Decrowning Princess Autumn [Lesbian] [Femdom]

This is the story of how the most popular girl in school got exactly what she deserved…

It was the first day of the new year at high school. The summer had been long and lonely with only my parents for company. I’d ended the last school year as the school reject, ostracized everyone. This was all thanks to the school’s top bitch, Autumn Kelly.
I’d only started at my high school at the beginning of Year 9 the previous year. I’d managed to make friends pretty easily. Autumn was the first person to talk to me. She left the table she was sitting at to come and take the empty chair next to me. We hit it off and she seemed nice enough. It didn’t take me long to realise that Autumn was the most popular girl in our class and I was surprised she seemed to want to be friends with me. Autumn was tall for her age at 5’6”. Her skin was the olive colour that all girls wished for and nobody could argue that she wasn’t strikingly gorgeous, with her perfect oval face, deep green eyes and full pink lips. She had dark red, brown hair that cascaded down her back. The thing I found most captivating about Autumn was her beautiful round ass. I’d always wanted an ass like hers. As she stood up next to me and leant over the table to talk to another girl, I found my eyes taking in the length of her alluring figure. A warm feeling spread through my body and my mouth began to water as I took in the curves of her beautiful behind. Autumn turned and caught me looking and gave me a knowing playful smile. This girl knew she was stunning and loved the attention. In that moment I felt lucky to have been graced with her presence.

Autumn introduced me to other girls in our year and I got chatting with everyone. I thought I was going to be happy here with my new friends. I noticed the influence that Autumn had over our group of friends, she was idolised by everyone. She revelled in being the centre of everyone’s attention. Everywhere she went the boys’ eyes were on her hot body and a group of adoring, sparkly eyed friends were surrounding her.

It didn’t take long for me to see that Autumn was quite possessive. If any two girls from our group spent time together without her she would quickly put a stop to it by playing the girls off on one another with bitchy little comments here and there. Sometimes she would direct all this bitchiness at one girl resulting in that girl being snubbed by everyone and therefore dropped from our group.

One weekend nearing the summer holidays, Autumn came to stay at my house for a night. We occupied ourselves doing the usual girly sleepover things, gossiping about other girls at school, painting our nails and doing each others makeup. I was sitting on the edge of my bed changing into my pyjama shorts and matching strappy top and Autumn was on the other side of the room changing too with her back to me. She showed no signs of having seen me watching her but as she pulled her top over her head I got the feeling she was putting on a bit of a show for me. She was definitely taking her time about getting undressed. Her skin looked so smooth and the dip down her spine was so inviting, I could just imagine how it might feel under my fingers. I felt a flush of warmth between my legs and my nipples hardening against the material of my top. Autumn brought her hand behind her back to unclip her bra and slowly, seductively began to pull the straps over her soft olive shoulders. She turned her head and looked straight at me catching me watching her. By now we could both feel the hot tension between us and I made no effort to look away. Holding my gaze with a bewitching grin on her face she dropped her bra and placed her hand over her nipples in a half attempt to hide herself. I could clearly see the round shape of the side of her boob and stared longingly. “What are you looking at naughty?” Autumn said with a mischievous giggle. With that I blushed badly, feeling fire in my cheeks and looked away. Autumn laughed harder. “Kate, have you got any baby oil?” she asked.
“Errrm, what? Why?” I asked, feeling my face redden more.
“Can you give me a massage?” Autumn asked with a teasing smile. I was taken by surprise and although we both knew I was dying to touch her body I froze and just gawped at her saying nothing. “Well if you don’t want to you can just say so,” She chided mockingly.
“Oh I do want to!” I added quickly worrying I’d missed my chance. “Really I do.” I was hoping now that I didn’t sound too eager. “I’m pretty sure my Mum has some massage oil in the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” I dashed quickly out of the room. When I returned I stopped outside the door for a moment taking a few deep breaths to try and steady my nerves and act normal. I couldn’t quite believe that I was about to get to touch the skin I’d fantasised about so many times when lying awake in bed at night. I began to wonder where this might be going and whether Autumn had been thinking about touching me too. This made me too excited and I began to shake a little. I pushed these thoughts out of my head for the moment and stepped into my room.

