[MM] My Cousin’s Enormous Dick

So I’ve always considered myself primarily a straight male. My hookups are with women, and I masturbate MOSTLY to women.
However some encounters (and one in particular) have peeked my interest enough in men for me to say I’m open to anything nowadays. You’ll see what I mean.

So when my cousin and I were just boys, we always hung out and played together. He lived in another state but we’d always orchestrate visits between our families so we could hangout. We’d play video games all night, eat pizza, laugh at nothing, everything one would expect.

Then eventually, puberty had come and passed and we were still hanging out a lot well into our teenage years. Some of the evenings became more about trying weed, sneaking cigarettes out of the window, etc, and of course talking about women.

So eventually we’re both 18, he had a girlfriend back in his home state (I was definitely single), and we were talking about her in my bed. He always slept in bed with me and we would listen to music, stare at the ceiling, and talk for hours.

We were talking about sex, and that led to talking about masturbation. The conversation didn’t go too far because we both were obviously shy about how this excited us so much.
(I should specify we both came from very conservative, Christian backgrounds so the butterflies in our stomach that came when thinking about the other one masturbating were insanely taboo. So we didn’t know it was ok, yet).

Later that night after some snacks and gaming, my cousin decided he wanted to go to bed. Lo and behold, his new lifestyle (now that he’s a man) included sleeping nude. “It’s the best..so comfortable…” I had a feeling this was a brand new thing (even in the moment) that he wanted to seem very natural presenting to me.

I said that was cool, and tried to hide how much I wanted to see him naked. He got naked under the sheets anyway so it was kind of a bittersweet moment for me. I told him I wasn’t tired yet so I turned the volume on the tv down and watched a movie while he slowly fell asleep.

Once I knew he was completely out, I stayed in front of the TV and took my dick out and started masturbating right there. He would only see my back if his eyes opened, but he would definitely know what I was doing. It was so exciting. And part of me thinks he wasn’t totally asleep but I’ll never know that part for sure. The reason I think that is:

The next morning, we wake up in my bed and we’re chatting about breakfast, and what do to that day. I was a little embarrassed at what I did but then thought “If he doesn’t know, then no big deal.”

He rolled over, sat up in the bed, and threw the blanket off. His back was to me. I saw the top of his ass and allllllll the excitement came rushing back.

He stood up (I should mention he was very slender, and naturally in pretty good shape), and he turned to face me.

I have never. Ever in my life. Ever. Ever seen any dick as big and meaty and floppy as the dick this thin cousin of mine had heavily dangling from his body. I was in awe, and can’t even remember if perhaps my jaw fell down or not. It’s an image that still excites me even while writing this, and seeing it has turned me on to a certain kind of man ever since.

I felt like he did a little show for me. He could have just immediately put on underwear or a towel or said to look away for a sec but he didn’t! He just stood there in that fat cock glory and even rubbed his hands over his face in that “oh I’m still sleepy” way but it felt like SUCH an invitation to stare. And I absolutely did.

We’re gonna flash forward a bit here.

So my cousin and I still had never done anything more than occasional dick flashing in years, because I think we were just too shy or maybe we were afraid to admit what we wanted to do.


So our families took a joint vacation to a beach resort.

FIRST NIGHT of the vacation, and at the end of the evening, maybe 2 or 3am, it’s just me and him on the porch of one of the small rental cabins looking at the ocean. It’s quiet, it’s dark, and we’re drunk. I suggest it first-
“Wanna go strip and sit naked in the sand?”
A VERY quick – “Yes.”

We walk down to the water and begin stripping. Moonlight looks good on us. It’s a little chilly but not enough to stop. Man this was so heart-pounding, just knowing I would see it again.

We sit down next to each other and are watching the water, in the nude, and enjoying each other’s company. At some point, I eventually have to pee so, I get up and walk in front of him, near where the tide is hitting the coast. I feel him watching me, he wants to see me too.

Now I’m not a “huge” dude by any means. I’m heavier in weight and little taller than him but I’m not carrying a hammer like him. So when I’m shaking myself at the end of the pee, i shake a little extra so he’s got a better show. I turn around and confidently strut back to my spot next to him.

He asks – “haven’t trimmed down there in a while, huh? Longer than usual.” HE WAS TOTALLY drinking in the view of me and man I was so ready to reverse roles.

Thankfully this triggered his urge to pee as well and I got ready. He’d been working out so his back and legs and ass all looked very trim, I have to say. Finally he turns around once he’s done and my god it is glorious, just swinging from side to side like a limp can of Pringles. My mouth watered. I had to touch it. Tonight!

I stand up before he gets back to his seat and I stand just a few inches away with some bullshit talk about “oh what about more beer, should we maybe blah blah” but my real goal was touching this dick.

I make notice of a new tattoo he has on his shoulder and as I lean in closer, ever so gently, my growing cock actually grazes against his behemoth. We both feel that. There’s a new tension in the air. He looks down at my cock, getting harder by the second (for better or for worse), and I look at his huge dick just aching for something new to happen tonight. Please let something happen. I can’t control myself any longer.

I make something up about his new abs and put my hand on this lower stomach. He flexes slightly. My hand drips down. “Wow you got really fit man, so many new muscles.” Dripping slower.

And finally. After years of tension and hoping I’m not wrong…

I slide my index finger along his shaft. All the way down to the tip. It begins to rise, slowly, and he took in a long breath. Looks like I was right.
I said, “I’ve wanted to put this enormous dick in my hand for a long time, man. Is that weird?”

He said “I don’t know. I mean I’ve kinda wanted to see yours and maybe touch yours too.” My heart is exploding. I might faint. “Do you mind?”

I. Am. Rock. Hard.

He slides my dick into his hand and I think I might faint. I grabbed his too, but with my full hand wrapped around it and it is getting so hard now. And I go for it. I start stroking. He moans softly, looks at my eyes and starts stroking me too.

And there we are, standing naked on a beach in the dark, stroking each other off and moaning as quietly as we can so not to wake anyone.

I don’t take long, I wanted this so bad. I explode all over his hand and down his left leg. I was convulsing. And when I finally caught my breath I dropped down on my knees and put both hands on this giant rod. I started tickling his swollen, dangling balls and when I found his sweet spot (that precious taint) I knew I had him.

A couple of minutes later of ferocious pumping and boom! He unloaded over my neck and chest. I took my time letting go, getting it all out and letting my fingers linger until it slumped like a sock full of quarters back in to place.

We dipped in the ocean to clean up, and I ran into the house to get us some beers. We stayed out there, nude, and catching up like nothing happened for another hour or so. Then we went to bed.

We haven’t hung out in years since then but I just know that the moment we do, something like this will definitely happen again and taboo or not, I really can’t wait.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fguzc6/mm_my_cousins_enormous_dick


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