The Lonely Princess [fm][fantasy][fdom][msub][reluc]

The dungeon was dark and damp, I could hear something scurrying around beneath me. I pointed my torch at the ground. As the light illuminated the floor, a small animal hissed and ran away, as if it were afraid of the light.

What am I doing? This is no place for a princess. I looked back at the stairs, perhaps I should go back. Back to my nice warm room, my soft bed and loyal cats. No, I must continue, this is my last chance.

I continued down the dungeon halls, looking at various cells. They were all empty, we only had one prisoner this night. He must be bruised and beaten, cold and shivering. As I thought about him, all alone and helpless, my legs began to shake.

I had to stop for a moment, I could barely breath. I leaned against the wall, it was cold and dirty. I pulled up my night gown, the cold air blew through my legs. Back In my room I had removed my small clothes, I wouldn't be needing them. I placed my torch in one of the sconces lining the hallway. The lonely vessel finally had a purpose, something to fill and warm It. I laughed at my own thoughts, to think I was empathizing with a sconce. Then again I wasn't much different than one of these sconces, all alone up in my tower. A Lonely princess with no one to warm my bed. I was beginning to feel melancholy so I continued on with my original course of action. I moved my hand down and touched my self, my hand was so cold, It made me shiver. At first I just rubbed, but as I warmed myself up I realized that wouldn't be enough. I used my index and ring fingers to spread my lips not meant for kissing, then I placed my middle one where It needed to go. I was so wet, I just wanted to tease myself, but this was too much. I pushed my finger in deep and It was like my legs lost all their strength, they buckled and I feel to the floor. "Ooooh Jaime!" I cried out.

Feeling embarrassed I pushed myself off the ground and let my nightgown fall back down to my feet. I decided I was being foolish, picked up the torch and decided to head back. I was walking back when I thought I heard something, I stopped and listened for a moment. Then I heard It again.

"Hilaria…," the noise said. It whispered it, it whispered my name. "Hilaria…Is anyone there?" It was Jaime, he was calling me. Better judgment be damned, I wanted him. He must have heard my cries. I hurried down the corridor "Please, if anyone is there answer me," he begged. I reached the cell from where his voice was coming "Hilaria!" He squealed in joy, imagine what his face would look like if instead of me it was a guard or my father at the door.

I grabbed the key resting in my pocket, stolen off a guard's belt. I unlocked the door and pulled it open, it creaked. "Jaime," I said clear and confident. I was no longer the lonely princess who needed a man. I was the brave adventurer, rescuing a helpless victim.

"Hilaria, oh gods be good, it is you!" Jaime said. He was stripped naked his long brown hair covering half his face. "Please you must help me escape!" His eyes were wide open, like a hopeful little babe who had never seen the real world.

"Oh I will." I smiled, realizing he was all mine. His naked body was lean and toned, like most peasants he couldn't afford to be fat. "But first you have to help me."

"H-How could I help you?" He asked, so confused, so innocent.

"With this." I Placed my torch in the cells sconce, this time I felt more akin to the torch. Then I bent down touching my toes and pulled up my nightgown, over my head, I cast It aside. Jaime stared at me in awe, I could only imagine what I looked like from his perspective. The beautiful blonde princess, her long golden hair shimmering in the torchlight and her naked white body. My plump breasts and buttocks, how they must make him feel, I could not know. Then I saw it, as he stood up tall, his little member began to rise, perhaps I could know how he felt.

"H-Hilaria, what-what am I to do?" He asked, far more nervous than I ever was.

"You're to fuck me." I couldn't help but laugh, I was so excited.

"B-but they will kill me, your father will kill me!"

"He already wants to kill you. Either you can fuck me and I'll help you escape. Or I'll close the cell door and let you play with yourself until tomorrow morning when they come to cut off your head." Jaime thought deep and hard, straining his peasant brain I'm sure.

"Alright, but I do this for my life." And your cock, I thought. He began to walk towards me, towards the door. He walked awkwardly, not sure what to do.

