BITTER PILL Chapter 7 [mom/son], [non con], [BDSM], [MF], [MDom]

*Don’t be ashamed of your kink.*

Bitter Pill Ch 7

“I can make you do anything I want” I whispered in her ear.

It had been maybe a half an hour since I drugged my mother and I was beginning to see signs of her impending trip as we stood together under the shower.

From behind, I cupped her soft breasts against the stinging needles of hot water flowing over us. She leaned back against me, her body languid and loose for the first time since I attacked her. With the first waves of molly amplifying her sensations she seemed to have forgotten that she was my prisoner.

“Or you can let me,” I said with my lips against her neck while gently rolling her hardening nipples between my fingers.

I was in a partial crouch with my knees outside of hers so that my stiff cock was low enough to slide under her ass and through her lovely thigh gap. She responded to my touch by rolling her hips in slow circles back against me causing her succulent pussy lips to slide back and forth over my dick like a wet mouth.

She held her hands up in front of her face in the coursing water as though it were a new experience for her. I guess it was.

“Or, you can do what I say because I will hurt you if you don’t.”

She looked over her shoulder at me as if just remembering who she was leaning back against. I had seen this same cycle of expressions from confusion to stunned resignation play out on her face a few times over the course of our evening together, but I never tired of it. I felt her body tense against mine at her realization that she had momentarily allowed herself to enjoy my gentle domination.

She pushed my hands from her tits and covered them with her arms as if suddenly self-conscious again. I allowed her to step out of my grasp. Instead of trying to leave the shower room she walked across the wood slat floor to a bathing bench against the wall and sat down with a thud. I rolled my shoulders under the slightly hotter than comfortable rain falling from the square ceiling mounted shower head then arched my back enjoying the needles on my cock. I was beginning to roll a little myself.

“Unless that’s what you want.”

“Want?” she asked after a few seconds.

“For me to hurt you. Is that what you want?”

“I don’t want any of this.”

“I think you do. It’s like this, mom. It is now my wish that the shower wand be directed at your clit for the next three minutes. I can see your clock from here. I’ll time it for you. You can do it to yourself, or I can hold you down and do it to you. And it won’t be three minutes. And it won’t be hot water. Do you believe me?”

She waited for a few seconds before quietly saying, “Yes.”

“Then what do you want? Do you want me to hold you down and make it hurt? Or do you want to do it for me?”

For a moment her eyes darted around the shower room and her jaw worked like she was searching for a reasonable defense or a weapon. Then she spread her legs a little and looked down at her recently abused vagina as if she wanted to ask it a question. She looked back up at me. This time her face skipped right to resignation.

She sighed and with obvious reluctance reached up to detach the shower wand from the holder on the wall before turning on the water. She directed the spray against her fingers for a few seconds waiting for the temperature to adjust. She changed the stream setting from a fierce massaging pulse to a constant shower and glanced up to see if I objected to this concession. This house has excellent water pressure so whatever setting she put it on was still going to be a lot. I nodded my consent to her because I am a benevolent god.

She looked back at the wand as though working up the nerve to do this thing she had probably done a thousand times on her own. The difference was that this time her son stood watching. I could tell she was confused about being coerced without being physically forced. It had to feel like capitulation.

‘Capitulation,’ you are probably saying to yourself, ‘what kind of American teen says shit like that?’ Fuck you. Let’s just say my parents didn’t send me away to public school.


She turned her head and pressed her cheek against the cool tile as if not looking made it less real. Holding the wand in both hands she directed the stream against her lap by feel from a couple of feet away.

“Spread your legs. Hold it closer.” I commanded.

“It’s too much.”

“Spread your legs… hold it closer. I won’t ask again.” I said quietly.

She made a petulant huff, then held it closer by half. Stunned by the sensation on her already tender puss she gasped and reflexively pulled it away again. She glanced nervously at me to check my reaction. I just stood there and stared at her with my erection flexing menacingly under the shower spray.

She huffed again and held it closer. Her mouth gaped at the force of it.

“Three minutes, mom. If that water leaves your clit before three minutes is up we start over. Okay?”

“Aah… fuck!… Goddammit!… I’m doing it!…..I’m doing it.” she gasped.

She bit her lower lip and slumped back against the tiled wall, but bravely kept the onslaught directed between her spread thighs. Every once in a while she would let out a shocked bark and her legs would suddenly widen as she convulsively thrust against the spray. She gritted her teeth and looked up at me with a question in her eyes.

I shook my head no and glanced at the clock. “Two more minutes.”

She rolled her eyes and let out a frustrated groan, clearly uncertain of her resolve.

