[F] Christmas Eve ( a foot fetish, humiliation, masturbation story)

Christmas Eve

My Goddess had invited me to spend ‘Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning’ with her in her flat. Not the actual Christmas Eve and following morning… we both had family commitments at that time… but a night over Christmas when we were both free to be together. I arrived at her place, and was delighted to find her Christmas tree lit up with white lights and looking so seasonal, and… her cousin Evelyn was there when I arrived.

‘Wanker, this is Evelyn, my cousin. Evelyn… wanker…’

We said Hello to each other. Evelyn was darker than Violet, shorter hair and very pretty. I couldn’t resist… her shoes; black leather flats, looking quite old and well worn. I liked her shoes.

A little later, after tea, I sat on the floor with my back to Violet’s chair, my shoulder resting against her leg. She had set up my favourite Christmas film to watch, “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Evelyn was on the sofa to the right, her leather shoes discarded by her side on the floor, and her feet on the sofa at the far end. She had beautiful feet, her nails painted a holly berry red, except for the second toe on each foot, which was a Christmassy green. Her toes looked gorgeous, and I studied both hers and Violet’s toes to see if there were any family resemblance, being cousins. They were a little different, Eve’s second toe being longer than her big toe, whilst Violet’s is just slightly shorter. But both pairs of feet were so gorgeous… exciting… beguiling….

We watched the film. It was lovely, and we had a drink before retiring to bed. We left Eve tidying up the last few things in the kitchen. Violet had allowed me to sleep in her room, at the bottom of her bed on a drawn up couch. I was near her feet, but they were under her duvet, and covered up. It was such a privilege to be able to sleep near her, even if any touching was certainly not allowed. I had a little trouble getting to sleep, as in addition to the present I had brought her and put under the tree already for the following morning, I had another surprise gift that I intended to put under the tree whilst she slept. And… I couldn’t forget Eve’s shoes. They had been left by the sofa when she went into the kitchen before retiring. I felt my cock stir slightly as I imagined her shoes, still there… They had looked so erotic, the leather so worn and showing the shape of her toes on the outside; what would the insides look like, where her feet had rested and flexed as she walked around in them.

I got up, and found Violet’s extra present, and made my way naked into the living room. The tree lights were still on, giving a soft white glow to the room, and – my heart leapt – Eve’s shoes were there on the floor. As I walked forward I had a further shock; a body on the sofa… Eve was sleeping there. What should I do? If I returned to my room, these shoes would just be on my mind, calling to me….

I crept forward, and placed Violet’s gift under the tree, and turned on my heels and sat on the carpet, gently laying my back against Eve’s sofa. I couldn’t resist her shoes. So black, so worn, the fronts of them so low down her foot that her toe cleavage had been obvious when I’d first met her, and the marks of her toes would be so open to be seen in the half light from the tree. I held one of her shoes in my hand, looking at the toe prints in the leather, the indents of her foot in the leather sole. I drew the shoe up to my face, and inhaled slowly the scent of her foot. It was wonderful… I was sitting naked, my cock filling and shifting, and inevitably I reached down to hold it, to start stroking it. Her shoe was on my face, and I put out my tongue, searching for the sole and the taste of her sweat, the sharp salt hit from the sweat of her feet…

“What are you doing”?

A panic lurch. I dropped my cock from my hand. ‘I… er…’

“Are you wanking?”

I didn’t know what to say. I put her shoe down.

“You were wanking to my shoe!” I felt her hair on my shoulder as she looked over at me.

“Violet’s told me about this….” She paused. “You’re such a wanker! Wanking to my shoes…”

‘I…I know. I’m sorry…’

“No need to be sorry…. If you’re such a wanker, you need to wank!” A pause. “Pick up my shoe”.

I did so. “Carry on”.

I felt her hair still on my shoulder, her looking on closely, as I brought her shoe up to my face again.

“Come on wanker. Wank!”

I took hold of my cock again, started to wank once more as I again took in the scent from her shoe. I could feel her warm breath against my ear. She was watching as I inhaled her shoe scent.

“Taste…. Taste it”

I again pushed my tongue forward, tasting again the sharp sting of her sweat, salty, edgy, a vinegar sharpness. I felt her shifting about behind me, her hand heavily on my shoulder for a moment, and then her foot was there, her ankle resting on my shoulder, her toes inches from my eyes…

“No touching! Only looking!…”

The arch of her foot was so close… I could sense a warmth from her skin, her leg, so close to my cheek, and her toes, her gorgeous five toes, four painted a bright red, the other green, just inches from my face. My hand still on my cock, my cock so excited and urgent, as I felt the taste of her foot on my tongue, inside her shoe, and saw her toes so close to my face. My wanking sped up, I was getting close…

“Wank, wanker!” and she flexed her toes, her toes so exciting as they moved in front of my eyes, and as I got so close, edging so near, she turned her foot over slightly… I could see the sole of her foot behind her toes, that beautiful soft moundy part just behind her toes… and I came, released, a juddering orgasm, the peak, as I was so aware of my tongue in her shoe and her scent, her toes so close, the weight of her ankle on my shoulder. Her watching… My final spasms ended my ejaculation.

“That’s it, wanker” she said, and I felt her lift her leg, removing her foot from just in front of me. She lay back, starting to return to her sleep position. “You’re such a wanker! Violet was right…” and as I started to get up, to go back to bed, her last words were

“Take my shoes, wanker… a Christmas present from me…. you’ll think of me, every time you wank with them… which…. will be a lot of times, I guess…”

‘Thank you’ I said. ‘Thank you, Eve’.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fnaxpx/f_christmas_eve_a_foot_fetish_humiliation