Creation of the bimbo Princess [TG Bimbofication ministory]

*This is officially my first ever erotic story, so i expect for there to be a lot of improvement.*
*Story IS written in the ‘you’ form, cause I originally wrote it for a friend, but she was cool with sharing*
*In any case, here’s the story*

You’re walking home from another slow, boring day at work. It’s winter now too, so you’re wearing warm clothes with a thick coat around it, and a scarf around your neck. And STILL it’s freezing all over your body! This weather is just too much, and it’s not gonna change anytime soon either. You sigh, walking through a patch of snow on the sidewalk, when you notice someone in a nearby alleyway, looking at you. It’s impossible to see their form or detect any noteworthy features, seeing as they are covered by a full length cloak too, the hood of which obscures nearly everything of their head. All you can clearly make out of them are a pair of piercing blue eyes gazing from the shadow. Their gaze is piercing, as my magic you feel as though they can see into your heart, and feel compelled to not run away, but to approach this strange figure. So you do, one step, then another, and one more, until you make it into the alley, and you stand before the shadowy mass.

They take of their coat, which turned out to look more like it should be in a fantasy game! Strange rune like symbols adorn the edges of it, and it has a gorgeous silk inner side. The person before you is clearly female. She’s average in size, with a curvy body shown off in a ravishing red outfit. It consists of a silk blouse and miniskirt, finished off with long black boots with sizable heels. Long blonde hair runs all over her torso and back, and lays gently around her substantial cleavage. Her face is angular in shape, with pronounced jawbones. Her visage has an alluring and yet stern look to it.

She speaks: “You have been called, princess. Called to your new home!”, and hands a metal device to you. It’s like half a circle in shape, like it’s perfectly made to fit your head, with a giant pink heart gemstone in the middle. Without realizing it, you begin moving the device to your forehead, like it’s drawing you to do so. When it reaches your head, it jumps free from your hand and attaches itself to your cranium, sending a bizarre wave of energy down your body. You feel the world grow dark as you faint, dropping to the ground.

It takes a good effort to open your eyes as you wake, and you are surprised where you are. You look around and see you’re in a fancy throne room, in a fancy, velvet cushioned throne. In front of you there are hundreds of people, clearly in revelry. The crowd is dancing all around, and you can make out people kissing and grabbing each other all over each other’s bodies.

They are interrupted by a tall, bronze-skinned woman. Her long wavy black hair pulled back and running down her muscular back. Her toned body is capped off with a set of huge orb-like tits, standing proud on her frame. You see there are copious amount of fluids running down her legs, and her skin is glistening with it too. She walks to the bottom of the short staircase separating the masses from the throne you’re in, and begins shouting.

“Behold, people of the populace! The princess has awoken and is ready for the rite of passage!”

The entire crowd of people stop dancing suddenly, all eyes on you and begin roaring in positivism.

“Yes it is timeee!!!” “Finally! We have been waiting for this!” “I can’t wait to see the transformation!”

Wait transformation? What transformation? You look at yourself and finally notice you’re not in your normal clothes but in a white dress, shimmering prettily. You seem strange too, there’s a sudden emptiness between your legs and seem to have a swelling on your breasts. The sensation isn’t bad though, it actually feels pleasant!

The woman shouts again:”Let us begin!”

All of a sudden a magical circle appears around you, locking you in place. Swirls of magic surround you, penetrating your chest. The tension you feel on your breasts begin to grow, as they start swelling up, almost like a balloon. Staying perfectly orb-like, you gain a cup size, and another, and another, and ANOTHER! It’s like these things never stop growing!

The crowd is clearly excited with what they’re seeing so far as well. They shout all kinds of things around, cheering all the way.

“Oh yes look at those!” “Never seen them grow like THIS before!” “Fuck I need those in my life!”

The magical swerves go into the rest of your body as well, making your body take a perfect hourglass shape. Your face begins to change as well, your cheekbones becoming more pronounced. You feel your lips swelling up too, becoming perfectly puffy and your nose perks up slightly, becoming button shaped. Your now watermelon size tits finally stop growing, and are now on top of a perfectly hyper feminine body. As if the rite is wanting to show off, the magic lifts you up from the throne, making you float in the air to demonstrate the perfection of your curves, as it rips your dress clean off. A narrow waist, with a set of wide, thicc hips and long sensual legs adorn your body now.

You look down at the crowd, and are astounded at the display. Men and women both begin masturbating to your impeccable figure, as the magical energies engulfs the entire room. The mass begin giving in to their depraved desires, and a full room orgy just happens organically while you feel the magics enter your mind. It makes all of this seem… logical, like this is how every waking moment should be spent. Just giving in to lust, reveling in it.

You notice the head woman getting surrounded by men and women alike. She naturally let them have their way with her, getting to the ground, getting squeezed all over, all her holes getting filled in seconds. With every thrust you see them take in her, you feel your rational brain giving away, letting the perverted mana in, letting it dominate. The magical field pushes your hand down to your crotch, letting your fingers run over your swollen, moist pussy lips. It just feels perfect, just like it should be feeling right? This is all life’s about right? Yes.. It must be! What else could there be! No sense to stop now!

With renewed conviction and vigor you let loose on your slopping wet snatch, giving it the love of hundreds, as you build to an orgasm, just throbbing with the flow of the orgy below. When you top the cliff, you squirt hard, sending an absolute torrent of fem juice into the masses. As it lands, people look up and cheer in absolute bliss again, never stopping their lascivious behavior.

The magical force puts you down on the throne again, your flawless form slumping down at first. Then you look forward, and gaze at the group of lucky people allowed to approach first. In front is the blonde woman from before, smirking heavily as she is holding on to her round tits. She approaches you and whispers in your ear. “It’s finally done, my half-sister~. You are now officially the Bimbo Princess, and this… oh this will be a night to remember.”