Autumn was lying belly down on my bed in just her pyjama shorts, which didn’t hide much, waiting for me. A hot tingling sensation ran through my body. She looked so unbelievably hot laying there on my bed, her voluptuous ass mostly on show. Autumn saw my awestruck face and was loving every second of being admired. “I found the oil,” I murmured standing rooted to the spot.
“Well don’t just stand there then, I’m waiting,” she said impatiently.
“Oh err, sorry.” I went to sit next to her on the bed. I opened the bottle and squeezed a little oil onto the dip of her spine. Autumn shivered slightly and the faint, fine hairs stood up all over her. “Can you warm it up in your hands first, it’s a bit cold.”
“Oh sorry,” I apologised.
“Stop apologising, it’s ok just relax,” Autumn purred, obviously loving how nervous I was. I began by brushing the tips of my fingers along her spine. Fuck, it felt like the ends of my fingers were buzzing with the contact. I rubbed the palms of my hands all over her back caressing her skin with my thumb and she let out a faint moan. I drizzled a little more oil into my hands and rubbed them together and placed them one on each shoulder blade and smoothed the skin down either side of her spine until they brushed the top of her shorts. “Straddle me,” she demanded, “It will be easier like that.”
I stood up over her, swung one leg over her and sat down on her shapely butt with my knees tucked beneath me either side. I could feel the pressure of her cushioned cheeks between my legs, my pussy warming and a wetness on my shorts. I used my oily hands in a circular motion on her back, each stroke being met with a glorious moan of pleasure. Looking down on her from this angle I could see the shape of her boobs under her armpits where they were being squashed into the bed. “Is that ok?” I asked in a nervous whisper.
“Yeah, that’s nice,” Autumn sighed.
I was getting braver now with her straddled beneath me and wrapped my hands around her sides and massaged her ribcage up into the middle of her back and back out to the sides getting ever closer to her boobs. Until now, Autumn had been lying with her head to one side, eyes closed. She was watching me now, she was watching me daring to explore her body further with a smug smile on her face. She knew just how much she was turning me on and she was smiling, she must want this too, I thought to myself. With a new found confidence I brought my hands outwards across her shoulder blades and stretched my fingers out to grope the sides of her boobs. Now I let out a soft moan myself and began grinding my hips forward pushing into her glorious ass. This was too hot and I wanted more. I wriggled my fingers under her boobs fumbling to find her nipples while still grinding on her ass.
“Stop!” Autumn half yelled. I was snapped out of my horny trance and climbed off her and stood up. “I think you are getting a bit carried away, Kate, I only asked for a massage not for you to start trying to grope me!” The smug smile had left her face now she was looking at me with half disgust.
I suddenly felt violently sick. She was as into this as I was wasn’t she!? Oh god I was mortified, my face was burning and I could feel my eyes beginning to fill up with tears.
“Pass me my top,” she ordered. “And don’t look!”
I turned around while Autumn rolled over and put her top back on. “Oh god! That’s disgusting!” She squealed. I turned around again and she was standing in front of my mirror looking at her perfect ass and the wet patch I had left on her shorts. I looked down frantically and saw that the juices of my arousal had leaked through my shorts on to hers. The embarrassment was unreal. I grabbed my dressing gown and ran from my room heading to the bathroom trying to hold back sobs.

I sat on the lid of the toilet crying heavily into my dressing gown. I’m not sure how much time had passed when I heard my Mum’s voice the other side of the door. “Kate? Are you ok in there?” I didn’t reply just sobbed a little louder. “Autumn said you girls had had a falling out and was quite upset. Your Dad has given her a lift home.”

The following Monday morning when my Mum woke me to get ready for school, my stomach was churning at the thought of facing Autumn. I tried to convince her that I wasn’t well enough to go but she was having none of it. “I know you are just trying to avoid your friend,” she insisted. “Don’t worry, you have both had time to cool off, I’m sure you will make-up.” I tried to believe her and reluctantly got ready to leave.