"Hold it!" I said. I closed the door and walked towards him " I suppose I have to do everything" I grabbed his wrists and pulled them against my tits. "Play with them or something!" He began to awkwardly fondle them, and I started kissing him. His breath stunk, his hair stunk, he just stunk. I could feel his penis rubbing against my thighs, it made me giggle. Then the fool did something really stupid, he bit my tongue."Ah, gods!" He let go of my breasts and jumped back.

"I'm sorry milady!"

"You're sorry?!" I yelled. He simply nodded and looked ashamed "You're sorry, so you stop kissing me? Have you been with a girl Jaime?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"You haven't…" I pondered on it a moment. I liked that he was mine, mine alone to corrupt. "Well then I suppose I'll forgive you, but come back here, we haven't even really begun."

"Yes milady." He walked back towards me and started to fondle my breasts once again, squeezing them and pulling them. I started to kiss and lick his neck, it tasted salty. It was gross and arousing at the same time. "H-Hilaria?"

"Yes Jaime?"

"Could I, could I try something different." He was growing bolder by the minute.

"I suppose." I said. He moved his hands down and grabbed my butt, he squeezed my cheeks then pulled me against him. My breasts pushed against his chest and his penis slipped in between my legs, it brushed my lips. His face was red. He spread my ass and began playing with my anus. The second he touched it I moaned.

"I'm sorry!" He cried, retreating his fingers. I pulled back my right hand and slapped him.

"You keep going damn it!" I shrieked. He then moved his hands back, but was being far too careful. "I've had enough of foreplay, lay down"

"Yes," he said slowly laying on the stone floor. I kneeled down and crawled on top of him.

"Put it in," I said flicking his cock.


"Oh for the sake of the gods!" I grabbed his dick with one hand, having to keep my other hand against the ground to hold me up, and moved my lips with his cock. "Oooh, uh-uumm" It felt so good as I pushed him inside of me. I placed my hand back against the floor, letting gravity do the rest. I slowly sunk down and as I did, he sunk into me. It all felt so good, and different, and special.

"Pri-Princess, It feels so good," Jaime said.

"Yes," I said, then I began to rub my body against his.

"Let me help," He said. He rolled me over so I was against the floor. I was about to protest, not wanting my back to get filthy, but then he started to thrust. His warm meaty dick moved up and down inside me.

"Oooh yes, Jaime, fuh-faster," I moaned. My eyes were tearing up from joy. He heeded my command and began to go faster. I was elated, I smiled so wide it hurt.

"I-I feel strange, l-like I'm about to explode!" He said.

"Nuh-Not yet, try to fight it!" I could feel myself getting ready to burst, he was so deep inside me, I was so wet and sweaty. There was a puddle of bodily fluids underneath me. "I-I'm going to cum Jaime, I'm going to cum."


"You can uh-um, let go, let it all go," I whispered. He nodded his head and began to spasm, his body and his cock, I felt his juices pumping into me. They filled me up, but It didn't stop there, he just kept cumming and it began to leak out down my legs. I could feel his juices moving down my skin, slowly turning cold.

All of a sudden I was in a different a world, a different plane of existence. All my troubles were gone, and in their place: pleasure. This wonderful feeling lasted for a few moments, possibly for a lifetime, but sure enough it ended. Jaime's body had gone limp, he rolled off me onto the floor. We both laid there, catching our breath. After a few seconds Jaime said something.



"C-could we hold hands?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment, he was so innocent.

"I suppose," I said. He moved his hand over towards mine and slid his fingers through mine then squeezed. I did the same. For a little while we were just two young kids in love.

Eventually I realized soon morning would be here and I had to help him escape. I put back on my clothes and led him out of the castle through one of the back exits. I watched him run through the grass in the morning sun his nakedness disappearing into the forest. I had done good.

I returned to my room and laid back down on my bed, the soft blankets covering me. Right before I fell asleep, I realized something.

We needed more prisoners.

(This story was previously uploaded on Hentai Foundry under the username Job H. Sawyer. I've changed my pseudonym to Sergio J. Guerrero and will be uploading original content here.)


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