The Further Adventures of Frank and Karen Part 9 [MF] [MM] [FF] ]BDSM]

The girls rushed off to get dressed for the days classes leaving me with a couple of hours before my first class of the day.

Before they left they returned to my bedroom, with Karen holding her hands behind her back.
When I inquired what was up Karen opened her hands displaying the chastity cage.

Letting out a groan as Barb lifted my balls and placed them through the ring at the base.
While Karen fitted the cage around my cock.

With a snick Karen closed the lock while handing one key to Barb while retaining the other for herself.
“Now you go to school and be a good boy.
If we think you deserve it we may unlock you later tonight, maybe.” Karen told me.

Picking out the loosest pair of pants I owned I dressed while inspecting myself in the mirror.
Happily the pants were loose enough that the cage didn’t make its presence known.

Making my way to class this morning was proving tough.
I had not been in the habit of wearing my chastity devise and it had a tendency to pinch and rub a bit.
That wasn’t so much of a problem as I would eventually get used to it.

The real problem was my imagination.
Every time I began to think on Karen and Barb the inevitable would occur.
My cock would respond as any young man’s body would, that is a boner.
Yet the cage had this bad habit of reminding one of its presence at such moments.

For the next couple of hours I went through the motions of caring about school.
As much as I tried to be a good student my mind was elsewhere.
It was on Karen and now Barb.
Where was this relationship going and what did I want from it.
Like most people my soul craves for affection a companion if you will.
I want to love and be loved.
There is a line from the movie, “Shall We Dance” that has always stuck with me.

“Why do we get married?
In a world with a billion people, what does the life of one individual matter?
But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything.
The good things, the bad things, the terrible things the mundane things… all of it, all of the time, every day.
Your life will not go unnoticed.
Because I will be your witness.”

I have never really known what love is.
My family was distant, my parents weren’t the lovey dovey types.
So I had no great examples of what a loving family was.
Yet since I met Karen something deep within me needed her to become part of my life.

The very thought of losing her made my stomach turn.
It’s not the sex, although that is a major plus.
I have never met anyone who challenges my vanilla concepts regarding sex.

Karen has a zest for living and a wicked sense of humor.
She is smart as hell, and can carry on an intelligent conversation on most any topic.
The fact that she was drop dead gorgeous didn’t hurt the equation any.

As we have gotten to know each other I found that I think more about my future and what it would mean to have her as my companion fifty years from now.
I actually wondered what it would be like to have our grandchildren visiting us as we enter our elder years.

These thoughts carried me throughout the morning.
The only cure for this was to talk to Karen later in the evening.
Feeling a bit better after having decided to take the bull by the horns, I went off to my next class.

The irony of this was my next class was Psych 101.
I needed this class to round out my degree.
Why an Engineering major needed to take a Psych class was beyond me.
That being said, that was the rule, so off I went.

Taking my usual seat in the rear of the classroom I settled in for the next hour.
SHIT, I forgot that Barb was also in this class.
And of course once she spotted me she grabbed the seat next to mine.

“Hey Frank, how are you doing.
I haven’t seen you for a few days.” Barb said for the benefit of those seated nearby.
“Hey Barb, everything been good.
I’ve had a bit of a rough time trying to get some of my homework done.
You know how it is.
There’s been just so many distractions as of late that getting an opportunity to just sit and study has been rough.” I told her and anyone listening.

The Professor began this class by lowering the lights as he keyed up a tape of a famous Psych session called “Gloria”.
Three famous psychologists interviewing one woman.

As the room settled down Barb moved her chair closer to mine.
Leaning in she asked me how I was feeling.
Was the “cage” causing me any problems?
While asking me this her hand slid onto my lap.
OK, this was not going to go well I thought.

As her hand moved over my crotch to feel the chastity cage that held my cock captive I had what any red blooded boy would have, the beginning of a woody.
Under normal circumstances this would be welcomed.
Today on the other hand with my cock encased the pressure the “cage” exerted was unbearable.

“Barb, please stop it, the pressure is beginning to cause me a lot of pain.” I told her.
“Spoilsport, it would only hurt for a bit.
When is your last class?” Barb asked.
“After three pm, my last class is in fluid dynamics.
After that I’m done for the day.”

“Would you like to go have pizza and a beer later.
I get out around five pm.”
“That sounds good to me, I guaranty by then I’ll be starving.
Let me call Karen and see if she will be free by then.”

“Frank, why bother Karen, we can just go out for dinner then head back to my place for some fun and games.” Barb exclaimed.
“I don’t know, I think I’ll pass.” I told her.
“Frank what’s the problem, I’ll never tell her we fooled around.
I have to tell you last night was the best sex I’ve ever had.
If I had known you were such a perv months ago I never would have let you go.
So what do you say?” Barb asked, while pulling my hand onto her lap.
“No, sorry, like I said I’ll pass.” I told her.

