Futa Barbarian. [Futa on Female] [Oral] [Cum]

“I need a dick.” 

The statement resounded throughout the luxurious room. Or rather, what was once a luxurious room. Most of the extravagant furniture had been shoved into a corner, leaving only a bed and nightstand to take up most of the cavernous room. 

The speaker, a gorgeous woman in tight clothes, sighed, sinking further into her chair. She tall, white haired, with gleaming blue eyes and a messy haircut. Her clothes were of fine make, if somewhat used and modified, speaking of someone who preferred practicality over looks. 

Sitting on a mound of cushions in the corner, the succubus yawned and replied. 

“You do.” 

“See, even you agree with me. How can it be so hard to get laid? It’s not my figure or my face, that’s for sure.” 

She was right on that. Blessed with bountiful hips, straining breasts and a perfect face, she was a sight to behold. Muscles were visible on her and and her belly was fit and toned. Neither were to the degree where they became too obvious, lending a well toned and taut look to her already perfect body. 

Again, the succubus sighed. 

“No, it’s not, Keralia. It might, however, be who you are.” 

Kera slumped even further at that and groaned. 

“Don’t remind me. Save the damn world one little time, and every dick in sight starts tuckering up when you walk past.” 

“That just might be because you, quite brutally, eviscerated The Demon, dear.” The succubus smiled at that. “And saved me in the process. So, no matter how many dicks ‘tucker up’, you will always have me.” 

Kera perked up just a bit at that, then slumped back down. 

“Don’t get me wrong, Val, your tongue is great and all, but it doesn’t match a dick.” 

A shrug was her only reply. 

“Only so much a girl can do, Kera.” 

“I know, I know. I still want that dick, though._ 


Kera groaned, rubbing her sore ass. There was only so much riding a person could take. Some people rode horses and enjoyed it. She did not. 

And yet, here she was, days away from civilization, all by herself, on another Divine Quest. Well, not really a full-blown quest, but a personal favor to Arritakmu, Goddess of Joy. 

There was something in the mountains that had been troubling the Goddess, and she had called upon her most experienced Champion to investigate. Around her, golden fields slowly gave way to rocky hills, then to the Dragon’s Teeth, a gigantic mountain range. In her ten years of fighting, she’d never been here, although she had passed a few times in the distance. 

She’d started young, barely at fifteen summers when she’d set off, following the voice of the Goddess as she began her fight against the Darkness. And ten winters later, here she stood, having saved the world. Everyone had expected some young farmboy to spring up at the last moment and save everything. But, no it had been the daughter of well-to-do merchant that had taken on the task. 

She smiled, thinking back at the journey. It had been long and harsh, fraught with danger and lost companions, but they had done it. The result was a world at relative peace. Well, except for the usual bickering between Kings and kingdoms. Even that had been brought to a stop when half a pantheon had descended from the skies and told the rulers of each land that, on no uncertain terms they would be destroyed if they broke the peace in any way. 

To no one’s surprise, they had put aside their egos and complied. Oh, they were pouty and sulking about it, but they had the common sense not to try anything. Although, they had descended for a second time in Chambrane and told the king that trying to lure others into breaking the truce counted as well. 

Looking back at the horse, who’s name she had promptly forgotten once he had tried to buck her, she groaned. More riding. She hated riding. Why couldn’t she just have asked for wings or something as her reward? 


There was a village. Of course there was a village. It wasn’t on the maps, no one had ever talked about it, but it was still there. She walked ahead of Nag, leading him with the reins in a deathgrip as she walked up the rocky trail, sun roasting down on her back.

Even up here, it was hot. Wasn’t the air supposed to get colder the higher up she went? Or maybe she wasn’t up high enough. 

Ahead of her, a large village, or maybe a small town, was in plain view. From what she saw, it had no organized structure, with buildings made of wood spread everywhere. There was one in the center, much larger than the others. Only a handful of actual roads were there and they either led out, like the one she was on, or into the mountains. 

This was going to be fun. 

The next few hours played out just liked she’d predicted. Find a villager, try to get directions to the current residence of the head honcho. Find another villager and reaffirm those directions. Curse first villager for lying. Try to find said head honcho. Run around village, with that horse laughing at her (she saw it in it’s eyes). Finally find out that head honcho was in the caves behind the village. 

Follow crumbly little dirt trail behind village into the mountains, and finally, hours later, find the cave. 

Someday, she’d find a village where everything went smoothly. Someday. 


Kera stared at the dick. Blinked at it. Maybe slightly lost as to what to do with the thing. Okay, yeah, it was actually obvious (suck it), but still. This was unexpected. 