The walk to school felt like I was walking to the gallows and once I got in to school I knew I was right to be dreading it. As I walked down the corridor towards my class people all around me were staring at me and whispering and sniggering. My skin began to sweat and blood rushed to my face. I kept my head down and carried on walking. I passed a group of four people who were staring and laughing at me more openly that the others. “Lesbo!” One of them yelled and the whole corridor erupted with laughter. Now I knew. I felt sure I was about to throw up my breakfast. Autumn had told everyone! I wanted desperately to run and hide but knew this would make everyone laugh harder. I saw a couple of girls from our group of friends stood chatting outside our classroom. I half ran towards them in desperate need of a friendly face. They turned towards me and their faces were anything but friendly. “Ewww go away, dyke!” One of them said in disgust. I turned back around my eyes filling with tears and came face to face with Autumn. The pride in her smile and evil glint in her eyes said it all. I ran past her heading for the girls toilets to hide, hearing more fits of giggles behind me.

How could she do this to me? I thought as I barricaded myself in one of the tiny cubicles. She led me on, she watched how nervous I was and urged me on. She had definitely wanted it too, either that or she had planned this whole thing! The image of her beautiful, oval face and the nasty glint in her sexy, green eyes came swimming into my mind and I felt sure she had planned the whole thing. Autumn Kelly, Top Bitch!

The last 2 weeks of the school year were hell for me. Everywhere I went people looked at me in disgust and whispered insults in my direction. Some weren’t as kind as to just whisper. One day, when I walked passed Autumn who was sitting with a group of girls and boys outside the canteen, one of them stuck their foot out to trip me and I fell face first onto the concrete and split my lip. Autumn stood over me and spat in my hair. “Pervert!” She grinned and they left me on the floor with the taste of blood in my mouth. Pure hatred fired up inside me as I watched her incredible ass walking away and I knew I would get that bitch back if it was the last thing I did!

To my great relief the summer holidays finally arrived. My Mum nagged at me to get out the house and meet up with my friends but I kept making convenient excuses and hid away in my bedroom. I scrolled through social media, seeing post after post of what everyone at school were doing with their holidays. I came across a post from one of the girls with photos of Autumn and the girls on the beach, arms around each other grinning in their colourful, skimpy bikinis, their gorgeous bodies glistening in the sunshine. I felt jealous, jealous that they were out having fun while I was at home alone, jealous that I couldn’t be there with them, posing sexily for photos with our hands on each others bare waists. I felt horny. Angry, jealous, sad and horny. I laid back on my bed and clicked on the post to look more closely at the photos. Of course there were more photos of Autumn than of anyone else. She loved the attention and she loved the camera! There was one of her laying on her stomach facing the camera with her elbows tucked in at her sides, arms pushing her perky tits together so they were barely held by her purple bikini top. She was smiling seductively a suggestive look in her eyes. The same look she had given me as she watched me watching her taking off her bra in my room. I stroked the side of my body with one hand holding my phone with the other. Oh how I longed to run my tongue up the crack of her cleavage. I groped my braless boobs under my top brushing gently over my nipples. I felt like she was staring out of my phone right into my eyes saying “How bad do you want this?”
“So fucking bad!” I whispered under my breath. I scrolled down to the next photo. Another of her lying on her stomach but facing the other way this time, looking back over her shoulder at the camera. The photographer had crouched down low for this shot. You could see the round humps of her ass cheeks perfectly at this angle. I imagined I was there with her, rubbing sun lotion into her divine cheeks, hearing her moan as I groped them firmly. Excitement tingled up my legs, my hand crept down my body. I fumbled with the button on my shorts and forced my fingers desperately under my knickers feeling my pussy drooling more as I stroked around my lips. I kept stroking until I could feel the silky wetness beginning to escape then used it to circle around my swelling clit. Oh fuck that felt good. Thoughts of how Autumn had treated me began to creep into my mind and I stared at the ass in the photo with an urge to slap it. Yes, I wanted to hurt Autumn Kelly. I wanted to spank her ass until she pleaded with me to stop. My fingers worked my wet pussy faster. I wanted to pinch her nipples until she cried out in pain. I wanted to fuck with Autumn until she begged me for my forgiveness. Yes, I wanted to make Autumn Kelly my bitch! I felt the familiar wave of pleasure consume my body as I fucked myself desperately with my fingers. I had to bite onto my duvet to stop myself from crying out as I came hard staring at that photo of Autumn, now decided on exactly how I was going to get my own back!

