought to mind something that has been stewing for a bit.
While I had considered it empirically the idea that I may live that long came rushing up to the front of my brain.

I was deep in contemplation when we stopped at the pond.
Keiko looked out over the water and flicked her finger at the Obi holding her Kimono closed.
At her touch the Kimono vaporized into the air.

Standing before me was the very vision of feminine beauty.
Her skin was just a shade darker than pale, her breasts were at best an “A” cup with large pink nipples.
Her hips were in perfect proportion to the rest of her.

My being naked didn’t help me hide my reaction to her magnificent body.
Keiko turned towards me to say something and halted her attempt.
What she did was to stare at my now engorged cock as it responded to the vision before me.

“Luke, what a sweet boy.
I like you to.” She said with a slight giggle.
I on the other hand was embarrassed to the core.
“Luke don’t worry about it.
It’s not the first one I’ve seen.”

“Keiko, you’re not making me feel any better!” I laughed.
Keiko I have question, while I don’t mind any longer walking around naked, I would like to learn how you use the “water” to fashion clothing.
It may just come in handy one day!”

“Luke it’s not that hard.
You just have to think about the clothing you wish to wear,
Picture it in your mind, the look, the texture and how it feels upon your body.
Why not try for something simple like a toga.
It’s one piece and will do for the sake of modesty.”

Standing very still I began to form an image in my mind of a Roman toga.
At first nothing was happening.
In a few moments the “water” began to ooze out from my pores and gel around my upper torso.

“I feel something happening, there is a tingling all over my upper torso.”
I don’t know what happened next.
I do know that Keiko broke out into a major belly laugh and began rolling around on the ground laughing.

“What, what’s so funny?” I asked.
“Luke, look down!” She said.
Oh shit! Where a toga should have been, I discovered that in its place were wild flowers.
Damn it those were the flowers I had been looking at a second earlier.

Keiko never stopped her laughter, if anything she was getting more worked up.
“Oh Ha Ha, go ahead and have your fun!” I told her.
Forcing my tiny brain to work I concentrated on making the “water” return into my body.
As I did this the flowers began to vaporize.

“Luke don’t worry about it your secret is safe with me, kind of.
Come over here and join me in a swim.”
As Keiko waded out into the water I watched the water from the pond bead up upon her skin, lucky water I thought.
Following her into the pond I couldn’t help but laugh at my attempt.
After all it was pretty funny.

Turning to look back at the bank I suddenly felt Keiko’s arms around my waist.
Moving forward out of her arms I turned to face her.
“Luke, did I do something wrong?” She asked me.
“No, no you didn’t.
It’s just that Lucretia and I have been, well together and I don’t want to cheat on her.” I told Keiko.

“Luke that is so sweet and noble.
I find your attitude quite refreshing.
You’re not someone who will jump in the sack with just anyone.
More and more I am beginning to see in you a man who believes in leading an ethical life.
So if you will forgive me I promise I won’t try to seduce you, today that is!”
“That would be much appreciated.” I said.

Splashing around the pond for a bit gave a relief form my earlier embarrassment.
Taking a breather we lay side by side on the bank as we began to chat.
“Keiko, may I ask you a question?”
“Luke you can ask me anything and I will try my best to answer you.” She said.

Before we went for our walk and the three of us were chatting,
Lucretia said “Is it safe for me to have these ability’s”.
How will they determine that it is safe for me and if for some reason they feel it isn’t what can or will they do to prevent me from having them?
I had this image in my mind of a shallow grave where my body was dumped!” I told her.

“Oh Luke, we don’t do things like that.
Should we find a person of poor character we just install a block within them that prevents them from being able to access those areas in the mind that would allow them to create the equations to practice the arts.

This has no effect whatsoever on person’s mental abilities.
Everything in their mind still work the way it did before.
They just can’t make those equations work, that’s all.

Luke I want, no I need you to understand this, we cause no harm to anyone and we certainly do not kill.
We abhor violence, we do our best to not interfere with people’s lives.
On those rare occasions we feel the need to step in so to speak, it requires a gathering of practitioners.
And a majority vote to take action.

During the last world war we gathered and worked towards keeping that catastrophe from becoming worse.
Right away you might be thinking of the millions who were murdered in the camps and those killed elsewhere in the name of Nazism.

Luke there are only so many of us practitioners and only so much that can be done.
Every one of us tore our hearts out and shed countless tears over such horrors.

Luke none of us can fathom the future.
None of us singly or as a whole are wise enough to influence the future.
Any who would try to do so may find a block placed upon themselves.

So Luke I need to be brutally honest with you.
You have exhibited something that is so incredibly rare as to be seen only once in the last few hundred years.
For an untrained person to cause a weather phenomenon on the scale you did is unheard of.
When Lucretia reported how the brush fire was extinguished the entire community was in shock.

Luke as Lucretia said, you are the reason this gathering was called!
We are here to judge you and your character.
I have been in contact with Lucretia ever since you came to her attention.

So far as I can tell you are a person of high moral character.
I know also that Lucretia is of the same opinion.
What remains to be seen is whether the others feel the same way.

As we made our way back to the house the talk became lighter and a bit more teasing on Keiko’s part.
Keiko had a way of talking that included a lot of touchy feely moments.
I don’t think she even knew she was doing this, it just seemed so natural for her to express herself in this manner.
Under normal circumstances I would be all over her.

However today was a bit different, I was on my way to judgment.
Deep within myself I was filled with self-doubt and fear.
I was to be tested and what would they find?
I don’t think any amount of politicking would matter.
In fact I think that would only make it worse, trying to impress people only brought me trouble.

