Some [FF]un for the end of the world

So the world is going to shit, and likely wont be back to where it was for a while. What better excuse do you need to make some bad decisions and convince others to do the same? This was the premise of my Friday night. So in a previous story I described making a new acquaintance who dances at a local club. I’m happy to say that friendship has continued and in the last few months we’d been spending a lot of time together. One thing about her is that shes in a relationship, lucky for me though, her boyfriend is a blast and likes to share.

So this Friday, I hit up those two, we’ll call her Christy and him Kev, to see what their end of the world plans were. Likely, we’re getting locked down in the next week and the three of us were all itching to rage a bit. They said they wanted to just get fucked up, hit up the strip club, and do some hottubbin. I saw an opportunity since I had made a new friend from work.

So this girl Jennifer had just started at work, the girl in her role previously was close with me so I really hoped the next one and I vibed as well. I had no idea. Within the first couple of days of working with her we popped out for a lunchtime break, destination strip club. There, she met Christy and became friendly enough that we popped over to her place after to smoke some weed. So, since I knew Jennifer was cool with Christy, and down to party, I called her along to go out.

We’ll power through the slow stuff since the fun doesn’t happen until after. We get together, couple of shots and beers at the house, go to the club, Christy gets a dance with Jennifer, Jennifer and I get a dance while Christy watches, alcohol alcohol alcohol, everyone’s horny, back to the house.

So, theres a pole in Christy’s bedroom. It’s always a centerpiece for the beginning of fun and it was no different that night. After watching skilled girls working it all night, Jennifer was desperate to give it a shot with some help from Christy. Christy showed Jen a few moves, stripping down to a thong to ensure she could grip the pole easier with her legs and forearms. Christy looks like a cherub and a Greek statue had a kid. Just the perfect amount of plump, tiny puffy tits, and one of the most amazing vaginas I’ve ever seen. She’s got a sensuality that comes out in her dancing, a consummate seductive professional.

Christy played around on the pole as did Jen, Kev, and myself which led to more and more clothes coming off with Jen still being a bit shy since we worked together, but once my pants came off I think the seal of professional relationship broke and she called me over to the bathroom and opened the door. Sitting there she asked “Are we going into the hottub?” “Probably” I answered. “But I didnt bring a bathing suit with me” She said. “Jen,” I told her “You’re sitting here with the door open, having a piss, talking to me while my dick is literally a foot from your face, I think we’re past bathing suits.” She nodded and told me I was right and shoed me off.

I popped outside with Kev while the girls closed the curtain to the back door for the “reveal” Christy likes to pull that move when shes got a friend, it gives her a chance for some alone time. So Kev and I are hanging in the hot tub, smoking a joint, and inside I see a flurry of activity behind the curtain. It’s not all the way drawn so you get little peeks and flashes here and there. At one point I can see Jen on the floor lying down, Christy out of sight. She was lying down for a few minutes before Kev popped out of the hot tub to see what was taking them so long. He grabbed their attention and with a few playful slaps on the ass, ushered the girls into the hot tub.

This was the first time I’d seen Jen unobscured. She likes to go around work in low cut shirts but I never imagined how good it was. Her blonde hair fell gently on her perfect tits as she walked out the door, as she sunk into the tub I could see her nipples harden then relax as they sank into the warm water. She had the body of every pretty girl who never gave me the time of day, all rolled into one. We sat in the tub for a while, Christy teasing & playing with Jen while Kev and I sat back and enjoyed, both of us already victim to too much alcohol and inability to erect. At one point Jen complained about being to hot and after the “yeah you are” jokes died down, Christy suggested she pop up on the ledge and cool off with her legs in the tub.

Jen giggled and I could see her catch Christy’s eye as she came out of the water. Jen sat upon the ledge as Christy snaked her hand up Jens legs and into her crotch with little delay, these girls had been toying around with each other and Kev and I for too long to draw this out any further. Jen separated her legs and Christy dove headfirst into her smooth wet pussy. The girls played around in the tub for around a half hour before adjourning to inside, trying to rouse some vitality out of Kev and myself, to no success, before continuing on with each other in the bed until daybreak, finally passing out beside Kev and I. We’ve got another day or two before full lockdown, I’m trying to get a shrooms day planned so we can get real weird with it, updates to follow.
