Swollen Chapter 3 (Female: impregnating/inflation/breeding kink)

Swollen Chapter 3

I’m so fucking confused. Elliots smiling wickedly and proudly at this squirming, freaky tum of mine. She hushes me and puts her hands on my belly, running circles until whatever is in there calms down. I realize for certain now I must be dreaming, because there’s a huge feeling of fullness and life in my churning belly. No longer does it feel like weird flutters if indigestion, I can literally feel a persons shape inside me. The pressure of it growing is incredible. My belly is stretched out three more inches at least. My skin is full of veins leading up to the throbbing, sentient mass. Elliot blushes. I get a little irritated with her calmness as she holds my hand and rubs it over my belly. “What are you doing?” She smiles. “I guess I can’t really play dumb anymore.” She leans down and kisses my big belly, which has now grown so large I can’t even cover it with a shirt. “I think you might be having my baby.” She smiles. My jaw drops. I’m shaking with adrenaline. I slowly look down as the stretched pressure of a yawning arm glides along my fat belly. I feel each bubble of fat protecting my womb nearly pop as it does. The thing inside be, and I’m now certain it’s a thing, shuffles itself into a comfortable position and sighs. Up and down, up and down. I think it’s fallen asleep. I dart my eyes to Elliot. “What the fuck did you do to me!?” She looks sad, like she didn’t expect this reaction. “I might have accidentally got you pregnant.” I fume, sitting up. “YEAH, no shit!!” She hushes me nervously as the baby gets upset and starts flailing around. I look down at it nervously, and almost feel bad. “You’re scaring her…” Elliot coos. She gives my belly another kiss and it purrs. I shake my head. “Y-yeah-well. She’s scaring me!” I say, tearing up. Elliot feels terrible and comes over to kiss my face. I pull away. She looks disappointed. “I didn’t think you’d react like this…” Elliot coos to me. I squint. “You didn’t think I’d react like this after you knocked me up on a one night stand that’s grown in one DAY!?” Elliot shrugs sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would happen.” “I don’t believe you.” I shoot back. Elliot tried to make her case. “My people are supposed to be infertile by my age. I really didn’t think this would happen.” I ask what she means. “Well, women from my country usually stop being fertile by thirty. I think I might just be a late bloomer? I’m so sorry. I never had kids. When I found out you were feeling symptoms this morning, I won’t lie, I got very excited. I never thought I’d get to be a mother…” I’m not falling for this crap. “Well, I don’t want to be. That’s all very nice and fun for you, but I’d rather not be fucking knocked up by my friend with benefits. I don’t want this thing.” Elliot looks terrified. “Please, don’t do anything to hurt her. I don’t want to hurt her. I know this situation isn’t as planned, but if you would just please carry her to term, I’ll take her off your hands. You’ll never have to see her again.” I look down sadly at the bellowing mass throbbing in my womb. “Well. Doesn’t look like I could get this thing removed anyway. It’s pretty developed.” I miserably poke at it. It squirms and growls. I wince. “Is it gonna… pop out of me or something?” Elliot laughs, relieved at my compliance. “Of course not!” She touches my belly again. “She’ll be in there for five months or so. She’ll come out like any human baby. She won’t give you much trouble or pain. Pregnancies in my country are very calm and religious experiences.” I wonder where the fuck Elliot is from, but I’m too overwhelmed to ask. I’m just glad this thing isn’t a parasite. I sit up and look down at it. “Five months? She’s already so huge. How big is she gonna get? How do you know it’s a girl?” Elliot answers happily: “Everyone where I’m from is a girl. Five months is a liberal estimate. My child would be fully developed in three and then spends two months developing her brain.” I don’t need the specifics, but Elliots thrilled to talk about her fucking baby I didn’t agree to have. I feel like a science experiment. “You better make this worth my while. I’m very angry. Like, beyond fucking words angry.” Elliot holds my shoulder, very sorry, though I can’t tell if she’s lying or not. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for everything for the next five months. Your rent, your food, everything.” She smiles sadly at my belly. “It’s gonna be okay.” My belly rustles and growls like a muted monster as limbs fly off and brush against my tight fat skin. “If it makes you feel better. She likes you…”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fkxhw3/swollen_chapter_3_female