Date Night (Part 1) [MF]

Callum walked back to her at the bar after looking in the bathroom mirror to make sure he was presentable. He still looked the same as he did before they left the house, but since this was the night, they had all worked up to, he was a little more obsessive about his looks than normal. Not that he needed to be, they had been hanging out for more than six months after initially meeting online and chatting for three months. He was comfortable with her, she was a friend. He walked back to the hotel bar and took a spot next to her.
“So, another drink?” Callum smiled in a way that assured her it was fine to be a little tipsy, he could already feel the effects of the two drinks he had, coupled with the butterflies of the evening that filled his stomach and the warm tingling he had felt all over since they first embraced on the dance floor. He was more than ready to calm his nerves.

“Uh maybe one more, I don’t want to be a mess” Amy replied. She was just as nervous and filled with excitement as he was. She felt like she was fourteen again, and on the edge of a conversation that would lead to her first ever kiss. She wouldn’t let on how aroused she was, but he would know soon enough.

“Did you enjoy the dancing tonight?” he inquired. He made a silly dance gesture to lighten the mood. He was never the suave “leading man type”, he was cute and depended on humor and sincerity to attract most women although he was sorely out of practice. She laughed at his off balanced spin as the bartender served her new drink.

“I know you certainly did” Amy said with a wink as she playful place the straw in her mouth.

He felt himself blush deep red and gave a shy chuckle. He was hoping she had not noticed how aroused he was, and cursed himself for choosing boxers over briefs, which would have kept things more in place and under control. Still she didn’t indicate that she minded. In fact, she found it quite exciting to know that another man was so aroused by her. It was a fresh feeling and it awoke something in her that made her want to be more daring. She moved closer toward him, leaned in a whispered in his ear how excited she was for tonight.

All the online chats, which lead to a few casual meetings for coffee. Then setting movie and dinner dates to further their unique relationship. It was all so wonderfully easy, like it was meant to be. He grabbed a beer, not wanting to take any chances of being too inebriated that he couldn’t preform. He offered up his arm to her.

“Shall we see how our counterparts are behaving?”

She took his arm and they walk across the open floor of the hotel to a spot where a few lounge chairs and couches were. There they found his wife Sabrina sitting in the lap of Amy’s husband. The couple was laughing as they approach.

“Looks like you two are getting on well.” As he smiled wryly. They were in fact getting a long quite well. Sabrina was having a lovely time, she really connected with both Amy and Oliver. She was a little afraid to hop off Oliver’s lap since he had been nibbling at her ear playfully and made her wet, she was concerned she left a mark on his dress pants.

Callum gave an approving smile to her, and she knew she was safe to enjoy herself. It was his idea after all and though she was not keen to it at first, once he explained what he was really after she came around. He didn’t want an open relationship and he didn’t want to bring another woman into their married bed. Callum wanted to share a sexual experience with his wife, on neutral territory, which is why the expensive hotel was such a great spot, a weekend vacation for them. Both couples were free to leave at any time. It wasn’t cheap, but the third room was worth the price. One room for each couple to sleep in and a third room between them for their adventure. This insured that if anyone got cold feet or felt awkward they had a space to themselves. Oliver and Amy were friends now, though they were just internet strangers some months ago.

The private chat rooms were a fun and a different ‘date night’ idea for her and Callum. Pouring a glass of whiskey at home, sitting side by side on the couch posting for another couple to chat with. Laughing at the outrageousness of some of the anonymous couples they would meet. Rolling their eyes at the pathetic attempts of some single men who just wanted to use Sabrina as some amateur porn starlet. It took time to find the right couple and they had plenty of false trails that wouldn’t seem to lead to the experience they both wanted.

Another happily married couple who wanted to pair up for a night of sexual exploration and fun. It had to be discreet, and most importantly there needed to be trust. Trust was only earned over time through the various meetings they had set up. Originally it was flirty chats on Saturday nights between the four of them, which later lead to picture exchanges, nothing sexual or obscene just a peek at what the other couple looked like. Callum and Sabrina had a photo of them from a vacation in Vermont. Both looking their best and it showed what kind of people they were. Smiling at a ski resort, holding a couple pints of beer. That was them in a nutshell, they loved to travel, unwind with a good drink and stay active. Just fit enough to fool the camera but comfortable enough in their own skin not to care about a wrinkle or roll here or there.
Callum took his wife’s hand and helped her up of Oliver’s lap. Sabrina was a little tipsy and whispered into his ear how wet with excitement she was. He could tell she was ready to go, so they excused themselves from Amy and Oliver to go freshen up in their room and would meet the other couple in the spare room, or “playground” as they had come to jokingly describe it.

