Caught my Ex cheating [MF]

My ex used to work at Target, they would barely give her any hours. Sometimes I would go visit her during work because she would be on the floor stocking ot whatever. I would see that she was flirty with the guys that worked there a lot , but I tried really hard to not get jealous or make a big deal out if it. I knew something might be going on though. There was one guy specifically who she was really fond of. Since I went so many times to visit her I had seen her saying bye to him at the parking lot and I saw his car and all.

One day when she was going to do a closing shift she told me that I shouldnt go visit her because she was worried that I would be driving at night (because I had just been in a car crash). She never really cared to pretend to worry about me so I found that fishy. I decided to go around her lunch time without her knowing I was going .

The parking lot is big at this target and it was basically empty. At the way deep end I noticed the car of the guy she was really fond of. I felt angry for no reason thinking she might be flirting with him in the store. I parked somewhat far from the entrance and before I got off I noticed her walking out with the guy. My heart dropped. She didnt bother to look around or anything she was focused on him. I text her wyd.. and she replied nothing about to microwave a pizza I’m on lunch.

I see them both go to his car. At this point I wanted to go and knock his teeth out . I waited 5 minutes and before I knew it I see the car shaking not to much but it was moving. I decided to get off and walk near the car . I took out my phone and began to record. From not to far away I saw her riding his dick on the front seat. She was rubbing her big tits all over his face. She had an orgasmic face. She was really enjoying herself. They didnt even bother to look around they were really into each other. Before my eyes i saw him push her off and she went to the back seat. His windows were slightly tinted so it became harder to see. But I saw his ass banging her doggystyle in the back of his car. I decided to leave before they finished . All I did was send her 30 seconds of the video and I couldnt think of anything to say i just said nice. I blocked her everywhere and never spoke to her again.



  1. Well no wonder she was cheating! Look at you maybe she got tired of your shit. Just telling it like it is, but it sounds like you are the manipulative, narcissistic, gaslighting dick that she was trying to get away from. My hats off to your ex, she knew what she was doing. Most women dont take that shit.

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