The Succubus Part 2 [MF]

FUCK, I felt the bed shift and once again, when my mind cleared enough I discovered I’m frozen in place.
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that this isn’t normal and it’s not been a dream.

What it is I’m not quite sure.
This evening before I went to bed I set up my dressing mirror against the wall facing the foot of my bed.
This would allow me to see everything from the foot of the bed upward.
I think this was a big mistake.
As she began crawling up the bed I could see her from the rear.
As she shifted around something caught my eye.

As her shoulders moved from side to side there was a shimmering that became visible only when the light and her body were in the right position.
Squinting my eyes what I saw was a pair of wings.
They were as thin and transparent as those of a cicada.
I didn’t stop to wonder why I could only see them in a reflection and then not very well at that.
As I looked at her this evening she seemed to have taken on a more substantial more solid appearance.
There was less of a wispy nature to her.

Tonight was like last night and last night was like all the nights before.
It began with her mouth descending upon my cock and as she engulfed me something crawled inside me through my cock.
If you have ever been in the hospital and had been catheterized you might begin to understand what this felt like.
However, instead of a static tube inside you, this one moved around in a twisting motion, as if searching for something.
And as usual the copious amount of pre-cum poured out from within.
I couldn’t even guess where it all came from.
If I had to guess I might be inclined to say I poured a quart of pre-cum from within.

Outside a thunderstorm was about to break.
The crack of thunder made it clear that we were in for a real drenching.
Where there is thunder there had to be lightning.
When there was a flash of lightning nearby it illuminated the entire neighborhood.

That’s when I saw two things.
The first was for whatever reason she or it didn’t care much for the lightning.
With each flash she seemed to flinch and draw into herself.
The second, well that was a bit more disturbing.
When she was lit by the flash there appeared to be another thing there rather then a beautiful woman.
This other thing was monstrous.
It was thin as could be.
It’s skin was pulled taught over a skeletal framework.
While the face was human like, there was no way for it to be mistaken as human.

Her or it’s eyes were set deeply into it’s skull.
When a flash illuminated it’s face I saw that it’s tongue was thin almost wire like.
If you looked into nature the closest comparison would be the tongue of as butterfly.
How it curls up like a spring only to unroll into an impossibly long straw to delve into the deepest parts of a flower in search of nectar.
Looking back I now understand the nectar she was searching for.
Her need was for my seed, my semen.
Was this sustenance for her or was there another reason for her to collect this fluid?
This was a true horror, an image that will stay with me for the remainder of my life.

In the morning my energy was at an all time low.
Dragging myself in front of the bathroom mirror my eyes looked as tired as I felt.
Observing my skin’s color and texture I was becoming concerned.
My skin had a sallow yellowish tone and felt loose on my face.
Fuck it, I have to move forward and find some peace.
Going through my morning ritual was of considerable help.
After I had showered, shaved and brushed my teeth I was feeling a thousand times better.
After dressing I looked once again into the mirror and the majority of my fears vanished.
My color had returned to normal and my skin look more or less the way it had in the past.
Thinking my earlier fears and vision of myself were rooted in fear and the memories of the nights events, now found me laughing at myself and the fears I held.

Heading downstairs to open the shop I found Kim hard at work receiving the mornings shipments.
“Well don’t we look good today.
I must say this is a far better look then the last week.
Don’t get me wrong you still look overworked and in need of a vacation and some rest but today at least you resemble a human.” She said.
“Your right I need a vacation.
I have been working to hard for far to long.

It’s been five years since I have taken time for myself and I think things are going well enough and you have been beyond capable in running this business.
In fact you have been instrumental in making this company a success.
So I have decided that as of today I am giving you a fifteen percent raise and naming you my director of operations.” I told Kim.
“Holy shit, Frank are you serious?
Thank you, thank you a thousand times thank you.
I don’t know what to say but Frank I won’t let you down.” Kim said.
“Kim, you have never let me down.
That’s why I am doing this.
I thought that it’s about time you received recognition for the hard work you do here and the many times you saved my ass and the company’s when I made a boneheaded decision.

In the mid afternoon I was at my desk wading through this weeks pile of bills when my Dr, called.
“Frank, how’s it going, are you feeling any better?” He asked.
“Hey Steve, yeah actually I am.
I’m still having those dreams but I do feel better.
Although I am concerned, this morning I hopped on the bathroom scale and found I’ve lost fifteen pounds over the last week and a half.
I mean I’ve wanted to lose some pounds but not like this.” I told him.

“Frank, I looked into your test results after they came back from the lab yesterday and I am a bit concerned.
Most things looked normal however your T- Cell count was incredibly low.
The T-cells are a part of your immune system.
They originate in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus gland.
Basically they help control and fight infections by directing other cells to fight those infections.
Right now your immune system is compromised.
Now that being said I don’t believe this has anything to do with your nighttime dream issues.

Frank if you are up to it I would like to check you into the hospital for a couple of days for some comprehensive tests.
I figure three days at the most.
This way we can cover all the bases at one time, doing this will allow each of the specialists to sit down at one time and try to figure out what’s going on with you.
So if your OK with this I took the liberty of setting things in motion, all you need to do is go in this afternoon and I will gather the team together.
I know I’m asking a lot but I am concerned.”

