Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Ch. 2 Voyeurism, MFFFF, MF, slight nc Mdom long tease

She came after the heavy sweep of the door into another richly paneled room, checkered red and white tile of the floor curving around the perfectly circular space. The door repeated it’s meaty click as it shut behind her, leaving Alice to wonder why (among seven dark wood doors of a perfectly normal shape and size) there was one solitary door of a height that nobody bigger than a cat could fit through.
Such an easy distraction to catch her attention, particularly as the fleeting thought passed through her head that the girl she followed so closely was nowhere to be seen.

Alice walked across the room, tucking the dainty lace gloves into the pocket of her skirt, and went to her knees next to the tiny door, further lowering herself to her elbows to gently take the knob between two fingers and twist, pulling the little door open so she could peek through the small opening.

“Oooh,” she sighed in pleasure, turning her head this way and that to better see the exquisite delicacy of a garden laid all out below her, spreading for many yards of tender flowers and precise labyrinth, bright green hedges topped with intricate iron trellises for vivid flowering vines to twist over. The glittering fall of water sent dazzling points around fountains, huge and small, scintillating in every nook. And the garden itself was designed like a crown made of hearts, intricate swirls and loops laid out below her in a pattern. Hearts displayed everywhere, rich and red, round and perfectly duplicated all around the beautiful garden.

The rich, verdant plants gave way just below her vantage (which seemed to Alice to be the terrace overlooking the whole garden) to a flat courtyard, cleanswept stone arranged like a mosaic of interlocking hearts. In the very center of the little yard, curiously, was a raised pallet cushioned with a dark red satin on to which a clearly nude girl was being tied, ankles and arms spread-eagled. Soberly dressed in black and red, attendants firmly led her to lay down and lashed her wrists and ankles to the corner posts, spreading her body under the clean skies entirely bare and clearly shivering in anticipation. She’d stared at the tender flesh spread below her to start, but more and more she stared at the attendants. Women and men, all masked in simple dominoes, clad in more card themed clothing. It appeared demure at first glance, all long sleeves and high necklines. But as Alice stared, she noticed panels of black mesh and lace exposing just as they covered. She sighed, pressing her thighs together, as she watched them go about their duties, exposing the side of a breast, the long sweep of a thigh, the meaty curve of flanks, a panoply of taught flesh laying out toys, oils, and instruments of all kinds.

Coming to herself, Alice realized she’d been holding her breath, afraid to be discovered either by the small tableau playing out below her, or by the sudden coming of an intruder into the curious room she occupied. She looked around surreptitiously, glancing back behind her and around the room. Finding it just as empty and silent as when she’d entered, she lowered her face again, still on her knees, to better see through the tiny door and into the garden, hardly realizing how she looked herself.

In the moments she’d looked away, the girl had been joined by three others, wearing white, looking all the world like a wild dream of playing cards but rendered in small froths of lace and satin, just as the white rabbit had been clad earlier. The two women, one wearing trim primarily in red and the other black, each with touches of the other’s color to compliment her adornments, moved to the bound girl’s shoulders, each laying her hands on the exposed flesh in unison, skimming over the glistening skin. Even from her far vantage, Alice imagined the prickle and tickle of goosebumps rising along the bound girl’s skin as her tormentors slid, caressed, and stroked their soft hands across her helpless body.
The third new arrival, a well built man, stood at ease and watching, a small smile flashing in and out of the corners of his mouth. His broad, muscled chest strained his sober white and red jacket, in opposition to the nude flesh around him, it was buttoned still high on his throat. Among the array of half naked attendants around him, he was remarkably fully dressed. Surveying the girl before him, already panting and squirming, he pulled out a long red leather cylinder, removed a scroll, and began to read.

“On this day in the Domain of Hearts,” he read in a steady, deep voice, “You did arrive late to court,” Alice gave a start and stared at the face of the girl, bound, helpless, and naked. She touched the lace gloves in her pocket. She had clearly not reached the bunny girl in time.

“With incomplete dress, damaged attire, and without appropriate decorum.” His voice was low but clear, and Alice shivered to watch him read the proclamation, heart leaping for just a moment as he seemed to glance upward to where she watched with bated breath.

“For these crimes you are to be subject to the will of the Queen,” he leaned over the table, his voice growing so quiet Alice could only hear one word in five, enough to drive her to distraction, but not enough to gain meaning. Whatever he said caused the White Rabbit to cry out, twisting against her bonds. The women continued their work, hands gaining a more aggressive, possessive posture. Exploring. Taking.

It must have been her imagination, she thought, as he turned his bored gaze back to the quivering, bound girl before him, already twisting her hips in helpless wanting. As one they moved, taking up and uncorking small bottles and pouring glimmering oil over the naked flesh below them, smoothing it on with slick fingers, slipping the lubricant over every exposed inch, clever fingers swirling and sliding to coat their victim’s every quivering part. Fingers tickled over the heavy, smooth heft of breasts, ticking ever so lightly over pert nipples, slipping further down to part the lips of her sweet, dripping wetness, and sliding away, coating everything in an even layer of fragrant oil. The man leaned at his ease and watched, smiling and sipping at something red and dark in a crystal glass.

