“Swollen“ (stuffing/inflation/insemination pregnancy kink) Chapter 1


I went on a date with this girl I found on an app… Elliot. She was a handsome woman, really confident, clean, great career, fit and toned. And yet? Nothing really clicked between us. It was that kind of thing where you really want the other person to fit a mold…but they just can’t do it. It was probably my ex… I couldn’t get over her… either way she was nice but just not into it for the long haul. We had a nice dinner. She was kind of weird about pushing me to finish my plate. I thought it was strange but I love to eat so I did… also to drown out the awkwardness as her eyes occasionally drifted to my stomach from across the table. “What?” I smiled at her. “Am I fat?” She shook her head violently and apologetically. “No no no, not fat. You’re just… really round and I love it.” I looked down at my belly. I’ve always had a little pooch. I smiled back at her, it was cool she was the first one to accept that. I finished my plate for her and we walked outside together.

The air was cold- January in New York- so I let her pull her arm around me and let me slip into her coat. It was warm. I felt her hand slide down my back to my side, touching my belly. I squinted and smiled at her. “You really love my belly…” She smirked guiltily back “I guess I do, yeah.” We both agreed on the app we used to meet that we were cool with one night stands… I don’t know what it was about her eyes intoxicating me but something caused me to snap and ask to hang out tonight if she knew what I meant. She did.

Her apartment was beautiful. Brick walls and a warm heat swelling throughout it. She showed me her room. I came up behind her and laid a hand on her ass. She knew what to do next. She ran her hands from my ass up to my breasts, and on the way down, she pressed both her hands into my red swollen belly. “You ate a LOT.” I smiled, feeling my belly churn and gurgle under the pressure of her hands, the fat spilling out between her fingers like a soft mass. “I can’t control it anymore…” she said. I laughed. “What? You want to throw me on that bed and rub up on this belly?” She goes wild, swings me gently onto the bed and spills my head back into a soft pillow. I open my legs. She runs her hands over my soft growling belly like it’s her job. My stomach is so bloated from the food it feels heavy and full as it sloshes around. I close my eyes for a minute and enjoy it as she runs her tongue down my gurgling, wiggling belly and sticks her tongue inside me. She licks my clit and sends a shiver down my entire spine. She’s in there longer than I thought she’d be. I’m honestly surprised at her stamina. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I’m in pure bliss. She holds her hands on my belly as she swirls her face around in me. My belly swells into her fingers as she does so. It feels like a thousand butterflies are fluttering around in my tiny dome of a belly. Like magic. To finish, she sticks her finger deep inside my pussy and churns it around. She pulls out of me, smiling and laughing breathily. I grab her chin to thank her as she looks up at me between my knees. But she and my eyes are drawn to my gut. My belly is somehow more swollen than before… veins sticking out from the sides of me as my red taut mass gurgles and wiggles above my face. “I think you gave me a muscle spasm…” I laugh at her and she laughs back. She gently slaps a hand on my belly and lets the wiggling press into her. She looks proud. “Probably the biggest food baby I’d ever had.” I say. I find myself holding my stomach as well as a pressure begins to swell inside it. Jeez. It’s a lot.

A sensation of water sloshing inside me takes over and I feel the vibration on my hands. Elliot lifts her head and body out from between my legs, tired and happy. She cheerfully sighs, smiling sweetly at me with that beautiful face. “Did I do good?” Humble and cute as ever. “You did incredible.” I reply, honest. I sit up and feel my belly suddenly slosh outward, round and into my lap. “M-My belly is full of cum somehow.” I say, trying to justify this in thin air. She looks at it, one brow raised, silently happy. “Oh really?” She strokes her hand on my belly like she’s stroking a face. “That’s as much as I can do in one night, might have to save that cum of yours for later.” She winks at me. She’s sweating and panting like mad now, and brings her body over mine to give me a kiss. I hold the kiss extra long to thank her, tasting the sweet of my own pussy on my own lips. She looks at me lovingly, more lovingly than I could look at her. I respect the shit out of her after that fuck, muscly frame, fit tits, thick ass, and all. She kisses my forehead and puts a hand on my belly again. She looks me deep in the eyes, and whispers softly: “Thank you.” I smile, almost tearing up from how good that sex was.

We fall asleep in her bed. She cuddles with me, spooning my big belly. She presses her fingers in as it churns and rumbles. Runs big arm length circles over my soft smooth tum. Gosh, that was one crazy night of food and sex, my insides are turning. My eyes flicker out into darkness and I finally pass out.

The next morning, I wake up in her bed alone. She leaves me a note that reads “help yourself to anything. I’m down to do this again if you ever like, but like we said, nothing serious ;)” I giggle. I love a friend with benefits. I roll my body up and look down at my tank top, it’s rolled up a bunch and my belly is jutting out. It’s extremely soft and stretched to the touch. Huh. Maybe the size of a huge softball under fat, I attribute it to eating too much. Maybe I pulled a muscle during sex.

I stretch and look at myself in the mirror. My belly is… moving? Like, really moving. Not the wiggles and churns of food. My belly is fucking moving. I lean in, confused. I rest my hands on my belly, eyes wide, looking in the mirror. My belly growls and wiggles as hard as I’ve ever seen. My hands fly back off it. I walk in fear towards the kitchen. I must have imagined that. There’s no way. I must be hungry.

I take one bite of a doughnut. As I feel the food crawl down my throat and hut my gut, I feel a strong stretching sensation in my belly. I roll what’s left of my tiny shirt up and see my belly churning like a wheels I take another bite, hesitantly… Like catnip, something snaps in me. I eat EVERYTHING in the kitchen. All the while, my belly growls and moves and… grows? Is it fucking growing?! I turn to a mirror in the living room and look down at my belly. It’s stretching out like something in there is moving it’s feet. I touch it, afraid, and it silences… like it knows it’s been found out.
An increase in pressure, like a pulsating vibration, is left now. In and out, in and out, in and out, my swollen tight belly moves. I have to call Elliot.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fkm1c3/swollen_stuffinginflationinsemination_pregnancy

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