On the morning of the first day back at school, I woke before my alarm went off and quickly got out of bed and got dressed. For the first time in months I was looking forward to the day ahead. My Mum was shocked to see me up and ready when she came downstairs but seemed satisfied enough that I’d pulled myself out of whatever teenage slump I’d been in and didn’t ask any questions. I smiled to myself as I left the house, enjoying the warm fizzing of anticipation that filled my belly. I was still smiling when I walked down the corridor towards my classroom, ignoring the sly whispers and comments from passers by. Autumn and the girls stared at me as I walked into the room, gossiping and sniggering amongst themselves. I wasn’t going let those bitches ruin my good mood, nothing was going to ruin today. Autumn glared at me obviously bothered by my lack of reaction towards their behaviour. I beamed back at her and rummaged in my bag for my timetable. Lesson 3- PE, right before lunchtime, perfect.

The first 2 lessons passed in a blur with me spending most the time gazing out the window lost in a daydream. When the bell rang for third lesson I felt my stomach lurch with excitement and nerves. Our class packed up and we all headed over towards the gym. On any other day this would have been my worst nightmare. I would usually stand in the corner getting changed with my head down as verbal abuse was hurled at me. “Stop staring lesbo!” and “God, your such a pervert.”
But today I held my head high in defiance. Just as planned I made a show of realising I’d ‘forgotten’ my PE kit and went to tell an angry Mr. Jones, knowing that I’d be told to wait the lesson out in the changing rooms reading a book and then report to detention at the end of the day. Happy that all was going to plan I sat down on one of the benches and pretended to read.

When all the girls were almost ready to leave Autumn piped up, “What the hell, I know I packed my trainers this morning! Where are they?” She asked no-one in particular.
“Hurry up girls!” Came Mr. Jones’ irritated voice. Autumn, in just her socks, went out to speak to him. Then came back in looking pissed off and sat her peachy ass down on the bench opposite me. This was too easy! I looked at her over my book and she glared back at me, “What the fuck are you looking at dyke!?” She snapped. I smirked at her which made her angrier still. She crossly bent over and started rummaging in her bag for a book and also began reading.

Around 5 minutes of us sitting in silence had passed when Autumn’s head snapped up as she heard the click of the lock being turned on the changing rooms door. “What the hell are you doing?” She asked me with disgust on her face but concern in her voice. I started towards her grinning menacingly and said nothing. “Fuck off lesbo, what are you doing?” I snatched at her long ponytail and yanked her head backwards. “Ouch! Get the fuck off me!”
“That’s enough talking bitch!” I snarled and clamped a hand over her pretty little mouth. I pulled her up onto her feet by her hair, as she clawed at my hands trying to free herself, then dragged her over into a corner of the showers. I shoved her hard into the wall smashing her head on the tiles. She went weak at the knees, rooted to the spot, as I tied her slim wrists in front of her to one of the pipes with my school tie and shoved a pair of socks into her mouth. Now she was secure I stepped back to admire my catch. Autumn was just wearing a white polo shirt and her PE shorts, tight black hot pants that rode right up her ass showing of her round cheeks beautifully. “Very nice.” I purred in approval. “You knew exactly what you were doing to me that night in my room didn’t you?” I demanded. “You led me on just so you could humiliate me! You nasty little tease!” I could feel hot tears stinging the corners of my eyes as I confronted her about how she had made me feel. Shit girl, I thought to myself, this wasn’t part of the plan now pull yourself together!
“Well now I’m going to take what I’m owed and treat you like the nasty bitch you try so hard to be!”

