It was the end of another academic year, my friends and I were planning an awsome vacation to the beach. My uncle has this beach house that fits all of my group of friends (10 people), it’s perfect.
We were particularly excited for this summer because one of my friends and I got a driver’s license this year, so we would be able to go to the beach house for the first time by ourselves. We only needed the cars.
We managed to get two cars wich was just enough, so the trip was happening.
The whole group was very close to each other, even though it’s quite a bunch of people we’re all best friends.
I was one of the drivers, and in my car there were my closest friends of the group. I’ll have to use fake names but we’ll call them: Natalie, Mary, Louis and Lucas. (I won’t mention the guys in the other car because the story will just get confusing with too many names, so the five of us is enough for now.)
It’s a 2h drive, but everything went according to plan.
When we get there the priority is picking the rooms. There were three rooms. The smallest one that fit 2 people and had a bathroom.
The largest one fit 5 people and had a big bathroom with multiple sinks and shit.
And the “middle one” wich was like a romantic suite persay, had a very large bed, and the bathroom was basically integrated in the room, there wasn’t a separate space for it.
The shower was just by the window and it had a glass wall separating it from the rest of the room. So any one in the room could see the person taking the shower basically.
The toilet though was hidden behind a smoked glass, it didn’t have a door, the whole room was basically open because it’s meant to be a couples suite, but the toilet was private enough.
Lucas and Louis wanted to stay in the smallest room because they knew each other the longest ou of the group so we let them.
The big room was occupied by the guys from the other car. Wich left the couple’s room to Natalie, Mary and I.
We agreed that they would sleep on the bed, and I would get an air matress that my uncle kept in storage. When it came to using the bathroom we would just leave the room when one of us had to take a shower, and regarding to using the toilet it didn’t really matter because we could see if someone was using it since it was a smoked glass (we could see like a silhouette), but at the same time we couldn’t properly see it in there. Even though there was no door there was just a silent agreement that we wouldn’t “walk in” on anyone while they were using it of course.
At last, the girls were very close to each other so they didn’t mind seeing each other naked. I am very close to them aswell but we just didn’t have that sort of intimacy because I’m a guy.
So I was the one who had to leave the room in case they had to be naked, but I was fine with that, I didn’t intend to spend the days in the room anyway.
As soon as we sorted the rooms and unpacked we headed straight to the beach, it was like a 10min walk.
We get there and the men start playing “altinha” (it’s a brazilian thing) while the girls lay down to bathe in the sun.
Natalie and Mary kept complimenting me because I was the only guy wearing trunks so I was the only one “showing something” according to them, they also kept slapping my ass and calling it cute.
They are very playful and I was used to it. They weren’t hitting on me or anything, we are just very close friends and they do that to make fun of me, but at the same time I find it flattering because I think they’re honest about it.
The girls were really trying to make me shy, they would say stuff like “Hmmm I wish those trunks would accidentallyfall off.” Or “He’s wearing trunks because he wanted to show off that package.”
Or even “Are you hiding a snake in your trunks or are you just happy to see me?”
They were provoking me, I knew nothing they said was serious but at the same time I wonder if those were honest compliments still. You know when you’re wearing trunks you’re privates get a little highlighted so the fact that Mary and Natalie were acknowledging it made me feel something… I can’t explain what it was.
I was a little shy but that was some sort of sexual tension in the air then, it made me feel good.
You know when there’s male-female friendship there are a couple boundaries that people usually don’t cross. Considering they’re both heterosexual they’re always going to be somewhat attracted to one another.
With that considered, both man and woman avoid sexual topics, or talking about each other in a sexual way so they avoid an unwanted sexual tension and awkwardness.
But Natalie and Mary were totally not doing that at the beach. They were jokingly hitting on me and as much as it made me shy, wich was they’re objective, it did feel very flattering and the fact that they were acknowledging my dick was pretty hot to be honest…
But that was that for the beach.
When we got back to the house we ordered some Chinese food and started playing drinking games.
I get drunk very easily so I’m very careful while drinking, I never drink too much.
After we finished eating we just kept talking in the living room, and taking turns to go to the shower.
The guys would always go alone, but the girls went together. Natalie and Mary went to take a shower in our room, while the other two girls went to the other room.
Before going to the shower Mary told me
“Don’t go in the room you pervert, we’ll be naked”
But then whispered inches away from my face
“Unless you really want to”
She was looking straight in my eyes, and said that with a soft voice, finishing the line with a little wink.
She was making fun of me though.
I knew it was ironic. But damm that one really hit me, and she did it on purpose aswell, she was trying to provoke me… it totally worked….
