[MF] [Hotwife] Meeting a guy In Vegas for Future Date

I Am often accused of taking too long to get to the naughty parts, but for me the fun is in the background, the build up, and the details of how it all came to pass.

So this is part one, I’ll keep working on part 2 and post it in an hour or so…if you are more interested in jumping to the sex, feel free to skip to part 2.

Please comment or even better send me a message, I do this to turn you all on and if I don’t hear back then it seems to be for nothing. Ask me anything you like, I answer everyone!

My Husband and I had become pretty comfortable with the whole Wife Sharing/Hotwife thing.

I had been with 3 guys at this point, and each of them several times. We were starting to really figure out what worked for us and we both found a huge turn on.

One would think that it would create distance between us but it was the exact opposite, sharing our fantasies and being totally honest about our fantasies brought us closer together than ever.

We had taken off on a 4 day Vegas trip with 3 other couples and had been driving and partying pretty hard when on the 3rd night we found ourselves at the Piano Bar at New York New York.

Once again the drinks were flowing and I especially was having a good time.

My Husband on the other hand was dead tired…the previous days had caught up with him and he was ready for a rest.

I kissed me goodnight and told me to have fun. I said I would see him back at the room soon.

The bar was packed and everyone was dancing with everyone, that’s when I ended up paired with a very handsome guy about my age.

We were flirting and dancing then took a break to have a drink.

I learned his name was Keith, he lived in Seattle and was here with a group of guys.

He was trying everything to get me to go back to his room with me, and truth be told, if I wasn’t there with friends, and if I could have cleared it with my Husband I would have totally gone for it.

Sadly the evening came to a close, but not before Keith and I exchanged contact information.

We lived on the other side of the country though so I didn’t expect I would ever get the chance to see him again.

The next day I got a few messages from Keith, he said how much fun we had and how I made his night. I hinted he would like to meet for a drink before we left but it wasn’t possible.

Once we all got home Keith and I continued to text and email. We seemed to really hit it off. The messaging soon turned to phone calls which quickly became phone sex.

Suddenly we were on the phone masturbating 2 or 3 times a week.

Keith and I would often talk about how hot it would be to get together in person, I told him I would love to have him visit!

He agreed that given the chance he would love to, although I am in Canada and he didn’t have a passport. He did however start the process.

He asked if there was any chance I would be out his way, but we had no reason to be in Seattle other than to see him so the chances of it just happening would be slim.

But that really got me thinking, it would be fun, I had never been there before. Plus the idea of flying across the continent for the sole purpose of hooking u wth a guy seemed to really get me going.

We talked about the what if’s and it became more and more enticing until I desperately wanted to do it. However, how would my Husband react?? I was scared to death to ask him. I felt like this was really a lot to ask and a whole other level to what we had been doing.

Finally I got up the courage to bring it up. He already knew I had been in contact, and that we had been having phone sex )although I didn’t confess to how often).

I brought it up at the best time I could think of, when his hard cock was in my mouth…

As I licked the head of his cock “Can I tell you something? Keith Realllllly wants me to come out and see him…he talks about it every time we talk….How he would show me around during the day, take me to all these amazing sights and restaurants, then fuck me all night long….”

As those of you in the lifestyle can imagine, this drove him wild “You….you should totally go!!! That would be so fucking hot….being here alone….imagining what you are doing….fucking him again and again all weekend….”

“Really?” I asked…licking him more. “You would like that? Sending me off for the weekend to get fucked?”

It was all he could do to keep from coming and I had rarely seen hm so hard.

“I kept him on the edge as we fantasized about the details…literally planning the trip from beginning to end…all the logistics. By the time I let him cum we had all the details of how it could happen sorted out.

After he came we lay back in bed snuggling “That was hot” I told him…”Too bad it’s just a fantasy” baiting him.

“Well…It doesn’t have to be…I mean…would you really want to do that?” He was now the one afraid…scared I might say “Are you crazy! No”. He had no idea I was actually manipulating him into it.

“I would love that…do you think it could actually work out? I mean it seems crazy, but it would be so hot…do you think you could take it? You wouldn’t get too jealous???”

He said that he would get a bit jealous, but that was part of the turn on, and as long as I kept in touch a bit he would actually love it…He said “Imagine how hot it will be when you got back and told me all about it!”

I said, “Well…let me ask him if he is serious…one step at a time…and then if he is I’ll get you to look into flights and hotel and that….just to see”

He actually told me to text him right away…I did and Keith said “Any Time!!!”

PArt2 Shortly, I tried to minimize the Typos but this keyboard tends to miss letters sometimes…Sorry!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/f7tfa8/mf_hotwife_meeting_a_guy_in_vegas_for_future_date

1 comment

  1. I wouldn’t worry about taking too long to get to the naughty bits. I do the same thing because context **is** realism, and some readers appreciate it.

    Keep doing your thing.

    Also, smart move asking at the right time. Guys agree to anything when their cock’s in someone’s mouth.

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