“Alright Steve, let me take care of a few things and I will head over around two o’clock, will that be OK?”
Heading back to the shop I informed Kim that my Dr. asked me to take a few tests and I would be out for a couple of days.
To that end I was putting her in charge of the shop, as usual.

On the first afternoon in the hospital Steve had all the usual test lined up.
To that end there was an endless amount of getting stuck with every size needle they could find.
Why they couldn’t use one syringe and draw enough blood at one time to satisfy all their needs is beyond me.
After the vampires drained me of most of my blood supply I had about ten minutes of peace and quiet.
That is until a nurse wheeled in a wheelchair to drag me to the next round of bodily invasions.
Next on the list was an MRI.
Laying on the table, my head was held in place by a plastic cradle designed to prevent my head from shifting as the computer compiled images from the test.

As the table moved into the giant ring magnet I kept as still as possible.
I’m surprised that people didn’t go insane here, the sound from this machine was maddening.
Bang, bang, bang, that’s the sound of the magnets pulsing as it sent the magnetic energy into my head.
While the computer took images of my brain tissue as it became excited by the magnetic pulse and then returned to its normal state.

Back in my room Steve came in to discuss the test results.
“Well Frank, you’ll be happy to hear the question I have wondered about for years has been answered,
it appears you have a brain after all!
With all the trouble you and I got into as kids I often wondered if you had any.
All right, with all seriousness Frank after reviewing the results with the staff we found nothing out of the ordinary.
Your brain looks normal and without defect.

I see no sign of degradation that would indicate things like early onset Alzheimer disease nor any other abnormalities.
Later this afternoon I have you scheduled for en EEG.
With this we will watch your brain activity while you are given various stimuli and then at rest.”

Hours later I was down in another lab.
Sitting in a chair a technician began the process of attaching three billion electrodes to my scalp.
Being led to a cot the technician walked behind me keeping the three billion wire leads from getting tangled as I moved about.
Just prior to laying down I was given a dose of Chloral hydrate to drink.
As I lay there the tech swung a strobe light above my eyes and began to alter the frequency of the strobe.
Moments later I began to fade out from the Chloral hydrate.

Sinking into sleep I began to dream.
Unfortunately this was the dream of my nightmares come to haunt me even here in the hospital.
My tormentor had returned.
Once again the pre-cum began to pour forth from my cock as she hovered above my body.
With an open mouth she drank her fill.
Leaning further inward she surrounded my cock with her lips and began running that tongue deep into my body.
I could feel the probing tongue as it wormed it’s way inward.
When inserted to the hilt the probing moved around inside me as I tried to fight against this invasion to no avail.

“Dr. Baker, look at this.
While he should be at rest his entire brain activity is going nuts with high levels of electrical discharge.
I’ve never seen anything like this.
The patterns on the readout are not indicative of any form of epilepsy or brain abnormality.
It’s as I said, if I didn’t know better I would say he was wide awake yet scared to death.
It’s as if he were awake and running for his life.
Yet all his vital signs suggest that he is asleep.
His respiration, pulse, EKG all normal for a person asleep.”
“Miss Jackson, check the leads from the equipment and try a quick reboot of the computer.
Although his vitals look normal I’m going to get the crash cart from the locker, just in case.”

Back inside my dream.

The probing inside me had taken on a new dimension.
This time when she withdrew her tongue a part of it stayed inside me.
I knew this because even after she removed it.
There was still the feeling of something crawling around inside me.
The most disturbing thing this time was the look on her face.
There was a mocking sneer plastered across her face.
On top of that this sneer literally stretched from one ear to the other.
This was a nightmare grin.

As she crawled upward she began to impale herself onto my engorged cock.
With the pre-cum pouring out of my cock and squirting out from between our obscene coupling.
Something new happened.
As she leaned onward towards my face the shimmering began anew.
Her face was about a foot away from mine as the shimmering began I felt myself being drawn into her.
I began to lose myself, my will was vanishing all that was me began to merge with her.

Suddenly I was seeing through her eyes.
As I looked at myself from her perspective I was nothing more than a donor of sperm, a piece of meat to use and discard when my usefulness was over.
As I watched the view changed.
I was standing on a vast plain, a barren wasteland.
Those I saw wandering around were misshapen, broken excuses of what once may have been human.
Not now, now they were the lost, the wasted shells of what was.

The sky was crimson red, the color emanating from reddish smoke that belched out of geysers and a volcano in the distance.
The ground an unbroken vista of desiccated and broken bones.
From deep inside myself a scream began in the pit of my stomach rolled around my guts until it made its way out of my mouth.
Snap, I’m back in my head and away from that vision of hell and wide awake.
Now I can hear myself screaming.
She was gone, the EEG lab was back and so was Steve and the nurse.
Both of whom were holding me down as my screams wound down.

“Frank, wake up snap out of it your OK.
What happened to you?
Suddenly your EEG went wild and you began screaming.
You scared us to death, we thought the reaper was after you.


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