Star Wars : Dark Secrets – Chapter 6 – MF, Secret Sith, Sith Lord, Domination, Blowjob, Facial, Rough, Senator, SWTOR

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“You will not get away with this.” The senator said as Xau nudged her along through the crowd of people. Fortunately, they were all still occupied with the aftermath of the Mandalorian and what remained of the Black Sun stooge that it was quite easy for the Sith’s actions to remain unnoticed. The powerful dark warrior had to grin at the black-haired woman’s resilience. His left hand remained on her arm while his other was ready in a moment’s notice to pull his concealed weapon to bear on her if need be. His body pressed against her curvaceous rounded posterior as he nudged her forward and Xau found himself very curious to see just how impressive the frigid senator’s ass would be. He did so enjoy watching the majestic waves of a bubble but as a woman was fucked. Of course, he decided that until they were in a more private and intimate locale he needed to focus.

“You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that. It comes with the business really. Go left past the aqualish and then through that door. There is a refresher ahead.” The Sith said as he recalled the floor plan he had studied before. The pair split off from the crowd of Hutt agents and cronies and entered into a separate secluded corridor. When Xau found her pace had shortened he pushed her forward through the door of the refresher. As she nearly lost her footing he felt a jab of warning through the force.

“Excuse me.” The Sith said before kicking Sinde’s nice plump ass and sending her further inside the room before he turned around towards the first attacker. The SIS agent who was nearest him had a vibroknuckler and a very quick right hook. Xau had just a moment to press the hand away with the force before delivering a crunching knee kick to the man’s chest. The attacker faltered but not before his partner jumped right into the fray with a blaster pistol narrowed at Xau’s face. The Sith ducked to the right and yet still felt as if the blast fired from the volatile weapon tanned his skin at least fifty shades darker. Xau grabbed for the second assailant’s blaster hand while lifting the other agent off the ground through the force. The human first attacker choked and sputtered before being hurled to the ground and it only took Xau a moment more to wrestle the blaster’s barrel away from his own flesh and towards the foot of the SIS agent. The agent never relented however even as he realized his strength was losing the battle against the mysterious attacker. He smacked Xau hard across the face, momentarily distracting the Sith before he applied the force to the agent’s own trigger finger and sent a brilliant blast of red energy right into the man’s foot. To the agent’s credit, he didn’t scream in pain but he did fall into a clump after Xau turned and landed his own foot against the man’s head with a wide sweeping kick.

The agent’s unconscious form spun through the air and then crashed not too far off from his colleagues. Xau could feel through the force that they were still alive, which was his intention. Concentrated on the art of playing with minds of lower intelligence Xau planted a vision in both of their heads of accidentally insulting a Herglic emissary which had resulted in the extreme ass-kicking. The agents dealt with the hidden Sith lord strode back towards the refresher door and was promptly hid in the side of the head by some purse in the hands of an angry senator.

Part of the silver motifs had caught his lips during the strike and as his eyes gleamed with anger towards Sinde he felt blood on his lips for the first time in months. His hand rubbed slowly along his jaw and he found that perhaps this ice queen was not as weak as she looked. Assessing this he knew that he would need to nip such behavior in the ass; possibly literally.

Raising his hand out towards the Senator he plucked her off the ground with a master’s finesse in telekinesis. He had the Senator’s life in his hands now and by right of strength any other Sith Lord in the galaxy would have snuffed out her life in an instant for raising her hand against them, but Xau was unique and he had plans for the lovely senator. Still, she needed a lesson for such a vain attempt at hurting him.

“That was not wise Senator. Far be it from me to not kill those who intend me harm but fortunately for you that lovely body is of some significance to my plans. For this reason alone I shall not gut you like a fish but rest assured, if you try anything like that again you shall beg for death after I am through with you.” Xau said as he released his commanding hold over her throat and sent her falling to the ground. The senator remained defiant as she picked herself up. Her incredibly oversized breasts were already heaving from her hard breathing as she stared down her attacker, seemingly lost as to what to do. The dark knight of the Sith empire moved forward as she tried not to shy away from him.

‘She’s either incredibly brave or incredibly foolish. Neither are likely to do her much good now.’ Xau thought before he crossed his arms in front of his lean chest as he looked down at her from his taller vantage point. He liked to think of how mysterious and terrifying he must have looked to her as he stared down at her, once thought to be her daughter’s teacher and now revealed to be something much more sinister.

“Now if you’re done you can know that I’m not here to stop what you and the Republic want, not today at least. But given your behavior, I believe a proper lesson in respect is required before we proceed. Get on your knees.” He commanded the busty Senator.

To her credit Sinde didn’t even more, not a flinch or a blink at his words and she stood before him, indifferent to the Sith’s wishes. “I am a Senator of the Galactic Republic you heartless bastard. I am not some back alley whore from Nar Shadda.”

