Welcome to the Family | Rape, Kidnap, Brutal, Blowjob, Anal, Rough, Sisters

**This story comes from a suggestion from an Anon user. It was a great suggestion and I can see myself writing a few more parts to it.**

**I should warn you though that it is quite a brutal story. (Tho hot ;D)**

**The ending is pretty open so if you have any suggestion’s on what should happen next, just comment of PM me**


Rain lashed at the windshield of the speeding car. Middle American countryside flew past, the brown-grey blur of agricultural poverty. Empty and sparse except for the occasional dilapidated wooden barn, standing sad and still in the distance under a thundering dead sky. The engine of the silver Honda Civic suddenly cracked and croaked, and the smell of burning plastic engulfed the interior.

Sofia slammed her hands on the wheel. ‘Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit.’ The engine went dead. ‘Oh come on.’

‘Are you being serious?’ Isabella was in the passenger seat, a mirror image of her sister next to her. Both girls were gorgeous, with long dark hair and pristine terra-cotta skin. The car slowed and pulled to the side of the road. The violent rain attacked the body of the car. ‘The engine’s dead.’

‘Is it?’ Sofia snapped, ‘I hadn’t noticed.’

‘Don’t get bitchy with me.’ Isabella got her phone from her pocket. ‘Dad told you to get the car checked before we left…’

‘Stop being such a daddy’s girl. Shut up and let me think.’ Sofia got her phone out as well, switched the screen on. ‘No signal.’


‘Fuck.’ Isabella dropped her phone onto her lap. The smell of burning plastic had receded, though now a thin plume of jet-black smoke seeped from beneath the hood. The windscreen was thick with rain and the wilderness outside was just a brown blur. ‘What do you think’s wrong with it?’

‘Do I look like a mechanic?’

Isabella glared at her.

‘Fucking fuck!’ Sofia slammed the wheel again. ‘Something in the engine is fucked. The other day driving home from school it made a weird sound, like a metallic cranking. Guessed it was nothing.’

‘Well, you guessed wrong, sis.’

Sofia breathed out and didn’t reply. A few minutes of bitter silence passed. ‘Come on.’ She popped the hood. ‘Let’s go have a look.’

‘You’re joking?’ Isabella looked outside. ‘It’s pouring down.’

‘Look. Instead of arguing who goes outside and gets soaked, let’s just both go and then we’re both pissed off.’

Isabella signed. ‘Fine. Let’s go.’ The two teens hesitantly pulled the door handles. They pushed it open and jumped out into the fierce elements.

The rain was biblical and freezing. Within a few second both girls were soaking wet. Neither was dressed for the weather. Sofia was wearing a white halter top, her bare midriff vulnerable to the elements. The rain-soaked through the fabric, revealing a black bra underneath and two perfect breasts below. Isabella faired no better. She was wearing a loose crop top, which the violent wind was blowing in different directions. A flurry of wind hit her and pushed the top up, revealing an identical pair of naked breasts, the cold wind making the nipples hard. The sisters ducked under the safety of the popped hood.

‘Why aren’t you wearing a bra?’ Sofia asked, flicking a strand of hair from her face.


‘I said why aren’t you wearing a bra?’

‘I dunno. I would have if I knew this was gonna be happening.’

Sofia smirked, ‘And people call me the slutty one.’

Isabella smiled faintly, ‘Shut up, sis.’

Bent over, the two examined the engine. Within a minute it became apparent that neither had any clue what they were doing. A wire had come loose, and a strange tube was disconnected, also a liquid that neither could identify was spilt over the battery.

‘Something’s definitely fucked here.’ Isabella said.

‘Yeah, no shit. What did that sign say a few miles back?’

‘Shit, I can’t remember… a garage and truck stop in five miles… I think.’

Sofia thought for a second. ‘They could help us. Trucker guys know their shit when it comes to cars.’

Isabella rose from the engine. ‘They’re also all rapists.’

‘That’s not true. Beth’s dad’s a trucker.’

‘Beth’s dad likely masturbates to your Instagram pics.’ Isabella giggled.

‘Stop being gross.’ Sofia looked down the road. Silent and vacant. ‘You got a better idea?’

‘Sofia, look at the rain. We can’t walk in this weather.’ As soon as Isabella finished speaking the rain stopped with comedic timing. ‘Fuck.’

Sofia smiled then laughed, ‘Our luck’s already changing. Come on, the sooner we go the sooner the car will get fixed.’

