[[FF]] – Final day with Molly.

Please go ahead and read my stories in order on my profile :) this will give much better context and hopefully you enjoy!

—Sunday Morning – 7am—

My alarm woke me for the gym. I was tempted to snooze it and go back to sleep when my phone beeped:

[From: Molly

Good morning, meet you at the gym at 7:30am? X]

After yesterday, i thought that would’ve been molly and I’s last bit of time together. When her husband rang her she had to rush off to go meet him and we didn’t talk at all last night. I smiled at the fact Molly knew my routine so well… I got up and got myself ready and headed out to the gym.

—7:30am – Gym—

As i walked into the gym i noticed there wasn’t many people in just yet. All the Sunday gym fanatics usually showed up earlier than this and had probably already finished, so there was maybe around an hour of quiet before more people would pile in here and make it a sweat box. I opted for a baggy white vest and black gym shorts this morning as it was the first thing i picked out of my drawer. I headed over to the treadmill and decided this morning i was probably just going to run a 5k and then hit the showers.

Just as i put in my AirPods and started warming up, molly appeared at the treadmill at the side of me. She just looked sexy, I couldn’t help it. She had a grey vest on with black gym shorts. Her ass looked amazing… She doesn’t need to try and thats one of the things i really admired about her. Natural beauty equals sex appeal. She doesn’t know just how beautiful she really is.

We smiled at each other and i saw molly check my treadmill and saw i was about to do a 5k. She set hers to the same and she also started to warm up:

{So, how was your night? Was it nice seeing Brett? You must’ve missed him..?}

{Yeah it was nice, feels weird him coming all the way here and it not being like, a holiday if you know what i mean. We will probably come back here one day for a proper sight seeing experience…}

We had a bit of small talk and then the real work began. 5k, here we come.

It was safe to say i did not look attractive after a 5k run and as my treadmill was slowing down i looked over at Molly and she looked as though she was barely breaking a sweat. She is super fit.

As i grabbed my water bottle and my phone off the treadmill i said:

{shower time. Coming?}

Molly laughed as she breezed past me towards the showers:

{I think i might need to use some of your shower gel.. I left mine in your bathroom}

As we entered the showers, there was nobody in there. We went right into the back of the showers and went into separate cubicles opposite to each other.

As i shampooed my hair and rinsed it off and then put the conditioner on, i started to wash myself with the shower gel. I thought about molly opposite me, naked, with water running all over her body and I felt myself getting wet. My hand landed between my slightly parted legs and i started to rub myself gently. As i leaned against the wall of the shower and my finger was slowly rubbing my now throbbing clit, molly’s voice startled me:

{have you finished with the shower gel??}

Shit. I quickly washed my body off and opened the shower cubicle slightly so i could pass her the shower gel. As my shower door opened, so did hers. But molly opened her door all the way so i could see her beautiful, wet body under the running water. My face must’ve said it all. Molly smiled and leaned out and took the shower gel from me and started to wash herself but didn’t close the door. She wanted me to watch.

I let my door open fully too and as i started to wash the conditioner off my hair i could see molly’s hand wandering between her legs whilst she watched me.
My tummy was doing backflips and i could feel my heartbeat in my ears. This was so sexy. I lowered my hand between my legs and leaned back against the shower cubicle and slowly stroked my pussy up and down whilst watching Molly do the same.
Every time i watched molly’s facial expression and her hips moving, it sent my head into a spin.

We both ended up sitting down opposite each other with our legs spread letting the water drip between our legs as we circled our clits, slid our fingers into ourselves and our hips circling matching each other’s rhythm.

As i could feel my orgasm approaching molly broke the silence between us:


My fingers did as she said and as my fingers slid in and out of me she did the same.

{Yeah, harder. I want you to cum}

As my orgasm flushed over me i heard Molly moaning opposite me as hers exploded over her. It seemed to last forever. My hips wouldn’t stop. The feeling went on and on and on. Omg it felt good.

As my aftershocks settled down and i opened my eyes, i could see Molly still sat there with her legs spread as she was just opening her eyes. She looked sexy as she bit her lip enjoying every last part of her orgasm. As we looked at each other, we started laughing straight away as she squirted some shower gel into her hand and she threw it back over to me.


After we left the gym we went to the Starbucks round the corner and grabbed some breakfast. We knew we gained a friendship while she was here, and i was hopeful we would keep in touch. She explained she was going to head back to her hotel to see Brett this morning and she would be spending the rest of the trip with him. This meant this moment was the last moment with Molly.

I was definitely going to miss her. We finished our coffees and croissants and headed out. I stopped and took molly’s arm and pulled her into me and gave her a huge hug:

{it was really nice to meet you… don’t be a stranger}

Without even caring who was watching, i leaned in and kissed her. Her lips sent electricity right through my body. I didn’t let her say anything, I pulled away and headed off in the opposite direction….

Why do all the best girls have to be straight?

—-The end—-

I hope you all enjoyed the stories with Molly. I enjoyed putting these out there for you, sorry it took so long to bring this last part out! Life definitely got in the way :)



Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/f7vepf/ff_final_day_with_molly

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