I did feel my dick getting a bit hard.
Just the way she looked at me while saying that. God damm. Her voice aswell… I never felt something like that, and she could see it in my eyes she got me.
After that they both giggled and went to the shower.
The other guys didn’t really see what happened so I just sat in silence for a couple minutes probably looking completely stunned.
Louis asked me if I was good, and I just said yes and came back to reality.
We kept talking about random things and just telling each other stupid jokes.
At some point I decide I really need to take a shower and so I knock on the door. The girls tell me to come in so I do.
They were both wearing just towels and they looked so hot. I felt bad for feeling that way because we’re supposed to be just friends but I couldn’t help it. I close the door and told them I wanted to take a shower, and asked if they could go to the other room to get dressed with the other girls.
They said it wouldn’t work out because all of their clothes were in our room, wich makes sense.
I told them I really wanted to get in the shower, and they said I could go and they wouldn’t look.
I could tell they were sober after the shower, so it seemed like a serious proposal, and since I was a little drunk still I wasn’t thinking straight.
So I asked:
“Wait are you serious? You want me to take a shower while you’re both in here?”
Natalie responded
“We don’t want you to, but you said you really wanted to take a shower and we just said we wouldn’t mind… ”
I didn’t know what to say so I just stared at them
Mary said
“Dude just go take the shower, we won’t be looking, you can face the window it’s not a big deal.”
(Facing the window meant my back would be towards them)
So I answered
“You’ll be able to see my ass though”
They both laughed
Mary said
“Yeah we will. Just go then, we want to see your ass.”
Natalie says
“Yeaaah we want to see your ass go go go”
And they both laugh
Natalie then whispered to Mary
“If were lucky we’ll be able to see his……….”
I didn’t hear the rest.
They both giggled.
I asked her what she said, and she just shrugged and giggled more.
I knew what they were talking about.
“Okay I’ll take the shower”
They both cheered.
We all laughed.
So I grab my towell and go to the shower. I take my clothes off facing the wall not to flash my dick, and stay like that.
They started cheering again.
They were laughing very loudly and telling each other they couldn’t believe I was doing that. I told them “I can hear you talking about me”. So Natalie replied “Stop being nosy, just take you’re shower”
They started making those comments again
“Hmmm look at that piece of ass, sooo nice”
“Damm I wonder if I could get a piece of that, baby”
They were making all sorts of comments and jokes, and we were all laughing a lot.
I asked them to keep the door locked so no one else could walk in. Natalie then said.
“Does that mean we’re the only ones who can see you shower?? Awnnn that’s so sweet.”
Mary then says
“Oh my Goood we’re his best friends of the group, the only ones who can see him naked.”
So I said “You guys are so dumb shut up”
I was laughing with them but I was a little overwhelmed. Being completely naked in front of them while talking to them made me feel a little shy.
Also the fact that I couldn’t see them while talking to them made me wonder what was going on behind my back.
Like if in the moments of silence they were whispering to each other talking about me.
I really wanted to know if they were talking about me.
Suddenly Natalie told me not to turn around because they would get completely naked. (Because they were getting they’re clothes to get dressed so they would drop the towel)
“I mean I wouldn’t turn around either way because then you would see my dick”
“What if we told you we’ve already seen it?”
“What?? That’s impossible I’ve been facing the wall this whole time”
“Yeah but when you reached to get the soap we caught a glimpse of it, sorry”
Mary confirmed.
I was speechless. I felt a mix of embarrassment and excitement at the same time. It felt awkward but also so hot…
Natalie says
“Okay don’t turn around right now, I’m totally naked I’m serious.”
I was in shock, Natalie just told me she saw my dick. And pretended like it was nothing. It was a big deal for me, I got really hot and my dick was rock hard at that point.
Also now they were about to be naked aswell right next to me. What the hell was I supposed to do??
I knew it was wrong, but how could I not peek? I felt bad for thinking that. But I couldn’t control my impulses it was too hard. I was already naked in front of them so I tried convincing myself it wouldn’t be wrong.
I peeked quickly and very discreetly. I saw Mary on her knees picking out her clothes in her bag, she was totally naked but she wasn’t facing me so I only saw her bare ass. Wich looked so hot btw. Mary has a natural tan, very long curly black hair and her body is very curvy.
I couldn’t quite see Natalie because she was in the corner and I couldn’t face my head completely towards them because that would make it obvious, so I just looked at the wall for a couple of seconds before peeking again.