While Autumn was squirming and trying to scream I pulled those tight little shorts right up her deep crack until all of her glorious, round backside was on show. I crouched down behind her and ran my hands over both of her cheeks, feeling her shiver under my touch and squeezed her buttocks in my hands, hard, making her whimper louder. I raised my right hand and brought it down with a sharp slap that echoed off the tiled walls. Autumn squealed, a muffled squeal coming from behind the socks I’d shoved deeply into her mouth. My heart started racing. This was fucking hot. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, urging me on. Seeing a perfectly shaped, pink print of my hand raising out of her skin sent a gush of hot wetness into my own shorts. I forced her legs apart a little and brushed my hands up the inside of her thighs getting closer and closer to the place where her tight shorts were now clearly separating her hot teenage lips. I stopped just a few centimetres away but could feel the warmth of her pussy on my hand. Autumn was shaking uncontrollably now. I grabbed both her legs and turned her round slowly to face me and looked up into her scared face as I held my hands steady. The terror on this bitch’s face was priceless. Autumn the ‘princess’ now mine to do with as I pleased. I shoved my face into the crease between her legs and inhaled deeply. Oh this girl smelt good, like sweet, salty honey.
I stood up so our faces were level and came closer until my nose touched hers and looked into her tearful, deep green eyes. She tried to pull away suddenly and cracked her head on the tiles behind her. “Careful!” I said, “we don’t want you getting too hurt now do we?” She whimpered softly. I had her exactly where I wanted her and the endless possibilities of what I could do next were almost too much. I stroked her face. “Look at me bitch.” I ordered firmly. Autumn sobbed but didn’t raise her eyes. I slapped her face hard, another muffled squeal. “I said look at me bitch!” Her watery eyes snapped up to meet mine as tears fell to land on her white polo shirt. “Why the tears honey?” I mocked. “Are you not enjoying this? I certainly am. All those times you looked down on me, the way you turned everyone against me. You spat in my hair!” Autumn was watching me now looking almost remorseful. I grabbed the collar of her polo shirt and pulled until I felt the stitching start to break. I tugged harder again and tore her shirt down the middle to reveal her hot pink lacy bra barely holding her globe like tits beneath it. Autumn wept, which sent hot tingles through my knickers. “Very nice.” I nodded in approval.
I could feel my wetness beginning to escape from under my shorts. I looked into her face as I took hold of her slutty bra and pulled it forward so her perky tits sprang out. They were not disappointing, her supple, olive skin with the deep pink of her neat areolas the size of a ten pence piece. The look of utter humiliation on her face was everything I’d been hoping for. I turned around and rummaged through my school bag to find my phone. Autumn watched as I pulled it from my bag and started whimpering more loudly. “Shut the fuck up bitch!” I snapped, secretly pleased by this show of desperation. I set the camera on my phone and turned on the flash not wanting to miss any detail. “I think everyone you have so easily turned against me would love to see a photo or two of this!” I focused my phone on Autumn’s hot, shaking body and took the first shot then turned her around to get a photo of that incredible, now red and marked, ass. The second photo was for me. I never wanted to forget the scene before me.
Now to have some more fun. There was so much more of this beauty to be revealed. Time to take what I really wanted. I forced her hot body back around and snatched at one of her tits catching the nipple between my finger and thumb and squeezed hard. I looked at her face, was that a slight moan I had heard? I squeezed her other nipple hard and again a soft moan escaped her stuffed mouth. So the slut liked that did she? Lets see what else she liked. I kept one hand on her right tit and placed the other behind her on her back and pulled her body into mine. I raised my leg between her legs and ground my knee back and forth firmly into her pussy and kept teasing her right nipple. I pulled her head back again by her ponytail and bit at her bare neck and sucked hard leaving my mark. I could feel my wetness escaping my shorts and slowly trickling down my leg. I caught some on the tips of my fingers and brought my hand up in front of Autumn’s face showing her. “Oh girl you have me excited.” I brushed my fingers over her lips spreading my arousal around her hot, little mouth. She tried to pull away and again found the cold tiles behind her. “So you still think my juices are disgusting do you? Well I know just how to fix that!” I pulled Autumn back around so I could get at the place where her hands were tied to the pipes of the showers and unknotted my school tie. Now I had her on a leash just like a nasty little bitch should be. “Come with me slut, I’ve got something for you.” I tugged on her leash and dragged her over to the benches. Holding tight to her ponytail and the tie I pulled her down onto her knees with the bench behind her and knotted the tie tightly to a leg of the bench. She looked up at me tears streaming down her perfect face. “I’m going to take those dirty socks out of your mouth now but if you dare scream then I’ll make sure that those dirty photos