Alice sighed and shifted, clenching and swallowing hard against the effect the scene before her was having. Warmth grew between her legs, and there on her knees she squirmed and shifted, biting her lips. She watched, fascinated, as the man surveyed the scene before him, simply watching the arousement performed in front of his eyes. Languidly he set down his glass then stripped off his gloves, unbuttoning his jacket while slowly ambling around the table, watching the flush of arousal chase itself across the pale skin laid out before him. He set the jacket and gloves aside, unbuttoning further the cuffs of the pristine white shirt he wore, and carefully rolling up the sleeves. Alice sucked her lip and watched him wrap his hand around the inside of one of the girl’s well oiled ankles, sliding his hand slowly but firmly up and down, working slowly higher and higher as the bound girl writhed. Alice imagined how hot his hand would feel sliding through the oil. The bound girl must have made some sound, the man spoke again, just loud enough for Alice to hear.

“You’ll have to be quiet,” he said, walking up to look her in the eyes and taking her nether lips between two knuckles, squeezing firmly and holding her eyes with his as her hips bucked against the slick skin, squeezing around her clit. “Besides, you know you’re not allowed to cum.”
Alice swallowed, imagining what it would be like to be under such skilled, meticulous hands. She clenched her thighs again, feeling the hot spread seep from the core of herself, desperate to be touched. Glancing back again, she assured herself the room was empty, entirely empty, before she turned to watch again.

I must get into that beautiful garden, she thought to herself.

It seemed hours that she watched the relentless torment of the girl in the garden, the three working on her ceaselessly, hands exploring one moment with almost cruel harshness, the next feather light touches dancing across the writhing, twisting curves as she begged with her eyes to be brought, to be fucked, to be allowed anything more than the tide of touches, rising and retreating over her naked body.
Alice’s hands seemed to move on their own, creeping up her thighs and over her ribs, wanting but holding off, making her secret, private torment last with the one she watched unfold before her.

Soundlessly behind her, a door opened and closed, seemingly on its own. So distracted was Alice and so silent was the motion (for the door didn’t even squeak on its hinges) that Alice noticed nothing while staring into the garden, black and white striped stockings rising up the lithe lengths of spread legs, the sweep of a blue skirt barely covering the soft globes of her flank, held up by her knees as she watched a scene before her unfold.

If Alice hadn’t been driven to such distraction she might have heard the new set of breath in the room, she might have noticed another small spot of warmth, she might have noticed she wasn’t alone.

The rich scene before her continued, languid and luxuriously cruel. She let her hands roam, one elbow braced on the cold tile, her fingers pressed between her lips, the other grabbing handfuls of cloth to avoid touching the areas of tingling heat growing on her body. Still lowered and watching the torment unfolding below her; her hand continued; grasping herself by the thighs, by the ribs, allowing her only the most fleeting slips over her aching sex, over her tender breasts, desperate to be touched even as much as the girl below her, still writhing under the questing hands of her tormentors.

The newest arrival to the room chuckled quietly to himself, his grin shimmering into view, visible for a bare moment, sharply white and perfect. He drifted soundlessly across the room, his smile sneaking into view here and there, above Alice’s shoulder, hovering close to the up thrust curve of her ass, eyes blinking into view below her skirt, between her legs, the smile widening as her clever fingers finally slid across her soaked sex.

More of his parts followed, hands now, ghostly and white-gloved, following in the wake of Alice’s own. His hands glimmered into view, trailing hers, never touching but sweeping across the tops of the tiny hairs on her arms, on her legs, hovering the heat of his palm over her aching, swollen pussy.

Her arousal almost painful, Alice’s touches grew ever more fevered, watching one of the girls secretly lay a long, wet stroke of tongue against the clenching, dripping pussy before her as the man worked on the bound girl’s breasts, attention diverted by her gasping pink mouth.
The visitor kept his caresses just behind Alice’s for so many touches, disembodied hands skimming just behind her own, secret and disconnected, doubling every touch until she barely knew where she was, what she was doing, what she was feeling. Feeling his own arousal grow, he slid one hand up the twitching length of his cock, shimmerant and purple in view and then gone, his smile grew somewhere around her shoulder as he imagined sliding the hard, dripping shaft of himself into her aching, dripping slit.

Illicitly touching her, he forced himself to slow down. There would be time for that, he’d ensure. Slowly, carefully, he drew her skirt up and over her hips, a little at a time, licking his lips as he watched her, entranced with the show she watched the torment unfold below her, unaware that she was not alone, even now. Not even as her rear self was slowly exposed, glittering runnels of moisture dripping from her slit, down her thighs, to soak darkly into the tops of her stockings.

Alice came to herself with a start, panting and pulling her skirt down, her visitor slipping back and up, his smile just visible near the light fixture, then the corner of the ceiling, watching, smiling.

Shaking and panting, Alice came to her feet and patted her clothing back into place, giving a fleeting touch to the gloves in her pocket. Swallowing, she cast her glance around the room, wanting and unsure, realizing briefly that she had really not the slightest idea of how to get back to the riverbank. Or if she really wanted to.

Ch. 3 will have the (first) payoff, stay tuned and stay healthy bbs <3


1 comment

  1. Love it!! Love the picture you paint with your writing! Can’t wait for more!

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