For the remainder of the class Barb sat and stewed.
Not a word was spoken between us.
As the class let out Barb raced out ahead of me.
I’m sorry she was pissed but that’s how it is.
Being in the last row meant that I was one of the last out of the room.

As I left and rounded the corner I spied Barb talking to Karen.
I wondered how much trouble I was in with Karen.
As soon as I was within earshot I heard Karen tell Barb.
“I told you he wouldn’t do it.
There was no way you were going to get him to go along with the idea.” Karen explained to Barb.

OK now I was confused, what the hell just happened?
As soon as this thought crossed my pea brain Karen rushed up and plastered her lips against mine.
Followed by a few minutes of tonsil hockey.
Still confused but beginning to feel a bit better, I just had to take my chances and ask Karen what the hell was going on.

“Frank, Barb bet me that you would be willing to go and play without me.
She thought that you were just in this for the sex.
I told her that even though we have been together for so short a time I trusted that you wouldn’t cheat on me.
So Barb you lose.

I hope you are ready and willing to pay up?” Karen inquired.
“Any time you’re ready I’ll pay off the bet.” Barb told her.
Now as for you Frank, you have proven to me that my judgment and intuition is still sound.
I’ll have to find an interesting way to reward you for your fidelity.” Karen told me.

“So what did you bet?” I asked the girls.
As those words left my lips both the girls fell silent, their faces turning bright red.
“Well, the wager was the loser had to eat out the other any time, anywhere for the next week.” Karen told me.

Taking me by the hand Karen led Barb and myself out to her car.

As we pilled into he car I began to ask a question only to be shushed by Karen.
No matter what I began to ask I was shushed.
So like a good boy I sat back in my seat and did as I was told.

After ten minutes of driving we arrived at an abandoned building.
If looks were any indication, this was some kind of manufacturing facility.
There was an old rail line that brought materials into the place.
Along with a parking lot that would suffice to hold parking for the Superbowl.

Not a word was spoken as Karen exited the car.
Only a crooked finger told us we were to follow.
And follow we did.
Rummaging through her purse Karen produced a set of key on the largest ring I ever saw.

With these she began trying different keys until one opened the door we stood before.
Still silent Karen motioned us forward.
Taking a small flashlight from the depths of her purse Karen led us deeper into this building.
Until we stood before an enormous iron door.
Once again dipping into her purse Karen brought out a pair of sleep masks.
“OK you two, put these on and don’t you dare try to peek.
Remove you clothes now.” Karen ordered.

Once we were effectively blinded and naked we heard the key unlatching the door.
Taking me by the hand she led us into the room.
“Did you know that this factory had it’s own medical section?
When they closed this plant down last year they left a ton of shit laying around.
One of the areas they neglected to clear out was the medical section.” Karen informed us.

Once again taking my hand Karen led me forward until my legs bumped into a table.
“OK Frank, hop up onto the table.
No I want you to face the other way.
Good boy, please lay back and relax.
Frank do you trust me?” She asked.
“Yes.” I told her.

As I said this Karen took first one wrist then the other and bound them to the sides of the table.
The next moment there was a metallic sound followed by my right leg being lifted high and tied to an extension at the end of the table.
The left leg was given the same treatment.
My legs were now held high and wide apart.
At that point I knew what type of table this was.
The type of table a gynecologist might use for an exam.

Hearing her footsteps walk around the table finally stopping between my leg.
I waited in anticipation for what was to come.
A soft light touch against my already engorged cock.
Her fingertips traced the length of my cock, causing it to twitch and the pre-cum to flow.
As her foot steps moved away, I heard her take Barb in hand while walking back towards me.

I could feel them as they crowded between my uplifted and outstretched legs.
Two sets of hands began to play with my body never directly touching my cock with the occasional bump of the arm as they teased every other part of my body.
When one of them began to tickle the soles of my feet I though I was going to burst.

“Barb, is this the cock you wanted to play with?
The one you wanted to pry open those pussy lips of yours?
Lean forward and open your mouth.
Now I’m going to guide you.
Do not think of doing anything I haven’t told you to do, or there will be consequences.” Karen told her.
In seconds I felt a warm wet mouth descend onto my raging cock.
I could feel that Barb’s head was being controlled by Karen.

OK Barb, time to start paying off you debt, on your knees and start eating my pussy.
As my cock was released, the sounds of a very wet pussy licking could be heard along with Karen praising Barbs licking skills.


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