Isabella opened her mouth to complain but stopped herself. She sighed and stomped past her sister and started down the road.

Sofia quickly caught up and slapped her on the shoulder. ‘Cheer up, one of these truckers could be cute.’

‘Shut up, sis.’

The sisters walked for forty minutes. The two Californian teens couldn’t have looked more out of place among the damp fly-over state farmland. Both Sofia and Isabella were cheerleaders at school, so each had toned, athletic builds. This was proven by the way their tight jeans gripped to their firm asses.

Sofia swept her hair back, water dripped down her back and she shivered. Isabella checked her phone again, ‘How do these people live like this?’

‘Still no connection?’

‘Yeah. It’s like a fucking third world country.’

Sofia pointed in the distance. ‘Look. That must be it.’ The two girls continued walking towards a structure that sat on the side of the road. As they got closer they saw it was two worn-down buildings. One was a garage, and the other a shack with a sign reading *PAYMENT HERE* above the door.

‘This is place is weird.’ Sofia said.

‘Yeah, I don’t like this.’ Isabella looked around. ‘Maybe we should go back?’

‘No, it’s fine. We’ll go ask in there.’ She pointed to the shack. ‘Either they can help us, or they’ll have a phone and we can call somebody.’

Isabella didn’t reply, but her the loss of colour in her face and jittering eyes gave away her nerves.

Sofia went first. She pushed open the shack door that was barely on it’s hinges. A bell rang as she did and both sisters jumped. The shack was small and dingy. A tattered chair in the corner and a stained counter at the back. A man stood behind the counter. Average height and build, not much hair on his head that he had tried to make up for by growing an unimpressive straggly beard. He looked both girls over with crazy eyes.

‘Hey.’ Sofia said, speaking with an authoritative tone that Isabella knew was all bullshit. ‘Our car broke down a few miles down the road. We were wondering if you had a phone we could use?’

‘No phones out here, dears.’ His voice was airy and thin, if a sound could be skeletal it was. ‘This is old country.’

‘Well, do you know where we could find a phone?’

The man looked at her. His age was indescribable. ‘Say, you two girls. Do you happen to be Mexicans?’

Sofia and Isabella stared at him, then each other, in silence, until Sofia said, ‘Yeah… we are.’ Isabella looked at the door behind her, wanting to escape. Sofia asked, ‘May I ask, what has our heritage got to do with anything?’

The man leant back, he moved in slow motion. ‘Oh, nothing. It’s just we don’t get many of you out in this neck of the woods. We had a black girl once, Jessica. Poor thing missed her daddy. Wouldn’t stop going about him. Last year an Asian girl came through, Japanese if I remember correctly. Oh, how my brother Eli enjoyed her.’

The sisters stood in silence. Isabella shuffled backwards, she grabbed Sofia’s hand. ‘Come on, come on. Let’s get going.’ Her voice cracked with fear.

Sofia looked him in the eye, scrambling to hold on to her confidence. ‘You’re a real creep.’

He shrugged weirdly, ‘You sound just like the Japanese girl. She talked like you. She don’t talk no more though.’

‘Fuck you. You inbred bastard.’ Sofia spat and turned. ‘Come on Isabella, lets get out of here.’ Sofia grabbed her sister and dragged outside. The rain had started again, worse than before. The storm felt horizontal, pushing against the girls, stopping them from leaving. ‘Let’s get back to the car.’ Sofia shouted to her sister.

Isabella turned to her, ‘Come on. That guy was a real creep- Sofia watch out!’ Behind Sofia a hulk of a man had appeared, giant and imposing like a cartoon character. Sofia screamed. Though big the man moved fast, Isabella couldn’t make out his face in the rain. He grabbed Sofia by the neck and struggled with her, placing something over her head, a bag or a sack. Isabella ran over to her sister’s attacker. With one sweep of his big arm, he knocked her to the ground. She tasted blood. He stood over her, a massive shadow, a monster of a man. He lifted his foot and kicked her in the face. Everything went black.

The sisters fell in and out of consciousness. Sofia couldn’t breathe due to the bag on her head and Isabella was dazed from the kick. They were in the back of a truck, it was night-time now. The giant man sat in the front passenger seat, while the man from the shack drove. Isabella and Sofia were sprawled together in the back. Their legs and arms were tied with a rope that cut into the skin. Isabella looked at her sister. She wasn’t moving. Losing consciousness again, Isabella grabbed her sister’s limp hand and squeezed as darkness fell over her again.

