Not the typical GW story, but I need to get this out [FM] (long) (Part 2)

[Here is Part 1](

Apologies for the formatting. On mobile.

To recap. I’m about to travel halfway across the world. Before I do so, I spend the last couple of couple days in the country with this man. It feels substantial because this is my first trip since admitting the depth of my feelings to him just a handful of weeks ago. We have a D/s dynamic.

So say departure is Saturday, then this would be Friday. I am in the office this day for some meetings I couldn’t take from home. I meet him after work. He’s at a bar in my neighborhood already, so I meet him there. This is a special occurrence. We tried to keep our interactions to the bedroom. It is starting to extend outside of that. It’s complicated. I ramble to him about my day. I finally manage to ask him about his. I’m happy he’s next to me. Seeing him two days in a row is a treat. I start to ask about food, laying out some options. My cupboards are a bit scarce as I am about to be out of town for weeks. He mentions an Italian place around the corner, one I’ve been meaning to try. Internally, I’m lighting up a bit. I don’t know if he can tell. This is shaping up to be a date. We don’t really do dates. I typically don’t really like dates. Man did it end up being the best date. Conversation easy. Silence tension building, not uncomfortable. And the pasta was great. I’m particular about eating pasta out. So is he. We leave to walk back to my apartment.

The day prior was a bit of a 0-100 real fuckin quick kind of situation. This night was the opposite. No special outfit. Just me. We are quite full from dinner. We get into bed after pouring ourselves some whiskey. We peruse movie options. This isn’t SDstories, (sweet date stories), so I promise I’ll get onto the sex part.

He picks some indie thriller type movie about the crypts in France. Clever boy. He knows that shit freaks me out. Peak cuddle fodder. Peak please let me shield my eyes into your barrel chest. Naturally at some point sex happens. I think we actually make it through the movie? It was tense! Tonight is less targeted and laser focused compared to yesterday. We’re both getting a bit tipsy. We’re both aware, but trying not to acknowledge I’ll be gone for a while. Hard to reach. Very different time zone.

Tonight the sex is playful. He has me giggly. His guard is down, too. We’re drinking, and we’re drinking each other in. We are having that lovey dovey ass sex. It’s slow. It isn’t rushed. He’s taking his time. His strokes are measured. He’s on top of me now. My legs are wrapped around him. A lot of feelings are happening. A lot of unsaid is being said.
Our transitions are less smooth. Ok, my transitions are less smooth. I go from scratching and massaging his back to quite literally toppling over because I’m trying to squat-stand on him. I laugh. It’s a blur of where and how he’s held me. I want to be in his arms forever. We’ve watched A Knights Tale. Now we’re onto Men in Black. We’re down a path and you know what, fuck it. Hitch is next. He says he needs to leave soon. He has work in the morning. Usually I’m understanding when he needs to go. This time. I ask him to please stay. All I want is to wake up to him. I want his face to be the last one I see before I leave for this trip. He obliges. I later learn what got him was I mentioned I already set an alarm early, so we have time for morning sex before he has to go to work. My flight isn’t until later in the day. I’m often surprised by what he picks up on. That was such an offhand comment, to me. I fall asleep in his arms. I sleep through the night. A rare thing for me.

Oh yes, morning sex. Becoming a favorite of mine. Snoozy sleepy sex. What a way to wake up. His arms are still enveloping me. Being his little spoon is the best. I start to slowly adjust my body, then not so subtly grind my ass into him. I feel a twitch. Internally I smirk. Outwardly, I act as if there’s nothing to see here. I continue the charade. Eventually I feel him shimmy out of his boxer briefs. Success. We line up, even as he holds me. I’m extremely wet from the tension. With him it does not take much for me. Often I’m wet before he’s even touched me. He enters me. We’ve found our rhythm in this position pretty easily. It feels very natural. I’ve hardly opened my eyes, still in this sort of half asleep daze. Eventually I do turn my head back to him, to steal a kiss, morning breath me damned. He’s already kissed my neck and shoulder, and I just can’t go any longer not looking into his eyes. I say as much. I mention he’s turned me into the kind of maniac that’ll kiss with my eyes open. I went from being unable to look him in the eyes, and denying kisses, to having my eyes wide open as we make out amidst sleepy morning sex. He cums inside me in this position. Excellent. Last night I slacked. I was enjoying his company too much, I didn’t ensure his sexual satisfaction as much as I typically would.

We cuddle. My head is on his chest. At some point I’m curled up into him. I move around. Not because I’m uncomfortable. I’m trying to feel all of the ways he holds me, before he leaves (and before I leave on this trip). Eventually I end up on top of him. He fits inside me so well. I used to be really self conscious about being on top. I felt very exposed. I felt like eye contact was unavoidable. Now I love it. I want to look at him. I want him to look at me. I like when I can tell he can’t decide what part of me he wants to hold onto. Is it may waist? My breast? Maybe my hips? No, he pulls me into him and wraps me up in his arms and squeezes me. Like a boa constrictor. His squeezes make me melt…and gush. He releases me. Now, I’m holding onto my bed frame. A good rhythm. I’m moving up and down, while also grinding into him. He’s telling me he’s close again. I don’t stop. Neither does he. I collect my second reward for the morning. Again I keep him inside me a little longer. I do finally roll off to get more snuggle time in before he has to get ready for work. While I’m resting on him, I notice somehow he’s still partially hard. Lovely surprise. I wiggle down so I’m still laying my head on his abdomen, but my eyes are now in line with his cock. He doesn’t think he has it in him. Too sensitive. Oh so now someone gets to claim feeling too sensitive and overstimulated? Uh uh. I slowly start to suck on his cock as I feel him get harder in my mouth. I readjust my position. I’m hovering over him now. I settle my pussy down onto his leg, grinding into him so he can feel my wetness. He knows how much taking his cock down my throat makes me wet. He’s holding onto my hair now as I attempt to take him all the way down. He tells me I don’t need to. I look up at him, with him still in my mouth. I focus on his shaft and head. I remember the techniques he’s most recently instructed me on. It started off with wanting fast, hard, always. Relentless. It’s a mix now. Sometimes it’s relentless. Sometimes it’s slow and focused. This was the latter. I manage to drain whatever is left. I’m greedy, I wished it was more. He’s a little incredulous as it’s the third time I’ve made him cum in under an hour. It’s getting late. We take a shower together. He quickly gets ready for work. I walk him to the door and give him a kiss before he leaves.

So. Not the sexiest story. We have had lots of hot sex too. He’s hung me over the bed and fucked my throat to the point every thought other than being a throat left my brain. He fucks me in this perfect way in prone position where he pulls my hair and puts a hand around my neck. He’s put me over his knee and spanked me with his hand and then with a paddle until my legs shook. We’ve fucked in public on the street. I tried anal for the first time with him. I tried a lot of things with him. He slaps my face mid-fuck and it just makes me wetter. He asks me to crawl to him, I do. He binds me, puts an eye mask over me and noise cancelling headphones on me, and I just trust what happens next will be ok, more than ok – I surrender. That’s all really nice. He’s the best sex I’ve ever had. That’s what was supposed to happen in this arrangement. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love. I did. I think I tried to make it be just the sex. I learned it was indeed not just the sex. He’s who I think about when I wake up, and before I fall asleep. His eyes. His laugh. Our conversations. How people look up to him. How he looks out for people. How safe I feel with him. This was supposed to just be a post about how hot he is to me. In what ways I’m his slut. It’s not that simple. Things are complicated. I’m not sure what’s going to happen. But I need to get this out.


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