That London heatwave, part one [MMF]

Hi, I’m new to this but love reading other people’s stories so thought I would share mine… did it in cuckold but this is busier I guess. This is a true one that happened to me a while ago. Here’s a first part, if people like it I will try and find time to continue with what happened next. It’s quite a long old tale. Hope you like it.

It’s two years I confessed to Katherine that I’m bisexual, and all this began. It’s a long story, that I want to tell you all now, in parts. It’s changed her, and it’s changed me. It’s pushed what I thought I desired in new directions, made me realise things about myself, and her, and each other and our relationship that I’d never thought I’d know. It’s even changed her body. But back then… Katherine and I had been going out for just over two years. We’d recently started living together, but that prospect of commitment had done what it always did and make me start thinking about men, as well as her. It wasn’t that I wanted to cheat – we had great sex and it felt like the future between us was secure. More than that, it was just the feeling that she didn’t know me as well as I knew myself, and repressing that was pushing me to want to go and seek out a man. One night, drunk after the pub we were sat up in the kitchen getting more drunk and the conversation turned to sex. It didn’t do this often, she was very English, private-school educated and proper and didn’t really like talking about that sort of thing – at least not then. One of my exes had been at the pub, and she said it had been a bit weird. I asked why, said I didn’t understand that feeling, that I’d feel fine if it was one of hers. I was drunk, and stupid, and said “especially if it was one of the hot ones” and blurted out that I was attracted to men and keeping it in was a real struggle for me. She went quiet. Said she wasn’t sure. Asked if I went with men on the sly. Thankfully I could say no. I admitted that I had fantasised about men, but just in the context of us having a threesome with another guy. For some reason I thought that might make it easier for her to understand, but it just pissed her off more. Ooops. She said she couldn’t understand why I’d want to see her have sex, got upset, and stormed off to bed. As was her way, she didn’t mention it in the morning, or for the rest of the week, or a few weeks after that.

A Friday night a few weeks later, and we’d planned to go to a club in South London with a group of friends. It was a heavy techno night in an amazing dark dank space under a railway arch, and we loved going there, getting high, and dancing until dawn. We met our friends, went in, took some MDMA, the music got louder as the club filled. It must have been about 1am and I was coming up when a pal nudged me and said “hey, Katherine seems to be getting some attention, is she OK?” I looked over and saw a guy was dancing close behind her, his hands occasionally lighting on her hips. I must have said ‘oh sure it’s fine’ or something but went over to Katherine and started dancing next to her. She leaned up to me and said “can I kiss this guy?” I hate to say it but I freaked out and said no, there were too many of our friends around, what was going on? She said nothing and as the drugs rushed in me I just carried on dancing. Seconds later, she took my hand and pushed it down the front of her jeans. I was surprised to feel that she’d undone her button and some of the fly, even more surprised to feel that as my hand was pushed down she’d completely shaved her pubic hair for the first time, and shocked when my fingers slid over her clit and over her lips parted by a finger, a wet finger that was rubbing her pussy that was so much wetter than I’d ever known her be before. I couldn’t believe it. The guy had started touching her up from behind, hidden in the darkness of the club. The disembodied finger paused when it felt mine, but I pushed, and it slid inside her. I pushed again and for a few seconds that felt, afterwards, like time had stood still, the two of us moved together inside her as the music roared. Suddenly, his finger pulled away. I did too and felt Katherine hurriedly do up her jeans as I turned, to see his mate had suddenly appeared with a drink for him. it was the first time I got to see his face, Ben as I would later know, the man who would have such an impact on my life. I could see why Katherine had wanted to kiss him, why she’d let him do what he did in public, something she’d never have let me do, even when high. He was a bit taller than me, dark hair flipped sideways above a beautiful face of high cheekbones, and I saw him flash a smile at Katherine as he turned away and took his drink, and disappeared into the crowd. By now I was too high to really process properly what had happened let alone talk about it, and I vanished into the music and the flashing lights, Katherine in my arms.

A few hours later, when we’d come down so the rushing had subsided and the club had started to empty, I said lets go for a fag. Our friends had all gone home, and she said maybe we should get a cab. For a moment I thought that what had happened must have been the drugs, a moment of Katherine getting carried away, perhaps even the guy taking advantage… perhaps it never even happened at all? We got our stuff from the coatroom, and went outside, the bright dawn hitting our dilated pupils like an explosion. Dazzled, we started walking and there he was, stood having a cigarette, leaning against the wall and as we passed him I saw him clock Katherine and she him, but we carried on, but slowed round the corner and stopped. “Shall I go and talk to him?” she said. I asked if she was sure she wanted this, and she just smiled and said “I’ve been thinking a lot since we had that conversation a few weeks ago, and yes, I do, because I know you do.” She kissed me, and walked back around the corner.

If enough people want it then I’ll carry on!


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