[M] Sex with colleague [F] after a business event

Hi all,

I never really thought I would be posting here. However, being a long time lurker (and severely bored in a boat trip), I thought it’s about time I contribute to this community of ours

Firstly, let me say a few things about myself. I have always been quite slim and rather average looking. Was never one to get ladies by my looks but I do get a 10 for effort ;) . My best characteristics I would say are my wits and my drive in getting new experiences. That effectively makes me try to have sex with a lot of girls in a lot of weird situations and yes, sometimes succeed ;)

My story starts 5 years ago, when I had just started working in a big company as a junior analyst. Was 22 then and my sex drive was through the roof (not that it is much lower now tbh). In my role, I was supporting a separate team and one night we decided to go out for drinks. We were six people, all quite older than me but friendly and alcohol loving.

Interestingly enough, this girl from the office who was always very cautious and reserved around people decided to join (Angela) . She is older than me by about 5 years and definitely a hottie. Tall, brunette with blue eyes and a pretty but strict face. She is quite athletic and her ass really stands proud and firm like a perfect ass should. Truly a magnificent view… I sadly realized later than not all were as it seemed regarding breast size ;) but hey – that is not a showstopper with her at all!

So there we are, having a few drinks in an outside garden. I remember being nervous cause my girlfriend at the time (do not judge – I was young and hormone-full ;) had invited her parents to this town and I had not met them yet. I even told the group that they may see me introducing myself to my girlfriend’s parents for the first time and people were obviously teasing me about that.

Well, after a few drinks and a couple of unsuccessful attempts from my side to start a proper discussion with Angela I had resorted to just chat with the group, make a few jokes and drink some more beer. Suddenly I felt a slight poke on my shoulder and there she was , my ex with her parents standing a few meters back. She had spotted me in the crowd and obviously decided this was an amazing time for introductions. Anyway, I went through those quite successfully and they were on their way soon (thank god they could not speak a word of English!!)

As I started socializing again with this group, I did feel a change. We had fully occupied a round table and I was sitting next to Angela. Could not fully explain it but sometimes I think you can realize when the vibe or attention you receive from a person shifts. It was subtle and indirect but I could feel that Angela was maybe a bit interested in me. She started playing with her hair more, joking back and laughing a bit louder on my stupid jokes, I even thought she was sitting a bit closer to me… I obviously could not try to test my theory then and there though so I just continued the group conversation.

Nevertheless, being the horny mess I can be, I did let my hand rest on her knee for a few seconds every couple of minutes. Nothing too personal and quite innocent looking but I was interested in her reactions. She was not really positive or negative about it.. it was almost like she didn’t even register the move – no leg movements from her, no conversation sidetracked, no looking at me, nothing at all.

People will tell you thought that patience is definitely not one of my virtuous. Adding to the ever beneficial effect of alcohol, my adventurous side started kicking in . So after a rather successful joke that had the group distracted, I just placed my hand a bit higher and let it rest there for like 5 whole seconds.
…and nothing happened…

That was game on! Few seconds later I pretended to stretch and casually put my hand behind her back but went immediately for the top of her ass. Again, she just moved a little forward to allow me better access but didn’t react in any other way.

We basically spent the next hour like this. Talking , having a laugh and me subtly touching her ass and thighs while I was unbelievably hard!! At some point I had my hand slipping under her jeans , touching the top of her ass and felt the little panties she was wearing. It was unbelievable to think that an hour ago I could not even imagine this!

Finally, we decided to call it a night but thankfully she pretended to stick around for a few minutes as people were rushing to their Public transport…….

Guys, sorry but this has gotten too long:)
Let me know if I should continue!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fez9cy/m_sex_with_colleague_f_after_a_business_event


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