Crossing the border [mf] [mm]

My wife, me, and our friends went to Mexico where we rented a house that was much larger than it needed to be for the four of us but it had a gorgeous pool.

After a few days of exploring and excursions, we needed a lounge day so we spent it around the pool. We all laid out in the sun, played games, drank continuously, and hang around and in the pool. We played a card game – guys against girls, and the wives won so we had to go get more beer as everything was already gone. We get back and continue to drink. At this point, we are all quite drunk.

My wife and I go into the poolside shower to bone. Now this shower had no roof and everything can clearly be heard (though we were to drunk to try to be quiet). After a few minutes, or friends bust in on us from each side (never did determine why that happened). They quickly run away but we were interrupted so we go back to the pool.

After a bit longer we head back to the shower and we hear sounds from over the wall so we sneak out and see our friends fucking just on the other side of the wall. They quickly stop and we all get back in the pool. But right before we get in, I depants my friend and we all and up naked in the pool.

My wife and I start fucking in the pool trying to be secretive while our friends are on the far side of the pool. We stop after a while because he is carrying his wife around the pool and they are starting to get closer to us.

It is decided that we want food so because the guys had to get drinks, the girls have to get the food. This is the last thing I remember clearly.

They get out of the pool and my friend and I are left alone and naked in the pool. We are both married and straight (or so I thought). Now I have not been able to remember everything so I’ll give you what I can. Not entirely sure who started it but we grabbed each other. We exchange blowjobs. I remember lifting/guiding him out of the water to sit in the side of the pool and sucking on a dick for the first time. The next thing I remember is that we are on the pool stairs and I am fucking him in the ass. (Pool water as lube is not the best idea.)

We move into the shower and I continue to fuck him but we get nervous when we think we hear a sound that came from the other side of the house. We feared our wives were back because we have no clue how much time had gone by. After checking the house and seeing the did not get back, we meet in the courtyard area and I bend him over again (same spot I will later fuck my wife).

Again nervous about being caught, we stop before either finishes and head back to the pool. Our timing was pretty good because within minutes they arrive back with the food. We get towels and we all eat in the kitchen.

We go back to the pool and everyone is naked again. I start to not feel great (super drunk) and go to take a shower because I think it will make me feel better, which it does! I am not in there long when my friend comes into use the toilet. He steps over to the shower and jerks me off for a bit until he’s nervous our wives will wonder where we are. So he heads back.

I got back to the pool and his wife is being held by my wife in the deep end if the pool and he is standing in the shallower side. I get in and stand near him and ask what they are doing. He says he doesn’t know but moves closer to me and reaches over to start jerking me again trying not to splash the water loudly. He pauses when they spin our way.

Our wives head over to us and I make an excuse to head back to our room. We don’t make it as we fuck in the courtyard.

Hindsight: I regret there was not a foursome that trip.



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