get sent to every person in this school, all the teachers too! Do you understand?” She nodded that she understood. Having Autumn obeying me made me more excited still, she really was my little bitch now! I pulled the socks out of her mouth and watched as she gasped and then tried to swallow attempting to put moisture back into her mouth. “Here let me help with that,” I said. I bent down closer to her and gripped her jaw firmly pulling her mouth open then spat onto her tongue. She froze, looking at me mouth still open, not wanting to swallow. I pushed 2 fingers into her mouth forcing my spit down her throat. She let out a yelp and again I slapped her hard around the face. “What did I say? Shut the fuck up!” I ordered. She looked at me with apologetic eyes. I stood back and began to tug my shorts down my legs, my knickers too. “We had better fill your mouth again to keep you quiet.”
“No,” Autumn whined, I glared at her and yanked her ponytail pulling her upwards so her back was straight and shoved her face into my soaking wet pussy. She cried into me as I began grinding back and forth on her face. “Use your tongue,” I demanded, “I want you to make me cum on that beautiful face.” She began licking at me like she was a cat drinking milk. “Not like that! Fuck sake, hold your tongue out.” I spread my lips and placed my swollen clit on her tongue and pulled her face tighter into my wet mound grinding on her face. Oh god that was good. I kept fucking her face, faster, harder electrifying shocks of pleasure bringing me closer to the edge. The room around me became a blur as my I became light headed as a blissful surge rose through my body. I came hard, gasping for air, into the mouth of my hot little sex toy. Breathless, I pulled away and looked down at her wet face seeing my juices mixed with her tears dripping off her chin. “I think it must be your turn now,” I said, “and I can’t wait to have a look under those skimpy shorts.” Autumn hung her head submissively. “Lets get them off.” I pushed her backwards, more gently this time. She was mine now and she knew it. I gripped the waistband of her shorts and tugged them downwards, looking into her eyes expectantly. She read my look and thrust her hips upwards, helping me undress her. I removed her matching, hot, pink, lacy thong along with her shorts. “Open your legs you sexy bitch.” Autumn did as I said. She sat on the cold changing room floor, leant back against the bench with her legs spread for me. I lay my eyes on her pussy for the first time letting out a grateful sigh. Her pussy was as perfect as I’d imagined it. Shaven clean except for a neat patch of dark hair above where her clit was hiding. Her lips were small and pink and poked out evenly, I could see the glistening hint of wetness around them. I got to my knees in front of her open legs and ran both my hands from her knees slowly down her smooth inner thighs. I could smell her now. She smelt divine. I pressed my fingers to her clit and massaged her gently, soft moans escaping her drenched lips. “Oh my, you are very wet Autumn. Have you been enjoying yourself?” I mocked. Autumn looked up at me with her tearful eyes but said nothing. “I asked you a fucking question bitch!” She whimpered loudly with her eyes still locked with mine. She didn’t know how to not want this anymore. I slipped my fingers into her soaking, warm hole beckoning them towards me, watching her whole body writhing involuntarily. She began moaning louder. I leant forward and brought our faces together, licking my own juices and her tears from her lips. I fucked her roughly, her hips thrust forward, her body wanting more. I forced another finger into her tight cunt and she moaned harder into my mouth. Using my other hand I found her puckered asshole and tickled it softly. This pushed her over the edge. She bit down hard on my bottom lip as she came, shudders spreading through her body. I pulled away and saw the tears now cascading down her face. She had enjoyed that but was desperately ashamed of herself. I eased my fingers out of her creamy pussy licking and sucking them clean. Then sank them back inside her for more. I wiped my fingers down her red, blotched face smearing her juices all over her and grinning with satisfaction. This bitch had got what she deserved and now she was spent. She looked so fragile sat there crumpled on the floor, no sign of ‘princess’ Autumn anymore. Happy that I was done here I pulled my clothes back on. “The girls will be back soon, you had better go and clean yourself up!” I untied her and took one more quick photo before I left her there dishevelled and broken on the floor.

I had a new spring in my step for the rest of the day, comfortable in my own skin and grinned at the other students as they shot their filthy looks and muttered insults at me. Autumn wasn’t in class for the rest of the day, when one of the girls asked the teacher where Autumn was he explained she had been feeling unwell so had gone home. I smirked to myself contented that I had put that bitch in her place and got what I wanted from it too.

When I got home that afternoon, my Mum met me on my way through the door. “Goodness, Kate you look the happiest I’ve seen you in months! Have you had a good day?” I put my arms around my Mother and hugged her tightly, sure that my life from here on was going to be good. “Yeah Mum, I have. I’ve had the best day!”



  1. This was your first? Wow. Excellent work. Please keeping the content coming.

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