Round 2 with Aaron. [MF]

I mentioned in my last post that I made plans to meet up with Aaron one last time before he moved. I thought I’d share that too.

It wasn’t hard to arrange a second rendezvous. As I said previously, my kids were with my sister for the week and my husband started a business trip that Tuesday. Aaron’s wife was already across the country and his plane left Thursday afternoon. So we chipped in on a room Wednesday night. That gave us between check-in time and check-out time to play.

It didn’t take long after we walked into the room until we were both naked and all over each other. From that afternoon until the early morning we had countless orgasms together, stopping only for some room service and bathroom breaks. We didn’t even stop when communicating with our SO’s. All night we were moaning through occasional texts. He even talked to his wife while I was sucking his cock. Although we did break while I called to check on my kids (that would have been too weird). I think we both finally passed out around two in the morning.

I woke up to soft kisses around ten in the morning, which led to another fuck session. This led to my most intense orgasm of our entire time together. We both came at the same time and it felt like our souls fused together. We just lied there with him still on top of me trying to catch his breath. He then whispered into my ear, “I think I’m in love.”

I was in shock! Quickly, I put my mouth to his and kissed him for as long as I thought it would take to make sure he didn’t say anything else. And as soon as that kiss broke I immediately went to shower.

We had the room until noon, but I made an excuse about me being super busy that day to get out of there. I dressed, gave him a long hug and kiss goodbye and went home. As soon as I got home I took my things up to my room, fell on to my bed and started crying.


Now, I can tell by some of the colorful messages I’ve received that some of you don’t think very highly of me. And you might be right. I’m FAR from a perfect wife. But I do love my husband very much, which made this one affair so different.

The moment he told me he thought he loved me, I realized I was falling for him. It was like a siren in my head telling me I needed to go. FAST.

I’m sure I seem like a monster to some of you. But I am human. Of all the adventures I’ve had outside my marriage, this is the one I truly feel guilty and remorseful about. Although, it did serve as proof to myself that my heart is still very much committed to my husband.


A couple of days later, I was planning a trip with my husband to go see his favorite football team play, Using the other nights sinful earnings along with some money I had saved up.

My phone chimes. It’s a video message from Aaron. It appears that when he said he was texting his wife, he was really recording me. It starts with my reflection in the hotel room’s mirror. Bare ass, incriminating tattoo’s and all. Eventually The camera lens works it’s way straight down to capture my lustful eyes staring up at him while his dick is sliding in and out of my mouth. Smeared eye liner, drool running down my chin, and even dried cum in my hair from earlier.




  1. You can love more than one person just like you can be in love with more than one person.

    If, as a wife, you choose to stay with your husband you’re in love with over Aaron, why should you feel guilty over that?

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