Things kinda went like this. She’d securely tied Nag to a loose, precariously balanced boulder near the cliffside, hopped off and entered the cave. Said cave wasn’t in fact, some gloomy, bat-infested hole in the wall. Rather, it was a nicely carved house. Okay, house was a stretch, but close. Hell, it even looked somewhat cozy. Bed, fireplace and smokestack hewn through the rock. Carpets, kitchen. Not exactly modern by her standards, but they worked. 

What had caught her eye was the woman patiently sitting in the middle of the room. She’d stood as soon as Kera entered, revealing that she fairly towered over her, was boobalicious, bigger than Kera in well, everything. Beautifully toned muscles and curves in all the right places. Long red hair, tied into a ponytail, and dressed in skimpy furs. Dressed like a barbarian. Of course.

She hadn’t given her name, just said she knew why Kera was here, and that she’d been expecting her. Walked right up to her, dropped her clothes and pulled up her dick. That’s right, she had a dick. 

That was about when Kera’s eye went the way of platters. Big, round and glossy. That wasn’t just a dick. That was the dick. Huge, veiny, and just dripping with pre-cum. And that brought her back to the present. 

And the dick her eyes were glued to. 

In her rough voice, the large redhead spoke. 

“What’s wrong? Did you not ask your goddess for ‘a dick’?” 

Thinking back on that..she actually had. Arritakmu, the sly bitch. 

“I did.” 

The woman shrugged, heaving her large shoulders and ample bosom. 

“And now, a dick is before you. Suck it.” She commanded. 

Well, that was a quandary. On one hand, she wanted that dick. Had wanted nearly every dick every since males went on strike around her. On the other, this was rather abruptly and quite forward. Oh, who was she kidding? 

Said dick was at full mast already. Made her task a lot easier. She plopped to her knees, opened her mouth and all but inhaled it. Her jaw stretched, trying to take all of it, plump lips wrapping around the giant head, her tongue licking the underside as she forced it into her mouth. Oh, but it felt soooo good. 

She started slow, bobbing her head back and forth, soft moans drifting from her mouth, or where space allowed anyway. The whole thing was already slick, letting it slide in and out of her mouth with ease, dribbling hot pre-cum down her throat. She nearly cummed herself in those few moments. 

She did it slow, savoring the feel of the dong stretching her cheeks, filling her mouth. Her hands were around the other woman’s muscular thighs, gripping onto the rock solid muscles as she bobbed back and forth, worshipping her tool with all the love it deserved. 

Above her, the other woman sighed softly. With no warning, her hands found their way to the back of Kera’s head. The smaller woman’s eyes all but bulged as the barbarian grabbed hold of her, and with one thrust, shoved her entire foot-long dick down her throat. 

Kera’s eye went to introduce themselves to the top of her head while she gagged on the slab of cockmeat making itself at home in her throat. Even with it all crowded down there, more was pushed in, stretching the white-haired woman until her nose bumped into the barbarian’s stomach. 

It rested there for a moment, then was pulled out in another long thrust. As she gasped for air, mouth wide open, the other woman grunted and shoved it back in. All the way. Grip tight on Kera’s head, she began to hammer her hips back and forth, her balls bouncing off of Kera’s chin as she facefucked her. 

Part of her actually found that she enjoyed it. Being taken control of and having that dong shoved in and out of her. The other part was too busy to care much. 

Over the next few moments, she became thoroughly acquainted with every inch, every vein of the other woman’s bitchbreaker as it pounded in and out of her mouth. Her eyes were still rolled back, and she was leaning on the legs before her to keep upright, head tilted back to give the other woman better access. 

A grunt from above and a swelling in the dick was her only warning. The barbarian hilted herself, balls wetly slapping onto Kera’s chin, shoving her dick down her throat as far as it would go, then cummed. Hots, sticky jizz poured out, right down Kera’s throat and into her stomach. 

More and more kept coming, leaving her to swallow it as fast as she could. The bits she couldn’t bubbled back up to her mouth and out between her lips, somehow flowing out even with how tight she was stretched. 

After what felt like damn near a gallon, the barbarian pulled out, the last few ropes of jizz splattering all over the smaller woman’s face. For her part, Kera gasped for breath, bubbles of cum frothing from her mouth. Oh Gods. She’d nearly blacked out there. 

Her own soaked panties indicated that, somewhere in that glorious facefucking, she’d cummed herself. Before she had any time to gather her thoughts further, her face was grabbed once more, and a rapidly rising dick shoved back in. 


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fbfc7t/futa_barbarian_futa_on_female_oral_cum


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