The second time I peeked a little more, and a little less discreetly. Mary was still in the same position. But this time I could see Natalie standing up brushing her hair while looking at her bag.
She was facing sideways so I could see her whole body, her sideboobs and everything. I can’t describe how much adrenaline was going through my veins at that point. I could see both of my friends naked right next to me, while I was naked right next to them!
Natalie looked so hot. She’s short, blonde, has a big ass and small tits. So beautiful. The way she was just standing there, mindlessly brushing her wet hair while exposing her whole body to me. I could see she was shaved from that angle, but I couldn’t quite see her pussy.
I didn’t even care I was staring at that point, my eyes were completely glued to them, and the fear of getting caught was completely overrun by the sheer adrenaline of being naked right next to them.
My dick was hard and throbbing and the sensation of doing something wrong made me feel so alive. To a certain extent I was content by just being able too look at them that way, I didn’t feel like it could get any better than that, since that situation was so unexpected and so hot already.
I don’t know how much time I stared at them, it was probably around 30 seconds. Those seconds felt like hours though. But the important thing is that they were a few seconds too long, because Natalie suddenly looked straight at my face and called me out.
“Oh my God you can’t look!”
Mary looks at me aswell in disbelief and says
“I knew you would look! Men cannot hold themselves!”
I quickly turned my head and apologized, I tried explaining it was too hard not to look, and it was unfair since they already seen me naked.
“Okay, I know it was wrong, but to be fair you already saw me naked, now I saw you too.”
Natalie responded
“Well to be totally fair you would have to turn around and face us.”
“What? I’m already naked!”
“Yeah but we can only see your back, and you saw everything without our consent”
“But you told me you saw my dick already”
“Only a glimpse of it… Stop refusing you know it’s only fair! And you know you’re wrong here so you should do what I’m telling you”
“Well if I turn around I’ll be able to see you naked too”
“You already did, what difference does it make?”
Mary was completely silent during this whole conversation, but at this point she said
“Stop being shy, just turn around now.”
She used that soft voice again, she knew it would get me.
A part of me actually wanted to turn around just to see their reaction, but at the same time I was very shy so it was conflicting. But that feeling was so good, both the excitement and the shyness at the same time was so unique, I never felt like that before.
I decided I would turn around. I couldn’t miss that opportunity.
When I turn around I see both Natalie and Mary standing, facing right at me. Her bodies looked so amazing. They were both shaved. Mary’s nipples were a little dark, and Natalie’s were a light pink, both looked soft and just perfect.
I was hard as a rock like I’ve never been before.
My dick isn’t big or anything. It’s a normal size, I’m okay with it. But I did receive compliments that it was a good looking dick before. I guess cause it’s straight and veiny.
Of course I was somewhat self conscious about showing it to them, but that just made the reveal even more exciting and hot to me.
When their eyes rested on my cock they looked stunned, almost like they weren’t expecting it even though they were.
They stared at it for a couple of seconds, then looked at each other with bland faces.
Mary whispered in Natalie’s ear then they both looked at me and smiled.
They kept whispering to each other and I was dying to know what they were talking about.
I mean I knew it was about me, but I wanted to know exactly what it was, if it was good or not.
They were both giving me that look. The same look Mary gave me before going to the shower. The same look that got me stunned and crazy over her. I don’t think it was ironic this time. Maybe it wasn’t even ironic the first time.
I asked them
“Well, do you have anything to say?”
Natalie answered
“I don’t know, do you?”
“Well, there’s a lot going on in my head right now I don’t know if I would should say it though”
“Yeah me neither.”
We were all just blatantly scanning each other at that point. My eyes would always end up resting at Natalie’s pussy, it looked so tempting, I don’t know what kept me from just launching at her.
“Well just say it”
I answered
“Tell me what you’re thinking first”
Said Natalie
Then Mary interrupted
“I can’t tell you what I’m thinking right now.”
“Why not?”
I asked
“Because of our friendship…”
She looked straight in my eyes while saying that.
I felt so exposed at that point. I felt analyzed by them. But I don’t know how, the sensation was still good. I liked being analyzed. I enjoyed feeling exposed.
I also loved how they liked being analyzed aswell. They weren’t shy about it. They just stood right there and let me look at their bodies.
“What do we do now?”
Natalie asked
“I don’t know, I feel like I could just stand here and stare at you two forever.” I smiled
Natalie laughed softly. Mary gave me a penetrating look while biting her bottom lip, then told me.
“Well I don’t think I can stand here forever”
Then started walking towards me…
I was out of breath, I didn’t know what to do. What was she about to do?!