As they walked up to their room, Sabrina was the manifest of coy sexual playfulness. Not wanting to seem to eager but also feeling carefree and ready to be swept off in the moment. She remembered the first time they met Oliver and Amy, at the local coffee shop they all enjoyed. It was well worn territory both couples were familiar with, and coffee was an easy choice, if the meeting didn’t seem to have the chemistry needed, it was easy enough to politely walk away from the situation. The reality was that both couple were new to this whole experience and were just as self-conscious and nervous as the other pair. Each person taking comfort in the knowledge they weren’t alone and had their loving partner with them for support and familiarity.

Once the coffee was served and the ice broken, they fell into an engaging conversation, one much like any other they had at dinner parties with their friends. Once the nerves were settled it was revealed that both couples had their own set of ‘secret codes’ for telling the other spouse that it wasn’t working, and they needed to leave. They boys joked how they felt like baseball managers watching for the signs of touching ears or scratching an eye brown. Knowing that was the signal to pull the pitcher from the game and go home. It wasn’t needed though, they got along well, in fact so well that Callum and Oliver because workout partners. Exchanging phone numbers so they could meet up for bike rides and keep each other motivated to stay fit for their woman. The girls took to each other a little more cautiously, considering what was possible on the table in the future. Sabrina assured herself that even though this other woman was nice, she would be possibly giving her husband a blowjob, or maybe more. What if this Amy did something to Callum that she hadn’t thought to do or was less comfortable with? At the same time, Amy seemed nice and if she was going to open herself sexual, she knew she had Oliver to enjoy. Plus, the couples had already discussed what they were interested in sexually and there really wasn’t anything that was left undiscussed.

Sabrina and Callum reached their room and freshen up putting on the soft comfortable robes from the hotel and made their way to the ‘playground’. They had agreed to enter the room in robes as if they were all going to get massages and in a way they were, she thought to herself with a giggle. Callum was trying his best to keep his robe closed but his body betrayed him as his rather large member kept trying to peek out between the layers of his robe. He adjusted the inner and outer layer of the robe and did his best to hide the tent his was pitching. It was clear that he was excited for the evening. They knocked politely and used the key to enter the room. Amy and Oliver were already in the room, and in their robes. It was clear to Sabrina that Oliver was having the same wardrobe issues as her husband.

“Looks like a scout jamboree with all the tents getting pitched in here” she said and then laugh at her own joke louder than she expected. It was clear she had enough to drink for the evening, she blushed but no matter it was time to relax. The room they had ordered came with two king size beds, so that each couple would have enough space, plus there was also a lounge chair and small love seat in the entrance area for anyone feeling more adventurous. They had all agree that tonight would be simple, just each spouse playing with their own. So that they could all be comfortable naked around each other and not feel any pressure to perform with a new partner. They thought it would be fun to order a ‘discreet movie title’ for their discreet evening and watched the movie with a relaxed attitude. The alcohol made it easy to enjoy without feeling awkward. Sabrina climbed on to the bed and rest a hand on Callum chest and they cuddled the way they would at home before making love. The group cheered and jeered at the film like critics and made they’re jokes at the opening scenes, but once the sex began on screen it was difficult not to join. Amy looked over at Sabrina and noticed she had opened her robe to expose her breasts and Callum had his hand resting at the base of his impressively large cock. It made her wet just to see another man’s cock so close and in person. She kissed her husband on the neck and opened his robe to expose him. She wasn’t turning back now, and she had nothing to worry about as she had given Oliver hundreds of blow jobs, just never in front of anyone else.