“It’ll be so much worse if I have to do it, mom.”

“I’m DOING it!” she bit back at me.

Seconds passed slowly as she undulated and grimaced in discomfort, though every once in a while her lips puffed in an unmistakable ‘Oh’ of pleasure.

More seconds passed.

“Is it three minutes?” she squeaked with rising urgency.

I left the shower to stand over her. She looked up at me with a sorrowful expression that in another context could have read: ‘Oh no, that poor puppy is injured!’ but in this context it meant, ‘Oh no, I am about to cum in front of my son again!’

“Oh dammit… dammit!” she whispered as her hips began to hunch forward. She looked from my face to my hard cock and didn’t look away again for several seconds.

“One more minute, mom.”

I put one hand against her chest and guided her upper body sideways and down until she was laying on her back across the bench with one leg over the end and the other draped slightly open off the front. I put my hands on her knees and spread them wide. I directed the water back to her pussy then pressed a button on the wand and changed it from shower to the solid stream of a garden hose. Her eyes widened and she threw her head back as she let the stream wander away from her overwhelmed clit. I closed my hand over both of hers holding the wand and corrected her aim again while shoving it closer. Her hips began to buck against the stream and she shook her head as if trying to wake from a dream.

“One more minute,” I said again to punish her for letting the water slip and plucked at a fully engorged nipple.

She let out an angry whimper at the injustice of my timekeeping but kept the hose trained directly on the money even after I let go of her hands.

“Danny!… I… I…” she stammered as her eyes grew round and the chords in her neck stood out with the strain. One hand dropped away from the wand and gripped the edge of the bench next to her ass as if to keep herself from falling off, but her aim remained true.

“Thirty seconds… you dirty whore”

I pulled her right tit into a cone by the pinched nipple and shook it.

“Oh!” she shouted like she was losing her grip on something and arched into a bridge on the bench.

“Fifteen seconds, Janice,” I announced as I pushed the button again changing the stream from hose to pulsing massage. Her body became a slow-motion sine wave as she battled with herself, but the jet stayed where it needed to. She looked at me again with desperate eyes willing the words out of my mouth.


Her eyes lost focus and her body began to jerk as her thighs clamped together on the shower wand now only inches from her bombarded clit.


Her neck and chest began to flush and she groaned through her clenched jaw, now almost fucking the wand as the water assaulted her cunt.


Suddenly the hand that had been gripping the bench lashed out and made a blind grab at my cock. I doubt she even knew she was doing it, but she wrapped her little hand around my thick shaft and squeezed it hard!

“Oh!……Oh!…..Oh!…..” she cried like she was deeply disappointed by her own body’s betrayal of her, but she kept humping the pulsing jet locked between her clenched thighs. When her orgasm became too intense she threw the wand away from her and collapsed against the bench. The wand clattered to the floor and lashed about as arcing ribbons of water blasted the walls.

“Mom!” I grunted.

She lay with her legs splayed, one foot up on the bench with her knee resting against the wall and the other foot on the floor. Her head lolled backward off the end of the bench and bobbed in time with her shuddering breaths. Her beaten vagina was covered by her right hand, and my confused penis was still gripped in her left.


She lifted her head, saw that she was gripping my cock and released it like it was hot.

I turned off the dancing water and replaced the wand in its holder.

“You made me.” she gasped between breaths, trying to believe it. “You made me.”

I plucked a plush towel from the recessed shelves in the wall and tossed it on her heaving chest.

She closed her eyes and dropped her head back again.“You’ve always made me.” she added dreamily to no one in particular. “Even when you were a baby.”

I guess she was slipping into the talky phase of her trip.

“Dry off. Get yourself ready to go out. No makeup. I’m leaving a jar of ointment on your dresser. You need to put it on every part of you that is tender from my use. I’ll pick out what you are going to wear. I’ll leave it on the bed. A car is meeting us downstairs in twenty minutes. Don’t make me wait.” I turned and left her to decide if she was going to test my resolve to blow up her life.

Tonight I was finally going to introduce mother to my friend and mentor. Mom was going to love Lyn.

End of chapter 7

*P.S. I have more chapters to this story but at this point, it seems I am writing for an audience of 4. Since this is my first effort at writing erotic fiction I suppose my expectation of support was unrealistic given the nature of the story, but I have to say I am a little disappointed. Maybe somebody reading this knows of a better forum for this work? Feedback is appreciated.*




  1. I know the total audience is a bit dissapointing but I for one would love to read more of this story. If not here, you could try Literotica or even creating a blogspot.

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