College Cucking [MF], and Gay Experience[MM] and bisexual Threesome [MMF]. PT 2

The next morning I awoke feeling vile. I’d seriously overdone it with the weed and booze. My head was pounding and still spinning from the previous nights events. I was suddenly disgusted by the fact that I’d so eagerly lapped up the cum of the man who was currently sleeping with the woman I loved. My thoughts raced and I was trying to figure out how to extricate myself from this very precarious situation. We were living together in a town where I was currently going to school so I couldn’t leave short of dropping out, I couldn’t make her leave, so I settled into an uneasy peace with it. I would avoid her, stay out of the house as much as possible, hang with friends, go to concerts and to the bar pretty much every night for a week solid. I hadn’t talked to Marie for the entire time and had started perking back up. However, I was a college student, I had no job and had burned through all my money pretty quickly so my financial situation dictated that I cool it a bit and stay in.

One evening 2 weeks after the aforementioned events I was in my room with the door shut doing my best to be a hermit when I heard her migrating back and forth between her room and the bathroom, taking a shower drying her hair and apparently getting ready for a night out. I didn’t need to guess where she was going or who she was going to see. My heart dropped but I did my best to focus on my practicing, this was close to the end of the semester and I had juries coming up so I was practicing hard. The evening itself was uneventful, I practiced drop 2 voicing for jazz chords all night, took a couple of hits from my bong and called it. I crawled into bed and tried to get some sleep. The weed, which was always a sure fire cure for insomnia wasn’t helping and I lay in bed recounting last weeks events and trying my best not think about what she was doing now.

I may have fallen asleep, I’m not sure. But was again startled into consciousness buy clumsy footsteps and an obnoxious clatter from the kitchen. I chose not to investigate and lie in bed until she was done. Again I heard clumsy footfalls moving down the hallway, she was obviously drunk and was no good at sneaking. I expected the footsteps to cease but they kept coming past her room and down to the end of the hall where my room was until I heard the creaking of my door. She’d cracked my door open and as I turned around to look I caught her eye peaking through the slit of the door. “What do you want?” I grumbled. “Can we talk” she loudly drunk whispered. “I have nothing to talk to you about” I replied and rolled over to break the eye contact. “I really want to talk to you” she said as she slipped through the door. At that moment I wanted to summon the courage to tell her to leave me alone, but the fact was, I wanted to talk to her, deep down I was longing to talk and make everything go back to the way things were before. So I offered no protest as she sat herself down on my bed. I could smell the beer and cologne that had permeated her clothing. She was drunk, her words were slurring as she started to speak. “I just wanted to tell you that I still love you” she started. “I had never really been with anyone else and Justin was so hot, I couldn’t believe someone that hot wanted me.” I didn’t speak. “I really wanted to know what having sex with someone else would be like.” I finally piped up “So then you’re done with him?” I asked. “Not really”. “Why are you in here” then I fired back. “I just wanted to check in on you, you’ve been avoiding me and it hurts my feelings.” I hadn’t thought about that, we did both still love each other, I know I loved her and she did still love me. “I told you that as long as you wanted to fuck other people, we can’t be together” I told her. “Why not? Why can’t we love each other and like fucking other people too?” I guess she had a point, but at this young stage in my life I didn’t process that as a possibility, I was under the impression that sex and love were pretty much the same thing and once a woman was sleeping with someone else things are over. “Whats wrong this Justin, why not just date him?” “Honestly” she started “he’s a fucking idiot, I hate talking to him, he has awful taste in music and movies, and he chews with his mouth open.” “But he has a big dick” I mustered as a joke. “He does, but he treats me like a piece of meat, and can’t last long enough to get me off.” That made me feel better.

Thats when she laid down next to me and started snaking her arm over my side and started reaching for my semi-hard dick. I tried to protest but again, I felt completely powerless. She started stroking and nibbling on my earlobe which was cheating because she knew I could never resist it. She started stroking me in a slow deliberate motion and I let out a moan. I knew I was done for. I rolled over onto my back to better facilitate what was happening. Instinctually I sat up and removed her shirt to reveal the black lacy bra she’s worn on her night out. She stood to remove her pants to reveal the matching black lace thong she’d also worn. What happened next was the most intense blow job I’ve still yet to experience. She started with slow forceful licks up my shaft and finishing on the tip of my penis. Then rubbing the tip firmly with her hand as she sucked forcefully and just before the point of pain on my testicles. I was going wild, moaning loud enough, I was sure, to wake the neighbors. She alternated back and forth like that until she began swirling her tongue around the tip occasionally taking it all into her mouth nearly choking. I let this go on for several minutes until I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped her by pulling her up to my mouth and kissing her deeply sharing my pre cum. I rolled her onto her back. I unhooked her bra and gazed at her amazing body laid out in front of me. At that moment, I lost all inhibition. I began making my way down between her legs, I peeled off her thong and I could feel the slimy mixture of her own making and again his to. Without a second thought I began hungrily devouring her. The normally slightly sweet taste of her pussy was now also mixed with a familiar saltiness. began licking from the bottom, glancing over her used and swollen vagina and ending on her clit. I did that several times, each time getting a taste. Then I started slowly licking her clit in circles and gently sucking until her legs began to tremble and back arched. She proceeded to have the loudest orgasm I have yet to hear again. I climbed back up and again kissed her deeply to share the taste that I had enjoyed so much. I teased her by rubbing my dick up and down on the lips of her vagina until I finally entered and she let out a gasp. She rolled us over so she was riding me. She began working her ass like I’d never seen her do before. In less than 5 minutes she were both exploding together.

She rolled off, and we both immediately fell asleep, naked and when she left in the morning only a wet spot of mine and Justins cum remained.

PT 3 and the final coming soon!



  1. Honestly I feel sorry for you, she sounds like a manipolative and bad person.

    “I want to fuck someone else but I love you”.

    “I don’t like it, if you really love me stop”


    Toxic relationship at its finest.

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