It became clear that no one was watching the movie and that all the focus and sexual tension of the room was focused on Amy and her skillful tongue. She came up to kiss her husband on the lips and realized she was being watching. Sabrina was playing with her nipples and Callum was gentle stroking his cock to her live pornographic scene. She gave them a wicked grin and felt an urge to be daring. She never thought of herself as an exhibitionist, but with a comfortable and obviously eager audience she decided to let her nastier attitude prevail. She slid down the mattress more and lifted Oliver’s legs to his chest while he positioned himself on his back. Stroking his cock Amy lifted his testicles with her free hand and began to run her tongue up and down the length of his perineum. He began to moan louder and hold his legs farther back giving her more room. He was in her control now and he sunk into bliss as she playfully commanded his body with her the tip of her tongue.

Sabrina looked over at Callum who was entranced by the way Oliver’s cock was pulsing and flexing, though he wouldn’t admit that. She knew him all too well and was eager to encourage his newly discovered erotic kink. She grabbed his cock and began to kiss is neck, starting at the shoulder and working her way up to his ear, as her hand moved down towards his tight ball sack. Callum was ready and didn’t show any signs of stage fright.

“I want you to fuck me and watch her suck his cock” Sabrina whispered into his ear as she felt his cock twitch at the idea. She faced away and got on her knees, laying her face downward into the mattress as she felt Callum pressing his fully engorged head against her blossoming labia. She was warm, moist and perfectly ready to be mounted, but Callum always took his time and eased into her. He knew she wanted to be fucked hard and to show their counterparts that they could be equal to the task, but Callum would not give in. He would work his cock into her slowly, at first just teasing the tip in and out to the sounds of his precum mixing with her juices. She turned her head and moaned while she looked into the eyes of Oliver and she could feel every inch moving further, spreading her open till she was almost begging for him with her body language, bucking her hips. They began to find their rhythm as they watch Amy play with her husband’s ball on the tip of her tongue.

“You wanna see something Oliver really loves?” Amy giggled. She then slowly began to swallow Oliver’s entire shaft. Slowly working it past the back of her tongue and into her throat. Oliver moaned with eyes wide open in amazement. Amy held her place bobbing her head up and down slightly, then unsheathing his member with tear welling up in her eyes and spit dripping down his shaft. Sabrina gasped; she never was able to take Callum all the way down due to his size.

“That’s amazing, I could never do that with him” she moaned as her husband continued thrusting slowly. She could tell by the look on Amy’s face that she was curious if she could deep throat Callum as well as she could with her own husband. Then Amy got up from the bed and kneeled at the edge staring into Sabrina’s eyes. “How is it? Is it deep?” she asked almost blushing, she was soaking wet and very curious about Callum’s member. Her own husband was of average size but an amazing lover. Still she had never had a man that large before, she guessed him to be just around 9 inches and he was thick. She could sense her throat as she imagined trying to take him into her mouth. Sabrina reached out to Amy and the two held hands as Sabrina closed her eyes and began to shiver, she had never climaxed so hard before. The anticipation, the dancing, drinking, and now staring into a beautiful woman’s eyes, seeing her lust and hungry for *her* husband. It was to much and she moaned one final time as her ecstasy overtook her. She went limp and laid on the bed feeling satisfied, she rolled over and Callum laid on top of her, kissing her breasts softly as he worked his way up to her neck and then planting a firm kiss of passion on her lips. It was a kiss that assured her that he would never love another. As he arose from her, he saw Oliver stroking his cock while he sat on the edge of the other bed, enjoying the show that they had put on. Callum was still hard and thick string of precum hung from the tip of his cockhead. Sabrina gave Amy a look and grabbed Callum by the cock.

“Let’s see what you can really do Hun” Sabrina said with a smirk. She knew Callum would be eager to try and even though they had originally agreed to stay with each other’s spouses she was feeling very secure and confident with them that she didn’t mind. Amy looked over to her husband who smiled and nodded his approval, they were all in agreement. She asked Callum to lay flat on his back, he did so, and his cock stood straight into the air, the smell of Sabrina’s juices still fresh on his shaft. Amy lay perpendicular to him and reached out slowly, but her hand stopped just short of grasping her new toy. She giggled and blushed before everyone. The spotlight was on her and it made her clitoris tingle like electricity was flowing through her. Sabrina positioned herself on the other side of her husband and grabbed the base of his cock, pulling down on the skin and making his head swell as Callum moaned.

“I’ll hold it in place for you” She winked at Amy, she knew her well enough to know that even though she liked to be an exhibitionist, she was still nervous at the idea of taking another woman’s man. She took a deep breath and regained her composure. “Okay, here goes.”