My heart was beating so fast, time was going by in slow motion, all I could see was her coming towards me.
She gets in the shower with me, gets all wet and just stands an inch away while looking in my eyes.
She slowly gets on her knees while looking directly into my eyes.
She faces my dick and I could see it in her face how much she was craving it.
Her right hand grabs the bottom of my shaft while her left hand grabbed my ass and pulled me closer.
I stepped forward slightly and that’s when she put her mouth around the head of my dick and slid it all the way to where her hand was resting.
I felt the back of her throat then she moved her head back to catch her breath and swallow her saliva.
I heard Natalie say “Oh my god” under her breath
I looked at her and she was in shock, that took her by surprise as much as it took me.
I looked back at Mary and she was looking at me with a straight face.
She softly whispered
“I want you to cum in my mouth”
I barely made it out what she said, the water dripping was loud so I barely heard her.
I showed no reaction to what she said, just kept looking into her eyes. But my head was in a million km/h. I was so overwhelmed by that. The only thing I knew is that I wanted to satisfy her desire.
She put her mouth around my dick again and began going back and forth while jerking me with her hand.
I tilted my head back and enjoyed that sensation.
I look back at Natalie and shes sitting on the edge of the bed, her legs spread and her mouth wide open in disbelief.
She was just fixated on both Mary and I.
Me on the other hand couldn’t concentrate. I looked at Mary, then looked back and Natalie and was going back and forth.
I didn’t know what felt better, if it was being blown by my best friend, or being watched by the other.
I look back at Natalie in hopes she could see I was trying to talk to her. I didn’t want to say anything not to interrupt Mary. But I wanted Natalie to read my lips. I said
“What is going on”
Natalie looked at me and moved her lips aswell
“I dont know”
I say
“This is crazy”
She answers
“This is so hot”
I look back at Mary and she’s totally focused on my cock. Her head going back and forth in sync with her hand jerking me off, she knew what she was doing.
When I look back at Natalie I can see one of her hands is resting on the bed as support while her other hand is right over her pussy. She was on the edge of the bed still, but now leaning back
With her legs spread even wider.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Natalie was masturbating while looking at us. And I was looking directly at her while she was doing it.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe what was happening. One of my best friends was sucking my cock while the other was masturbating at that sight.
It felt like that was the best porn movie I could’ve ever watched, but it was actually happening to me.
I had an outer body experience like I wasn’t even present. That scene just felt so incredibly unreal and wonderful my mind was probably too overwhelmed with pleasure to process it.
However my body was fully present.
I put my hands on Mary’s head and grabbed her hair aggressively.
I couldn’t even tell if the blowjob felt good, cause the whole thing was so amazing I couldn’t process any of it properly. I just stood there while she sucked on my shaft and occasionally looked at Natalie while she masturbated, and I tried my best to convince myself that that was real.
Mary was jerking me fast and passionately and my whole body was shaking. At multiple times I felt like my legs would just give up.
I look back at Natalie and can see she’s vigorously rubbing her clit and moaning while she did it. At certain moments we would lock eyes and just stare at each other for a couple of seconds, both feeling incredible amounts of pleasure.
I could feel the cum slowly building up in my dick and getting ready to release.
The closer I got to an orgasm the more I wanted to look at Natalie.
She just stayed in that position and masturbated the whole time, moaning softly and looking directly at us.
I was about to cum and I didn’t know if I should say anything.
I didn’t have time to decide, as soon as I think about it, the cum starts shooting out my dick.
Mary slows down her movement and just receives my load all in her mouth.
My body is shaking uncontrollably and I can feel my whole body tingling.
I feel the cum going straight in Mary’s mouth and how she’s swallowing everything immediately while licking my dick.
My muscles all tense up and I get overflowed with that pleasure. It gets so intense my blood pressure drops and I get light headed.
I look at Mary and she can see how much that orgasm took control of me.
She sucked me dry and swallowed everything. Then got up and stood right in front of me without letting go of my cock.
She just stood there holding my dick and looking at me.
At some point we turn our attention to Natalie and she was now laying in the bed and was still masturbating.
I tell Mary
“She started masturbating when she saw us”
She answers
“I know, she’s was crazy horny for you… this whole thing is too hot…”
“What? She was horny for me?”
“Yeah we both were… You couldn’t tell?”
“I thought you were just joking”
“We weren’t”
To be continued…
Woow, really good. Looking forward to part 2
Great story….part 2 please
Just perfect ❤
Can’t wait for part 2
I’m so excited for part 2
very nice story
Excellent! I look forward to reading the rest.
Great story! Looking forward to part 2