Once back in the house Lucretia brought us two tall glasses of lemonade.
I will say this about Lucretia, she had a knack of knowing what a person needed and when they needed it.
My throat was parched from the dry weather along with worrying about the future.
The drink went down cold and felt like heaven.

“Lucretia, I must say I am most impressed with this young man.
If you ask my opinion he will do just fine this weekend.
He has a quick mind and a good solid upbringing and a feel for the ethical.
Do you know I tried to seduce him down by the pond and he would have none of it.

This little shit turned me down, why because he was loyal to you and didn’t wish to hurt you.” Keiko told her.
“Keiko that is the sweetest thing I have heard in ages.
I think we need to find a way to reward him, don’t you think?” Lucretia told Keiko.
With a sly smile upon their faces Keiko and Lucretia shared a high five.

“Luke I would like you to join us in the backyard.
I think it’s time to introduce you to all the guests.
Please don’t be nervous, everyone here are my friends and each of them are good decent folk.

If you don’t try to impress them and just be yourself you will do just fine.
Remember they haven’t reached the ages they have and not learned to smell bullshit from miles away.” Lucretia told me.

That being said Lucretia leaned in for kiss.
I had in mind a light peck on the lips, she on the other hand dove in and nearly suffocated me by keeping this kiss going for a marathon period.
When we finally broke apart I saw Keiko fanning herself in mock overheating along with making kissy faces at the two of us.
This garnered her a swat on the bottom from Lucretia.

Walking along the path I spotted a dozen more wagons and an equal amount of cars that had to have come after Keiko and I wandered off.
As we rounded the corner I was startled to see throngs of party goers partaking of the food and companionship.
There had to have been an easy hundred or more in attendance.

With Lucretia on one arm and Keiko on the other I began the dizzying task of being introduced to each and every one of the guests.
I pray to god that I wasn’t going to be judged on name retention, I would surly fail if that were the case.

Ladies and Gentleman;
May I have your attention please.
I hope all of you are feeling well and able to relax from your journey to my home.
I want you to know how appreciative I am that everyone was able to make the trip.
So many of us haven’t seen each other in many years and there is so much catching up to do.

“Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for making the journey to my home today.
I know each of us has many things to do and that this interruption in your schedules has come upon you with rather short notice.
So once again I say thank you.”

“For many of us we are meeting old friends we haven’t seen in years and there is much catching up to do along with all the best juicy gossip we have to divulge to one another.
So without wasting any more time, it is my honor and true pleasure to introduce to each and everyone my friend and student Luke.”

“Luke came to my attention some years ago as a promising student in the field of mathematics.”
As Lucretia made her announcement I could see heads all around the yard nodding when the word mathematics was spoken.

“I had intended to make this introduction next year after I had the opportunity to further Luke’s education.
However as you are aware events have a way of ruining plans one may make.
You all know me and know that I am not prone to making rash decisions.
If anything I am a slow and methodical researcher concerning the “arts”.

“Just for the sake of clarity I would like to give a quick review of the events that has brought us all together.
Over the course of five months I have been tutoring Luke in the basics of the arts.
Luke has proven to be an apt student.
Yes there have been moments of failure and not quite a few moments of comic relief.

I promised Luke I wouldn’t embarrass him in front of this august crowd by speaking of a toga composed of wild flowers.
I’m sorry Luke but that was just to good to pass up, please forgive me.” Lucretia said with a chuckle.
It’s Keiko’s fault anyways for spilling the beans.”

The look I shot both of the girls should have frozen the Medusa solid.
Or it would have if I didn’t begin to laugh at myself and my lame attempt to fashion a toga.
In view of my self abasement the crowd went wild with their own laughter.
Someone in the crowd shouted “Wait till you hear my stories of my screw ups!”
This simple affirmation of human fallibility released a ton of the tension I was feeling.

Continuing her speech Lucretia called for the attention of the guests.
“A few days into Luke’s apprenticeship we undertook a simple task of making a small object move.
Luke is one of those folks with a natural affinity towards mathematics.
If everyone here thinks back to their own first attempts at doing anything with the arts, I’m sure we wouldn’t wish the video to hit the internet.”

In the crowd you could see many of those present take a deep swallow and look around rather sheepishly.

“That first attempt proved to be most informative.
Within only a few tries Luke managed to achieve his goal.
This was far faster than my own feeble attempts.
From there his skill level progressed in a more normal fashion.

However the reason I have gathered all of you here is what occurred last week.
In the woods behind us some careless hikers or hunters started a fire for their lunch and failed to properly extinguish it when they left.
The Gorth rushed into my backyard to alert of of the threat.

Luke and I rushed to the source of the flames and began trying to put out the fire.
However by the time we had reached the fire we were unable to cope with it’s magnitude.

Stomping out as much as we could we realized that it wouldn’t be enough.
At the time I was just beginning to craft a small shower of rain to assist us.
Everyone here who has ever tried to control the weather understands how difficult this can be.
Yet without ever having the knowledge or skill, Luke on the spur of the moment created a downpour that doused the fire in a mater of seconds.” Lucretia told the audience.

Upon this pronouncement there was a roar of murmurs.
Followed by everyone turning towards their nearest neighbors to consult.
“How large was this storm?” A woman dressed in Victorian garb asked.

In response Lucretia told the gathering, “The storm Luke raised blackened the sky for as far as the eye could see.
Yet the actual downpour was limited to the exact area where the fire was burning, not one yard further than necessary to douse the flames.

When the last ember died away the sky lightened and the rain ceased.”
Once again the onlookers began to yammer and flit back and forth between themselves.

“Lucretia, are you telling us that Luke is an instinctive?”
A man dressed like a Persian Sultan asked.
“Yes Ahmed, that is exactly what I mean.” Lucretia told him.
Now the crowd truly went crazy.


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