My lust[f]ul teenage girl on girl experience. True story

I wanted to share a story because it’s one I think others may appreciate.. hopefully lol. I’m a happily married mother in my thirties, but to this day, I still get so turned on thinking about my first experience with another woman when I was younger….this is an absolutely true story. Only a few details have been changed to keep anonymity.

Both Eve and I were 16 when we met one summer working at a restaurant in a tourist town. She was a local, and I would come with my family during the warm months to our lakeside cottage. I got a job mostly to make some extra cash and meet people so I wouldn’t be so bored. She and I hit it off instantly as friends. We worked in the back, washing dishes. Spending our time sneaking out to smoke weed behind the building, listening to music while we worked, and spying on cute guys out in the dining room. She introduced me to a group of people from the area, and it turned out to be a great summer, looking back. But the thing I remember most is our night after we had been at the beach all day…

I had never really thought of Eve in THAT way. But this one particular day something had changed. The four of us (myself, Eve, her boyfriend and my crush) had hung out by the water all day. At one point, I was laying face down, getting my tan on and I happened to look up and see her bending down to grab her sunglasses out of her beach bag.

I’m a short busty brunette (pics in profile if you’re curious) and Eve was the exact opposite. She was tall and slender, with long blond hair and small perky breasts. My eyes devoured her body in those few seconds. I could see the how hard her nipples were through her swim suit, poking against the fabric. It made my mouth water imagining what they would feel like between lips, the feeling of my warm tongue over her cold hard nipples. The water dripping down her thighs made me want to get on my knees behind her and lick it up, starting from her thigh, my tongue tracing the trail the drop made until it reached the edge of her suit bottoms, tight against her round ass. Just wondering what was underneath…This all instantly made my clit start to tingle and I remember feeling embarrassed because I shouldn’t be thinking those thoughts about a girl, so I tried to push them away and just have a good time…

The guys were going somewhere that night, so we decided to have a sleepover, which we had done so many times before. We did the normal teen girl stuff—it sounds cliche but it’s just what happens. Face masks, painting our nails, gossiping about the boys, and since my parents were asleep upstairs, we were even able to watch “American Pie” (a wild movie for that time) uninterrupted lol. The movie got us all riled up and as we laid in bed, our conversation turned a little dirtier.

She was telling me how good it felt to be kissed when her boyfriend stood behind her and she could feel him hard against her. I said I’d never had that happen. “Well, I’ll show you! I’m not going to actually kiss you through” she told me, standing up. Eve told me to get up and stand in front of her facing away. I jumped up pretty fast and did what she told me to. I didn’t need to be asked twice at this point.I could feel her breath on the back of my neck, and it made my heart pound and she hadn’t even touched me yet. She put her arms around me, pulling my body against hers. Her boobs smooshed hard against my back, only the fabric of her sports bra and my thin t-shirt between us. My ass was being pressed against the warmth of her underwear. And when she moved my hair out of the way to reach down and whisper in my ear “This is when Jake and I start to make out”, I could feel the cum drip from my own pussy, making a damp spot on my panties.

I jumped up onto the bed again, laughing and making a joke about it, but I know we could both feel the sexual tension in the air. We got under the covers again and didn’t say anything, just laid there in the dark, our bodies on fire for what seemed like hours. I thought she had fallen asleep, when I felt her move her hand and put it next to my body, her finger lightly touching my thigh.
My skin was electric.
I was holding my breath just hoping she would touch me. Anywhere.
Anything she wanted, I would have done.
Eve put her whole hand on my thigh and I instinctively opened my legs wider, so her hand moved even closer to my aching pussy.

Ever so slowly, her fingertips started crawling over my thighs, across my little teen mound, feeling her way along my pussy lips, until her finger was directly on top of my clit. I couldn’t even handle myself at this point, the teasing was too much and I let out a soft moan. The moment I did, I felt her move close to me and put her mouth over mine. She and I started to kiss, like I had never kissed any one before. Our tongues pressed against each other’s, me sucking on her lips, her biting mine. I was just trying to taste as much of her sweet young mouth as I could. While we were making out, she shoved her hand down my pants. And when I felt her two fingers spread my pussy lips apart, I almost came.

Eve expertly started to rub my clit in small little circles while I melted in her hand, just dripping with cum. I lifted her tiny sports bra up and started to lick all over her chest. I couldn’t see where her nipples were in the dark but when my mouth found them, I sucked as hard as I could, trying to let her know how much I wanted her. My tongue wrapped around each one, nibbling them while my hands squeezed her breasts, greedily trying to fit as much of her in my mouth as I could. All the while,
her fingers slid from my clit down to my tight wet hole. Teasing the opening for a second before she shoved three fingers deep inside me, hard. I had been waiting for this, wanted her inside me for so long that night. I let out a deep loud moan and she immediately reached up and put her hand over my mouth. I had totally forgot my parents were upstairs asleep! “Shhh!!!” Eve whispered, and then quietly said “open your mouth”. She slid her wet fingers, covered in my own pussy juice, into my mouth and I sucked them clean.

Okay. Honestly, I have to stop here. Typing this has got me all hot and bothered. My heart is racing just like it was that night and I need to go touch myself. ?There was more that happened that night. Let me know if you’re interested and I can tell the rest.




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