Fairly mild gonewild story about [m]e and the wife in Cancun [MF] 32 and 28.

Long time lurker, first time poster here… not very wild for gonewildstories and barely NSFW, but here it goes… (reposting because I screwed up the tags).

Back in 1997 the wife and I took a little 5 day, 4 night vacation at an all inclusive resort in Cancun. Our second day (first full day) there, we were in the pool playing water volleyball with a bunch of other drunken vacationers, drinking much more than was healthy and not eating much. I was 32 then, wife was 28 and we were in good shape, she rocked a bikini nicely back then and gravity hadn’t pulled my chest down to my stomach yet. Man… I miss those days, 6 foot and about 185 pounds of more muscle than fat then, now I have lost weight and almost back to 185 pounds, but lacking the muscle and tone I had then. Remember kids, it is easier to stay in shape than to get back into shape. My public service announcement for the day :)

Anyway, there was this big (huge almost) bald, tattooed, pierced and scary looking biker-like guy with a couple of girls. People were actually keeping their distance from him, he really looked like a badass. Wife and I had been chatting with this other couple, he was a state trooper from Ohio I think, and she was a tall blond, just barely a little thick and very nice looking. Trooper guy was hammered and stumbled off to go back to their room so the three of us were there when the big bald guy and two pretty brunette girls came over with a bottle of tequila and asked if they could join us. Turns out he was one of the nicest guys ever, they were from the Netherlands and he was there with his wife and girlfriend. He grinned and said; “to be fair, she was her girlfriend first before we got married”. We talked for quite a while, just drinking and getting goofy when my wife nudged me and glanced towards the blond, her eyes directing mine to under the edge of the table.

I glanced down and biker guy had his foot up on her chair with his toes massaging the crotch of her bikini. I was a bit surprised and looked over to them, he and his ladies were grinning as we kept talking casually for a good 10 or 15 minutes more. Then all of a sudden, the blond let out a quiet noise and got very flush in the face. He kept going and she started to quiver just enough to notice if you were watching. Right after that, her head hit the table as she passed out. We had been drinking a lot… My wife helped her to her feet and walked her back to her room. When she came back, she whispered in my ear; “room… now…” and we said our goodbys and headed back to ours and fucked like crazy that afternoon.

We hung around the threesome the next couple of days but nothing happened with them sadly. My wife was pretty conservative and never was into anything besides one on one sex, but we sure had a lot of that on the trip. It was a long time ago but I fondly remembering we had sex two or three times a day at least, plus at night before we crashed, the next morning and so on… damn I wish I could perform like that again. Or that her sex drive was at that level now.

Wish I had gotten names or pictures of the threesome, they were really cool people. Internet and social media back then was nothing like it is today. Phones didn’t have cameras built in and digital cameras were not so common either. If anyone reading is a big bald scary looking guy from the Netherlands with a wife and girlfriend and was in Cancun back in 1997, send me a message just for kicks.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fla0x3/fairly_mild_gonewild_story_about_me_and_the_wife