Most people would think that the evil, demonic empress wanted to marry the prince in order to kill him and take absolute control. This isn’t true at all, she’s just lonely and wants someone to cuddle with. [MF]

Inspired by a [writing prompt]( in /r/DirtyWritingPrompts

I, Prince Jarren, formerly of the Westwall Isles, was surprised at how comfortable being the consort of a demonic empress was.

It helped that, outside of her intimidating armor and spiky regalia, she was actually kind of cute, and blushed adorably whenever I told her so, even now, almost a year after our disaster of a ‘wedding’.

“Mrrrrh.” Evetali purred as I brushed her hair with my fingers, her head of pale platinum blonde hair resting on my chest as she used me like some body-pillow, human flesh warming her demonic heart. I didn’t stop combing her hair, though.

The first few nights had been terrifying; being newly ‘wed’ to a foreign empress who’s armies had savaged that of my home’s neighbors? Then came the wedding, which had more resembled the sale of cattle than a celebration of a union. I distinctly remember Renori – Eve’s favorite dragon – picking me up in her talons before beating her wings hard enough to bowl over two thirds of the guests.

The sight of that asshole Duke Lassiter continuing to roll (he was overindulgent, and had a clear downhill trajectory) long after the rest had stopped, though, was a silver lining like no other.

Another purr, another squeeze of my ribs, and I chuckled as I moved my arms lower, lifting her up so that our faces were level. I kissed her on the neck, first, then her cheek. “Eve, it’s nearly noon.”

“Mrrrgh.” Evetali’s growl was rebellious, and with a kick of her leg she wrapped around me even harder. I sighed, and reached for my secret weapon; her buttocks.

Eyes the color of bright embers snapped open as I pinched her ass. The Empress of the Darkspire Mountains, the conqueror of the Misty Vale, queen of Cyriand, and so forth Evetali yal Tovirrin let out a high pitched and adorably panicked “YEEEE!” as she jumped a clear foot into the air, before landing heavily on my chest.

It drove the air from my lungs and I sputtered as she rubbed the small red mark on her ash-grey skin where I had done my deviousness, and she pouted as her clawed talons slowly raked across my chest. Evetali was anything but careless with them, so I chuckled as she stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry at me, still gasping for breath between laughter and having it punched out of me.

“You deserve that.” She sniffed imperiously, maintaining that girlish pout. “Really, Jarren, it’s not as if it’s too late for me to feed you to Renori.”

“Nah, she likes my neck rubs too much.” I laughed, and grabbed an elbow, pulling her down and kissing her on the lips.

Evetali snorted, but returned the kiss. “You spoil her.”

“You spoil her.” I shot back, pulling her down and cocking my head to one side to avoid the horn.

“I’m not the one who gave her an entire cow for supper last week.”

“No, you had to go feed her three sheep.”

“They were a reward.”

I laughed. “She did well fighting off that white dragon.”

Eve’s smile softened as she leaned in and snuggled close. “That she did. Say, did you want some of that dragonscale? I could have Lenale make you some very impressive armor.”

I paused, thinking about how you could buy a small kingdom with a suit of drake-scale armor, and how little that mattered to Evetali that she could just give me one without another thought. That stuff was impressive, tough and sturdy while having enough flex to it, and lightness, that you could fight all day in it and not be as tired as the heavier metal armor that…


“You just want me to wear that armor next time we f-”

“Shhhh.” Evetali sealed my lips with a giggle, drawing a pleasant moan from my lips. “It’s been almost a year. I wanted to get you something special.”

“Don’t tell me you’re making that an anniversary present.”

“No, declaring you my Consort-Emperor was going to be the present. The armor is to make you look the part.”


That was… a significant step up from a mere prince.

“Yes. And I expect you will make me say ‘oh’ a lot on our anniversary night, when you wear that armor and fuck me bent over my throne. I could even wear a little white gown and let you call me princess.”

Which reminds me of our first night together, where I had a white shirt torn to ribbons and the Demoness of the Darkspire mounting me like she was trying to shatter my pelvis with her hips.

“You have this all planned out, didn’t you?”

“Of course I have. Lenale will be fitting you later this afternoon.”

“And what of the rest of the morning?” I asked.

Eve’s smile turned sultry as she reached down, pulling my boxers down a touch. “I had a meeting planned.”

Smiling knowingly, I played along. “Have they been waiting long?”

“All morning, in fact…” She moaned as I began to touch her, first on her hips and running up her back.

My attention went to her hefty chest, squeezing both and cupping them up to my lips. I gave each nipple a kiss. “And who is this unlucky soul, who’s been waiting to be graced with your attentions this morning, my empress?”

Evetali’s smile curled into a smirk. “Oh, some prince from this backwater island kingdom.”

“Really now? Should I be concerned, Eve?” I chuckled, before returning to sucking on her tits.

She closed her eyes, threw her head back and moaned pleasurably. “Absolutely. He’s handsome… and strong…”

“Sounds like your type.” I teased, both with words and with a twist of my fingers that got her to yelp again. My hands ran down to her hips, and pulled her in, my manhood slowly sinking into her tight snatch.

Eve, meanwhile, was lost in a haze as she reached up to begin touching herself. “Ah… yes… yes he is…”

“I know a fellow like that… he’s absolutely enamoured with another woman, though.”

“What about her?”

“She’s strong and beautiful.” I gasped out. “Has a warm heart and a gorgeous laugh.”

Evetali could only let out a choked ‘mmhm’ as she continued to pound herself against my cock, and I began to thrust up into her, making her grunt each time she felt my cock bottom out inside of her.

“And what are you meeting him for, lover?” I probed.

“I want something from him.” She gasped, riding my thrusts with barely contained pleasure. Eve’s fingers curled around my shoulders, the tips of her talons touching against the mostly healed scars that crossed my back. She gasped and mewled, too cute for words as she rode me.

I pressed on, my hands joining hers as I felt her closing with her climax. “Do tell.”

Eve was silent, for a moment, her hips slacking off as she looked down at me. As my empress, then as my friend, and then my lover.

“I want to bear his children.” She finally said.

I was silent as Eve dipped down, kissing me first on the forehead, then on my nose. She finally kissed me on the lips and held it until we were both nearly out of breath.

“You’ve given me so much, love… now, though, I ask one more thing…” She leaned back, pulling me up off my back until I was almost on top of her, my lover spread out on the bed. Her arms moved to the sides, leaving her spread out before me, her eyes offering me everything. “Give me a child, love. Our child.” Eve pleaded, and I gladly complied, grasping her hips and driving her body towards mine. We made love in between frantic fucks, until with a finality that made her moan loud enough to shake the windows I tensed, my body bucking as I buried my seed deep into Eve’s womanhood.

The tension unwound slowly after that, my body easing forward until I rested my face between her breasts, the both of us heaving for breath as I softly kissed her chest. Eve’s arms curled around me, we had breakfast, lunch and then dinner in bed, and Lenale was thoroughly disappointed at my tardiness the next day.

Eve had twins the following spring.

I couldn’t be a happier man.