Sinde spat back him before moving to strike him again. This time Xau saw the move easily and deflected the strike away with his right elbow. He grappled with the fierce woman that he had decided to teach a lesson too and soon enough Xau had spun Sinde around and locked his arm around her right arm and breasts while his left hand snapped out his lightsaber. The blazing beam of orange light was immediately and quite dangerously held close to her throat. His other arm started to feel an even more rapid trend to her breathing through her mammoth breasts as Sinde caught sight of the blade. The burning orange blade light up the dim lighted refresher as the Sith held his captive with the steely strength of the Dark Side as Xau waited for Sinde’s next attempt.

The senator slowly stopped struggling as the threat became that much more prevalent. It was rather hard to think about trying to escape once again when a weapon as devastating as a lightsaber was inches away from opening you up within seconds and the Senator was no stranger to what true Jedi could do with their weapons. Slowly Xau felt her struggles subside.

“Very good. Now get yourself out of that suit woman.” Xau commanded with a dark smile on his lips as he continued holding his blade at the ready. He watched as the senator turned towards the blade slowly. Through the Force, he could feel her fear. It was minor but it was there; like the first few embers of a fire lit on a cold night. Soon he knew he could kindle it into something far greater. With this fire he would mold the senator into the perfect model slave he needed her to be. Almost by reflex Xau took a small whiff of the fragrance she was wearing. The perfume mixed with the smell of sweat and fear as the Sith Lord opened himself to the force, dominating Sinde’s mind with his own power as she began to undress. Her resistance would not submit with just one event but the dark lord knew he was already in a position of extreme superiority towards the woman stripping down before him.

Soon enough the proud and mighty senator was naked before him. Her black and white hair hung over her neck, nearly covering the top half of her impressive bust. Her head leaned forward and her eyes stared at the floor in shame. Her lips quivered as if she wanted to say something but the Sith lord felt that she held back as if in fear of what else he might do. Xau smiled darkly at the Senator and reached out his hand to rub and squeeze the icy raveness’ full plump breasts. He was glad to see that it appeared no part of the senator’s body was showing her age.

The texture of her breasts was soft and smooth as his fingers prodded and rubbed against her fleshy orbs. As he continued experimentally feeling the Senator’s body he could feel the blood in his body rushing through his veins. He could feel her attempting to keep her breathing normally as his fingers crawled over her skin and then squeezed her nipples. Through the force however the senator’s mind was like an open book. The way her mind felt he could tell that the only one that had touched her in such a way in recent times was her own fingers. It made him smile as he flicked his fingers over her nipple and then started to slowly walk around her.

“Please….” He heard Sinde whimper before she seemed to get control of herself and just turned back to look at him. “Just tell me what you want or kill me now Sith.” She told him through the edge was not there in her voice like it had been before, the fear was growing and it made her weaker while making him stronger. He knelt down and collected her jacket and held the material in his hands before she grabbed both of hers. Leaning in the Sith slowly sniffed along her exposed neck before brushing his tongue slowly along her neck. He could feel the goosebumps rise up along her flesh as her entire body shuddered from the point his tongue reached her. *She’s getting off on this,* Xau realized as he detected a new smell in the air before he let his breath wash across her ear as he remained behind her. He was surprised that she didn’t even try to look back; standing proudly like a predator even as a deadly beast moved slowly behind her. Suddenly however the Sith kicked out her feet and the Senator fell forward onto her knees.

“Mrrggh..” She grunted as Xau leaned forward and then grabbed her arms and locked them behind her back with her jacket. He didn’t just secure her arms however and with her pants, he also secured her legs as well. Her body didn’t seem that flexible and he knew there would be some pain but that was just one other element to help break her down as she was locked into the perfect place for him. The excitement was fully blossoming in Xau now as the Sith moved back in front of his captain, her black and blue lacey panties in his hands. Unlike her nether regions now they carried no hind of her arousal as he played them through his fingers. Despite herself, he finally saw Sinde’s eyes look away from him when she noticed him holding her undergarments as she remained locked on the ground essentially. Xau’s cock was now fully engorged and pressing against the slick blue pants of his costume. The powerful Sith inched closer till the bulge of his pants was mere inches away from Sinde’s lips. He was confident that with his knots she could only try to push her entire body forward and she knew that if it didn’t work two things would happen. One he would punish her further and two she would be smacking her own face down against the dirty refresher floor.

Xau smiled and then took one last sniff of her panties before he tossed them aside and then knelt down so his eyes were level with her. “I hope you are a good listener and a fast learner Sinde. Firstly that is the last time I shall use your given name. You are now my property and as such you are a slave to my wishes and pleasure. Besides having no choice in the matter you should know that if you disobey me that you risk not only your own life but your daughters as well. She can be such a simple thing and she has already given herself so willingly to my charms. I would hate to hurt her but if you misbehave there will be consequences.” He said his tone cold and removed as her eyes widened slightly at the announcements.

“From this point on unless I free you, you shall refer to me as Master… do you understand?” He asked her as his dark blue eyes gazed into her impressive brown ones. “Yes..” She said after a moment. When she saw the disapproval in his eyes she quickly continued. “Yes. YES my Master…” Sinde said before her eyes bowed low and stared at the floor. Xau smiled at her and cupped her cheek with his hand.