‘We done good, Eli.’ Isabella heard him say as she faded, ‘Pa’s gonna like these two.’

When the bag was pulled from Sofia’s head the light blinded her eyes. The man from the shack stood before her.

‘Hey, dear.’ He smiled.

The strength to speak eluded Sofia. She looked around. She was tied to a chair, Isabella was next to her, also tied to a chair. Her sister was looking around franticly, pulling on the binds that kept her in place. They were in a barn, empty except for the chairs and them. The smell of horse manure was still in the air though and hay littered the floor. The storm was still raging outside and the barn doors creaked and slammed together.

The man from the shack knelt in front of the two terrified girls. ‘How are you both feeling?’ He looked to Isabella, ‘I hope Eli didn’t hurt you too much.’ He reached out and caressed her bruised face, she recoiled in fear and disgust.

Sofia found the courage to speak. ‘Don’t you fucking touch her. Get off her!’

He laughed. ‘Girl, me and Eli and the rest of the family are gonna be doing a lot more than touching you.’ He moved to Sophia and grabbed her neck, leant in close so his face was rubbing against hers. ‘I’m gonna fuck you both. Eli’s gonna have his way with you… and let me tell it ain’t pretty what he does to girls. Pa’s gonna want to come and look at you as well. I know he’s invited all our cousin’s around as well… a dozen horny creeps like me, all sick and fucked in the head, are gonna do all manner of unholy things to you and your sister.’ He stuck his long tongue out and licked Sophia’s face. She let out a cry and tears rolled down her face. He lapped them up. ‘Don’t cry too much. Save your energy. You’re gonna need it.’ Isabella was shaking. The fear had immobilized her. He reached out and grabbed her throat as well. ‘We’re gonna have so much fun together.’ He let go and stood up. ‘You gals can call me Sy.’ He walked over to the big barn door and opened it. He stood outside laughing, and said, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow. Welcome to the family.’

He disappeared, shutting the barn door behind him. The sisters sat crying and shaking for a few minutes.

‘This isn’t happening… it’s a dream…’ Isabella kept repeating to herself.

‘Issy.’ Sofia said.

‘This isn’t happening…’


‘It’s a dream…’

‘Issy. Listen to me.’ Sofia snapped and Isabella stopped her terrified ramblings. ‘We’re gonna be alright. We just gotta find a way to get cut these ropes and we’ll get out here. I’m not gonna let them hurt you.’

Isabella started crying. ‘They’re gonna kill us. They’re gonna rape us and kills us. We can’t escape.’

Sofia opened her mouth to speak. She had nothing to say. Both Isabella and Sophia let out cries and wails throughout the night. Begging for help. Neither were religious, but they both begged to god to save them from their fate.

Both girls awoke when the barn doors opened. The storm had roared throughout the night but had calmed to a steady breeze now. Sy stood in the doorway. Behind him Eli the giant. Eli looked even bigger here, like a completely bald Frankenstein.

‘How are we dears?’ Sy laughed as he shut the door behind him. ‘You ready for some fun?’

‘Please…’ Isabella begged. ‘Please don’t do this.’

Sy laughed, he kicked his boots off. ‘I’ve never had me a Latina before…’ He looked to Eli who had already stripped to his underwear. ‘How ‘bout you Eli? You ever had a Latina before?’ Eli didn’t reply. He neatly folded his clothes and placed them on an old tack shelf. ‘Don’t mind Eli, girls. He hasn’t spoken a day in his life.’

Sofia looked at Sy, ‘People will come looking for us. Our Dad is a very powerful man.’

Isabella, crying said, ‘Let us go… we promise we won’t tell anybody… please…’

Sy dropped his pants and kicked them to one side. ‘It’s funny that. That Japanese whore’s daddy was a “very powerful” man as well. She hasn’t been found yet though has she?.’ He dropped his underwear, letting out an average-sized cock. He stroked it slightly. He stood in front of the girls, smiling and touching himself.

Eli stepped out of his underwear. His cock was huge. Long and thick and veiny. Nine inches at least, and he was only semi-hard. Sofia looked away frightened and Isabella let out a cry of terror.

‘Yeah.’ Sy said, ‘Eli is well endowed.’ The monster man stood stroking his monster cock. Sy looked at the girls. ‘Luckily for one of you, I only want a blowjob. Eli here though, he likes breaking the new meat. So, I’ll be nice. I’ll let you choose who gets the *pleasure* of being Eli’s new toy.’

