The new girl… (Part 1) [MF] [SHOWER SEX]


Blaine Anderson, a dreamy, curly-haired and hazel-eyed pretty boy, was a part of The Warblers, a choir group formed by 17-18 year old male teenagers who loved singing. One fine evening, as they practiced for the next competition, a new member joined the group. However, this member was different from every single one of them. This member… was a girl.

She was tall, blonde and had green eyes. She was wearing a female uniform, that adjusted to her breasts perfectly, making them stand out. As she entered the room, every guy stared at her, doomed by her sexyness. Every guy except, well, Blaine. He was as gay as it gets. He had a very handsome boyfriend who he fucked every day of the week, keeps him sexually satisfied. He had never felt any attraction towards girls, and according to him, he never would, not in the present nor in the future.

“Hi, I’m Maya” the girl said. All the boys went running towards her, trying to shake her hand and welcome her into the group. However, Maya was fixed on only one of them, the one boy who wasn’t drooling after her, Blaine Anderson. He was the leader of the group, and didn’t like the idea of incorporating a girl to the dynamic. He thought it’d bring issues, since probably most of the guys would wanna go out with her. As Maya made her way through the handsome young men who were after her, she walked all the way up to Blaine. As she caressed his lower leg, she said in a lower, sexy voice: “We’re gonna have so much fun.” What did that mean? Well, Blaine was about to find out.

After practice ended, it was around 10 in the night, and he was on his dorm, laying on his bed, under one of his other mates who was sleeping on the bed above him. Blaine had just taken a shower, and was actually shirtless wearing only a towel that covered his lower half. As he layed on his sheets to wait for his hair to dry out, he listened some steps. Sounded like high heels. Suddenly, the door silently opened. Someone was coming in. He saw her legs first, then her short skirt and after that her very tight blouse. It was Maya.

“Hey… You’re Blaine, right?” She asked smiling seductively. Blaine sat down, with his wet, curly hair and his abs showing.

“Yeah, that’s me, what do you need?” He answered a bit annoyed, since it was already late, and he didn’t like this girl.

“I was told you are the leader of Thehe Warblers and are actually pretty good with your hands. I need you to fix something in my bathroom, would you please help me? The shower just won’t open…” She continued, as she slid her finger down her thick legs.

“Uh… Okay, yeah, sure” Blaine stood up, all wet and with his towel hanging from the waist, showing his lower hip bones. He followed Maya through the hall, all the way up to her dorm.

“Over here”. She showed him, as she opened the door. Ah, if Blaine had only known what he was getting himself into. As soon as he was in, Maya, unknowingly to Blaine, locked the door, and hid the key. “Yeah yeah, it’s the shower, it just won’t open” she said. Blaine got inside her bathroom and started pulling from the sink, seeing if any water came out. To his surprise, it worked perfectly. In fact, he was now all wet again, except for his hair that was always so incredibly soft and perfectly brushed.

“It looks fine to me” he said as he tried hiding his wet towel, since it was starting to make his dick noticeable. Maya, in a rush, got inside the shower with him, closed the curtains and pushed him against the wall.

“Hey hey hey what are you doing?!” Asked Blaine, shocked and a bit puzzled.

“Well, you can’t tell me you’ve never had a girl crush on you. With those dreamy eyes, and that pretty face, I’m sure every women in this institution is lusting after you. ” She said as she immediately took off her blouse, leaving her breasts naked. They were soft, big, but soft. They were perfectly sized, and had the potential to be incredibly seductive to any man.

“What? You know I’m gay, right?” Blaine answered, not really moving since he was cornered, but trying to find a way out. “I’m sorry if you thought this was gonna work on me, but I’m a gold star gay, there’s nothing to do about it.” He said smirking, and feeling in control.

“After tonight, you won’t be” she answered, immediately ripping his towel off. Blaine covered his dick, trying to avoid her touch.

“Don’t resist me Blainey” she kept on saying as she started licking his neck. The water kept running, both of them incredibly wet. She started groping his cock as she kissed him. Blaine was trapped, and had to think of a way out. However, slowly, his dick started to fill with cum, as he felt it growing harder and harder. He started feeling… lusty. But no, he couldn’t do this, this is crazy he’s a gold star gay! After making out with her for a bit, he tried opening the shower curtain, but Maya immediately grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts.

“You like that, don’t you? Don’t try avoiding what you’re feeling Blaine”

She had already taken off her skirt. His towel was now on the floor and his boner was no longer able to be hidden. As he parted his lips to say something, she shoved her tongue into his mouth. He started collaborating with the kiss, and when he realised it, he was entangling his tongue with his sexy 18 year old slut, who kept touching his dick. Slowly, she started giving him a handjob as they furiously made out.

Blaine pushed her off “S-Stop it…” He panted as he tried resisting his inner desire.

“No, I won’t. Neither will you pretty boy” she answered as she grabbed him and pushed him against the other side of the shower. The water was now hitting her ass, as she made him lick her boobs, forcing his head in between them. His tongue touched her nipples, and he became harder and more aroused. It’s like this girl had total control over his body. She lifted his chin and gave him a mouthful kiss, as her breasts touched his hairy chest.

“I have a boy-” He searched for air “boyfriend. I can’t do this.”

“But you will” she answered, as she wrapped her legs around him. She started groping him with her boobs, and sliding her pussy through his dick, getting him hornier than he had ever felt. Blaine immediately kissed her, looking for a way to unload his entire sexual energy. Their tongues were licking over each other, lips being sucked, and his dick about to explode. Suddenly, she got off him. Blaine was all wet, filled with her scent and a raging boner.

“W-what are you doing?” He asked.

“Shh” she shushed him putting her finger on his lips. She grabbed her boobs from the bottom, making them bigger. “Do you like this” she whispered in an evil but sexy voice. Blaine nodded hypnotized by her beautiful female body. As he admired her curves and her delicacy, he grew hornier and his dick became harder and harder. He had tried to resist oh so bad, but this girl had him where she wanted him. Anyways, as she led him on with her boobs, making him follow her, watching her big soft breasts, infatuated, drooling over her. She made him get on the floor, as she sat down on his dick, and started riding. At first it was slow, which made Blaine pulse with desire. He started hungrily kissing her breasts, which looked like a Greek Godesses’. Licking up and down, sucking every bit of her nipples. He then proceeded to bite her lower lip as she rode him faster and faster. Maya started bouncing, kissing him furiously, as if she was ecstatic. Her lipstick was all over his face. His heart was beating incredibly fast, his dick was about to ejaculate, and his lips were holding on to her tongue. As she accelerated her pace once last time, she made him release his incredibly thick load into her. Blaine orgasmed, yelling.

“FUCK” he shouted as he came. Maya kissed him again, knowing how crazy that drove him. She pushed her breasts onto him, as her tongue delved into his parted mouth. Blaine took her in one more time, as he enjoyed every bit of her taste. As Maya layed on top of him, touching his dick which was spotted with cum and had her scent, the door broke open.

Sebastian, his boyfriend, entered the room and saw Maya licking his boyfriend’s lips, as he, with his eyes closed, massaged her tits.

“Blaine?! What the hell is this?!” He yelled puzzled, filled with anger.



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