First time fooling around with another couple [Group][Long]

This story is as I recount from my perspective but alcohol was involved so things may not flow as intended. While this story might not be the most sexual it was just a fun night of naughty shenanigans. Posted from a separate account and names have been changed to protect everyone involved.

My girlfriend(Megan) and I have been together for a little over 4 years. We had talked about opening up our relationship but only recently starting actively pursuing it. We posted some sexy pics on Reddit and made a r4r post looking for other couples. We got quite a lot of messages from some couples and a bunch of thirsty dudes. From those messages we chatted with several other couples but one stood out to us. We tried to make it clear that while we were looking for some sexual connections that first and foremost we are looking for close friends. This one couple, we’ll call them Ryan and Kelly, sent us a message and we all shared a lot of the same interests. Our chats were very natural with lots of laughs shared by all. After a couple of days and weeding out that no one was a serial killer, we decided to meet up for drinks at a local brewery. We brought a few board games and ended up closing the bar down together. Afterwards my gf and I shared a mutual interest in Ryan and Kelly and decided that we hoped to meet up with them again. Megan and I took a snowboarding trip the following week but we all chatted about the trip. When we got back we made plans for Ryan and Kelly to come over to hang out.

The night started very tame with our dogs getting well acquainted. We had some snacks and started drinking while playing Pandemic. After a round we played a couple of other games and all were drinking and feeling pretty good. We had talked about playing a game we have called Throw Throw Burrito. Feel free to look it up but basically you pass cards around as fast as you can until you get a set of 3. Certain cards allow you to pick up one of the 2 burrito pillows and throw them at another player. If you get hit you get a -1 point. We also had a lose rule that if you got hit that you would have to take a drink. This got us all very drunk.

The game is ridiculous and very fast paced so playing it drunk is quite entertaining. After we played a round so everyone was familiar with the game I made the suggestion that the next round we play will have strip rules. So we agreed upon the rule that instead of getting a -1 point when you got hit that you would lose an article of clothing instead. Again the game was very fast paced and burritos were flying everywhere. As the game progresses and more and more articles were coming off, you could feel the excitement growing. The guys got ganged up on and quickly were down to their boxers but then we rallied and got the ladies down to their bra and panties. With only enough cards for one more burrito throw we all joked that either a cock or some tits were coming out. This would be the first time we saw any of the other couple naked. We all laughed nervously but you could tell we all were excited about it too. The last cards placed had Ryan and I throwing the burritos and I hit him with the one I threw before he hit me so Ryan had to lose his boxers but since we had to start a new round we let him keep them on so he wasn’t the only one not really playing.

One of the cards has two players dual. I happened to lay it down so I decided to choose Megan and Kelly and I joked about how someone’s tits were coming out. While Ryan and I watched on the girls started giggling and chatting with themselves. They have huge smiles on their faces when they turn around and say that they came to the agreement that they both would take a hit and lose some clothing. With a lot of laughs they both strip off their bras and reveal 4 of the nicest boobs that there has ever been. This is the first time any of us had done this and I personally was in somewhat of shock of what was unfolding before my eyes.

We continued to play and obviously the guy’s attention was not 100% in the game. I made an illegal play in the game at one point and everyone said for punishment I had to lose my boxers. I acknowledged my mistake and pulled off my boxers. Ryan was next to get hit by Kelly and he had to lose his last article of clothing. The final battle of the game resulted in Kelly getting hit by a burrito. She bent down and pulled off her panties and she gave me a perfect view of her ass. We all stood there for a moment taking in each other’s bodies, all while giggling like little school girls.

We picked up the burrito game and sifted through the games in our game closet. Kelly grabbed Jenga and we moved to the living room around the coffee table. Ryan and Megan sat next to each other while Kelly and I sat opposite them in front of our respective partner. Someone asked how we could make the game naughty and I suggested a kissing rule. The rule would be that when you take an edge piece you would have to kiss the person in that direction around the table. And if you take a center piece then you get to choose who you want to kiss. The first few pieces pulled were edge pieces so we shared kisses with our respective partners. Everyone was smiling and sharing passionate kisses. Kelly was the first person to pull a center piece and she decided she wanted to kiss Megan. Both girls promptly sat up, leaned over the table, and gave each other a quick kiss on the lips. I sat in shock as my gf was kissing our new sexy friend. Ryan and I got to take in both our naked girls as we all giggled about it happening. After that the ice was broken and we all started sharing kisses. The kisses started out as quick pecks but quickly got more passionate as hands wandered on each other.

Unfortunately, all the drinking we did during the previous games finally caught up to us. Ryan started to not feel well so we decided to put him in the bedroom while we cleaned up. After the house was cleaned up a bit the rest of us decided that we weren’t that tired. We sat on the couch together playing a video game and then watching a movie. Ryan got up when the movie started and joined us on the couch. The four of us sat and watched the movie while our hands wandered a bit. Megan started to feel sick and needed to go to bed. I helped her to our bedroom and got her situated before returning to our guests. Along the way I stopped at the bathroom and accidentally opened the door on Kelly. She screamed, laughed and slam the door back in my face. I apologized and laughed while I stood in the dark hallway. When Kelly came out of the bathroom she grabbed me and we stood there for a second making out and running our hands across our bodies. I pulled Kelly into the guest bedroom and laid her on her back on the bed. I started kissing down her body until I reached her pussy. I spread her lips with my tongue and started flicking her clit. She was moaning and wiggling before me and I heard footsteps coming up behind me. When Ryan walked in he suggested that I make out with Kelly while he ate her out. So I positioned myself next to Kelly on the bed and we started making out. She was loving the attention of two guys running their hands all over her hot body. After a few minutes I felt bad for having fun without my gf in the room so I got up to see if she could join us. Megan was feeling too uneasy to get out of bed. So I went back to our guests and informed them that we had to end our night. I helped them get settled in our guest room and gave Kelly a kiss goodnight.

The next morning I cooked us all breakfast to help with our hangovers. We all sat in our underwear on the couch eating and finishing the movie we started the night before. Kelly and Ryan stayed for a little bit while they got back their strength to travel back home. We all were very happy how the previous night went and shared hugs as our guests left.

Megan and I sat on the couch for a while chatting and laughing about the previous night’s shenanigans. We both got pretty turned on while recalling the evening. We sat discussing the possibilities of future game nights with Ryan and Kelly. We started making out while our hands were grabbing at each other’s clothes. We proceeded to have some of the best sex we’ve had, but that’s another story for another time.



  1. Great story! I’m thinking my gf and me are going to start exploring as well..

  2. Awesome story! I hope to convince my wife to do something like this one day… looking forward to your next one!

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