Sofia and Isabella looked at each other. Isabella was crying and shaking. Sofia looked at Sy, then Eli, then at Eli’s insane manhood.

‘I’ll do it.’ Sofia said. ‘Let him have me.’

‘Sofia…’ Isabella.

Sy looked over his prey. Sofia breathed, thinking what Eli’s cock was about to do to her insides. Suddenly Sy grabbed Sofia by the back of her head and pressed his cock against her cheek.

‘Wait!’ Sofia screamed. ‘You said…’

‘I lied.’ Sy grunted, ‘Eli had chosen your sister beforehand anyway. He likes hurting the timid ones.’

Eli knelt and ripped the binds from Isabella and she let out a shriek. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. He dragged her into the middle of the barn pushed her to the dirty floor.

Sofia started to weep, ‘I’m sorry Isabella. I’m sorry.’ Sy shut her up by managing to shove his cock in between her lips. He let out a dull moan and Sofia tasted pre-cum.

Eli effortlessly forced Isabella on to her stomach and ripped her jeans and crop top to tatters. He snapped her panties at the seam like he was tearing a blade of grass. He pinned her to the ground with his gigantic hand and mercilessly squeezed his terrific cock between Isabella ass cheeks.

‘Oh.’ Sy said. ‘He’s goin’ for the asshole.’ He laughed as he roughly facefucked Sofia, her makeup running from the tears. He painfully turned her head and forced her eye open with his thumb. ‘Look.’ He spat, ‘Watch your sister’s asshole get destroyed by my brother’s massive cock.’

Eli thrusted himself into Isabella. She let out a blood-curdling scream. She tried to crawl away but his whole body was crushing her to the floor. Sofia could only see the back of the attack. Eli’s massive body mounted on her sister like an animal. Isabella’s legs were kicking and squirming on the floor. Every thrust was torture. With every violent thrust into her virgin hole Isabella let out a scream more pained than the last. Sofia didn’t care about the cock abusing her mouth, watching this monster rape and sodomize her little sister was worse than anything happening to her.

Sy let out a grunt and he came in Sofia’s mouth. He had only lasted a few minutes. The cum tasted of nothing, it dripped from her mouth on to her chest. ‘Eli always lasts longer than me.’ He laughed slightly and patted Sofia on the back. ‘You just watch your sister be used like the worthless piece of meat that she is.’

Eli continued his brutal rape but Isabella had stopped screaming. She’d gone limp under him. Sofia watched her sister’s asshole get torn to pieces.

This torture went on for another hour.

Finally, Eli let out an animalistic howl and he came in Isabella’s ruined ass. He pumped into her a few more times and then stood up. His softening cock was covered in cum and blood, as was Isabella ass and lower back. It looked as if she’d been raped by a horse.

Sy was leaning against the wall, arms crossed. He smiled. ‘You have a fun time, Eli?’ Eli didn’t reply, just went over to the tack shelf and started to dress. Sy walked past Isabella, ‘She *definitely* didn’t.’

Sofia was mute and silent in her chair. Sy walked over to her, her eyes glazed over as he grabbed her throat. ‘I’m gonna cut your ropes. But if you leave this barn, I’m gonna have your sister be kept in Eli’s room so he can do this every night. So you’re not gonna move from this barn. This barn is your new home.’ He tightened his grip. ‘Nod if you understand.’

Sofia, having given up, nodded.

‘Good.’ Sy said. ‘We’ll give you both the day off, and then tomorrow Pa and the cousins can come to have their fun.’ He let go of her throat and untied her binds. She didn’t move. ‘Come on Eli. It’s lunchtime.’

Sy and Eli both left the barn and as soon as the door shut Sofia fell from the chair and crawled to her wrecked sister. She held Isabella’s head in her arms. Her sister had passed out from the pain, her breathing was weak and deathly.

Sofia rocked back and forth on the dirty barn floor, cradling her abused sister.

‘I’m sorry, Issy.’ Sofia wept, moving a strand of hair from Isabella’s dirty and sweat covered face. ‘I’m so sorry.’


**Any ideas on what should happen to Sofia and Isabella next? Comment or PM me!**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ffmlgn/welcome_to_the_family_rape_kidnap_brutal_blowjob

1 comment

  1. This was really hot and well written!! It would be amazing if Eli breeds Issy and Sy did the same to Sophia, try to bring more daughters into the world so their side of the family can continue to fuck their descendants

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