“Very good.” Xau said before he unzipped his pants and exposed his cock to her just as he had a simple time ago with her horny daughter. His massive prick stood out towards the Senator like an impressive warrior ready to conquer this newest land. Sinde’s eyes quickly glanced at it before lowering back.

“To demonstrate your loyalty to your new Master you must serve me in any way. If you perform well I shall give you a treat. Disobey and you shall be punished. Now… service me, my slave…” He declared as he held his cock out a mere inch from her lips.

Sinde’s eyes slowly returned and looked at the massive cock nearly pressed up against her lips. Her eyes glared fiery hell at him but soon enough she inched forward. Opening up her mouth slowly she placed her mouth over his cock and made the slowest of movements along his length, simply dragging her mouth up and down along his impressive girth. It was as weak-willed as it was pitiful to Xau and he decided she needed to at least get some motivation. Concentrating on his lightsaber he unclipped the weapon through the force and flipped it over through the air before sending it down in between both their bodies. Sinde was so focused on pretending to give the Sith head that she didn’t even realize what was going on till the cold metallic rod’s pommel pressed against her pussy. Xau felt the first trickle of pleasure from her lips when her entire body vibrated from the unexpected touch. He didn’t stop at simply rubbing the Senator’s clit and preparing her for insertion and instead used the force to shove the first few inches of the end of his lightsaber hilt right inside of the so-far unimpressive senator’s cunt.

The force of the penetration pushed Sinde’s lips further along Xau’s cock and momentarily in surprise, he could hear her wet slurping stop as she choked on his cock. The Sith made no attempt to help her and instead resolved to have her save herself or simply die sucking his cock. After a moment the senator seemed to collect herself as she pulled off his cock. She spat down to the ground and glared at him and seemed to be on the edge of something when Xau pulled the lightsaber cleanly free of her pussy.

“Mwaaaghh….nnn….” Sinde moaned out as her head fell forward. Her head rested against the lean powerful legs of Xau as her cheek rubbed right up against his powerful length. Through the force Xau could feel her struggle; the yearning for pleasure that had been snapped away even as she fought to control herself. He realized just how easy she had made it for him by not finding a lover or even just someone to share an evening within so many years. Her head turned and she looked up at him.

“M…Mas… please… put it back now..” She barely managed to get out before he shook his head simply at her. Sinde blinked, fear flowing into her eyes before she pulled back slightly from his legs and looked at his cock. Then slowly she opened up her mouth and let her tongue extend out before she slowly started to lick from the tip of his member all the way to the base. Her technique had improved substantially in Xau’s mind and soon enough she was done working with just his tongue and after pulling back she looked up at him as she squared her head in front of his cock before she slowly opened her lips up and started to swallow his cock from the front once again. Once her lips and tongue started working in coordination Xau found that she was a bit more skilled than she had let on. Inside of her mouth, her tongue worked overtime to ravish every inch she could find as she let his cock spearing her throat.

After a few moments of her renewed servicing, Xau used the force to once more allow his cock to push inside of her body. He once more felt the reverberation travel from her pussy to her tits and even up to her lips as she trembled from insertion. Around his cock the senator moaned out and started sucking that much more, creating a smaller seal around his mammoth cock with her pouty lips. Xau absently thought of how much better she would be with her hands before he started to feel the tendrils of pleasure building up into a powerful release within his own body. He bit his lips to fight back a moan of pleasure as his balls started to throb, especially on the odd beat when they were pressed flush against Sinde’s flesh as she took nearly all of his cock in her throat.

The wet hot slurping seemed to grow louder and more boisterous as the senator lost all sense of tempo. Xau knew what was happening and knew that soon enough they would both reach the tipping point. He resolved the senator should enjoy hers first and with his impressive command of the Force, he started to increase the speed and strength of each plunge of his saber into her welcoming cunt. Sinde moaned out around his cock but never stopped even as suddenly Xau felt her entire body spasm. The senator’s brown eyes closed and she decided to go for broke and give her new Master a rousing performance. She pushed her limit as far as she could go and pushed her mouth forward for every inch she could reach.

Xau’s head fell back as his release hit him and he used the force to pry Sinde off and hold her an inch from his cock as he started to cum right before she moaned out in her own release. As her body continued to spasm he held her right in front of him as his cock jumped and bounced as it loosed a torrent of his seed. Her face was blanketed by hot burning ribbons of cum as her eyes remained closed and her body saturated itself in her first orgasm in a long time that hadn’t been completed alone in a cold isolated room. Slowly Xau felt himself recover and he let go of Sinde’s body through the force. The senator’s body fell down to the side as the rumbling of Xau’s body started to stop. Smiling down at the cum-covered face of the Senator Xau summoned her panties to his hand and used them to clean off his cock before he knelt down and did the same with her face.

“You did very well my slave. I’m pleased but unfortunately, there is still work to be done. The Hutt will likely be ready to discuss business with your former self. So replace your panties and get yourself cleaned up. There is much to do but rest assured, our work together is just beginning.” Xau said as Sinde’s eyes darkened with tears and she nodded before slowly reaching out to grab her cum soaked panties from the Sith lord.

Next Chapter –


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