Looking for a story

About a dude who’s girlfriend is 26 and they live together. Some brat 18 year old moved in next door. He comes to the door and knocks and tells the boyfriend he wants to fuck her. The bf and GF sit there and put him down and make fun of him till he pipes up saying “I bet I got a bigger dick” the gf laughs and challenges him. The bf is forced to pull his pants down along with the teen. When she sees what the teen is packing everything changes and she fucks him right there in front of the bf. I think the story is fairly new but I can’t seem to find it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5549zf/looking_for_a_story


  1. Wherever it is, it sounds fake as hell. May as well just go to Literotica if you’re looking for plotlines like that

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