I [F20] can’t stop wanting to suck his [M20] dick [FM]

Let me start this off by saying I don’t typically have a high sex drive. Those moments where I feel insatiably horny (such as my previous post) are uncommon and well-appreciated.

That was 2 days ago now, and I just want more.

I don’t live with my boyfriend, but I’ve began staying at his place increasingly frequently and I love it. On Sunday I spent the day there, and on Monday I stayed the night. I’m writing this now on Tuesday morning, laying on his bed, wishing he wasn’t at work right now.

Because in the span of those two days, we had sex 5 times, in an uncountable amount of positions, broken up by multiple instances of oral. And I don’t think I’m satisfied.

As I’m laying here, I’m thinking about last night, which I’ll post separately, because I started writing it out and got carried away describing the sex, so the post got way too long and off topic.

I’m also thinking about the fact that now I need to go home, so I won’t be able to see him tonight. I won’t be able to sleep with him again. I won’t be here when he gets home from work, waiting in his room for him after he finishes showering, waiting to have more fun with his dick.

I’ve never felt quite this way before. When we first start oral I enjoyed it, I enjoyed producing the reactions, but it eventually became routine, a foreplay event. The other day has awakened something in me, that makes me want him more and more.

I don’t want to wait another few days to see him again. I just want his dick to keep using my throat.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/f9137m/i_f20_cant_stop_wanting_to_suck_his_m20_dick_fm


  1. Ahhh to be caught up in the honeymoon phase is so wonderful. Enjoy it. I know he is. And I hope for you that feeling never goes away.

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