Cheating [M] with a work [F]riend. Real story, comes with a bad ending.

Evening all,

This is a true story that happened about 6 years ago. I’ve recently come clean to my wife about it, so I thought I’d post it here too for you all to enjoy. You won’t find any 8-inch monster cocks or hot bukkakes in this story; it’s mostly suspense with a bit of cringing at the end.

A bit about me – Australian, tall (6″3′) with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Strong, but not with a large frame. For those who care, a normal sized cock (6 inches) with decent girth. Married to my wife, we’ve been together for 10+ years and we’re both in our late 20s. I’m also pretty funny and charismatic – if I do say so myself – although as you’ll see that evaporates when the rubber hits the road :)

When this began, I was still working at a large retail chain store in a large city; think Walmart or Home Depot. I’d had this job for years since I began university, but I had now finished and was looking for a real career. Most of the people who worked there were either younger like me and couldn’t wait to get out, or old ‘lifers’… who wished they could get out. Amanda was one of these lifers. She was in her mid-late 30s, short, overweight. She was an absolute bogan – which she completely loved and owned it – but she was sassy, flirty and very willing to brush her arse against you at the register or talk about her latest crazy escapades. She’s the one who’s husband kept calling while we kissed in my car.

A bit more about Amanda and I. At the time this story happened, things weren’t strong in our marriages. We were both unhappy, and my lack of emotional connection/desire meant that I probably would have kissed a female statue if it looked at me the right way. I never really found out Amanda’s motivations, but from what she mentioned here and there I suspect that she felt a similar way. During our time together, she also told me that she’d been married “only a couple of years, and before that she’d been an experienced girl” – so perhaps she missed the freedom? Still don’t know.

Amanda and I had been colleagues and then friends for a couple of years. This whole encounter began at work when, one day, Amanda sent me a snapchat of herself from the waist up – with just a bra on. With no warning. Or explanation. For those of you expecting that I pulled out my cock and whipped back a dick pick, remember that this story is real; I was in the middle of a work shift that I wasn’t particularly interested in. So my thoughts went something along the lines of *Oh-My-Gawd-What-The-Hell-Was-That-A-Mistake-Wow-Is-She-Into-Me-Jeez-Thats-So-Hot-Is-She-Teasing-Me-Should-I-Be-Worried-IS-THIS-A-TRAP-should-I-Have-This-Boner-Right-Now-Should-I-Speak-To-Her?*

The first thing I did was screenshot the picture because, for science – the odds of a receiving a mistaken sext is as likely as the Coronavirus staying within China. Couldn’t let this be forgotten! I then went to find her and lo & behold, she was huddled in an aisle alongside her friend giggling furiously. Mustering all my courage – which was rather bare – I asked if that had been meant for me or was it a mistake. It was for me (she’d been “bra shopping” and wanted to show me… a rather open way to go about it, in my opinion) but the first thing she asked was “did you screenshot it?”

Now let this be a lesson learnt for you all – this was when SnapChat was new and I had no idea that screenshotting an image notified the other person. So of course, I said no, I wouldn’t do such a thing. And continued to plead my innocence for a few more minutes until her friend pulled me aside and told me that don’t worry, they knew. But I digress.

That night, after my wife had gone to sleep, I started talking to Amanda and after a bit of back & forth, she asked me if I’d liked what I’d seen. I told her that I couldn’t believe my luck – here was this woman that I’d occasionally flirted with (10 years older than me!), now suggesting that we might be able to take it further. Pretty sure you could have seen my erection from space, although I didn’t tell her that.

It was the first time that I’d sexted with someone, so I was pretty inexperienced – so after a bit more, she asked me to tell her a story. So I told her how I’d have my way with her while we worked together. It would begin with us touching each other in the aisles, dodging work and customers. She’d reach in and squeeze my cock while I was putting stuff away on the shelves, I’d crouch below her at the register and gently circle her clit with my fingers. When each of us couldn’t wait any longer, I’d walk her to the break room and tell everyone that we had to count the cash – so don’t worry about us using this little room with the door closed. I’d then pull her pants down to her knees, bend her over the office table and slowly rub my hard cock against her dripping pussy lips. Being quiet and therefore unable to ask for what she wanted she’d try to push back against my cock, needing to be filled – but I’d spank her and push her face into the table. Only then would I let myself slip into her, filling her up and stretching her apart. I’d start nice and slow – there were staff on the other side of the door – but soon our care would be forgotten and we’d be fucking like animals, Amanda moaning into the table while I grabbed her hips and hair to pull her back onto my cock. I’d come inside her, then place her on the table and push my cum on and around her clit, rubbing her in circles until she arched her back and came, legs shaking and pussy spasming. We’d then kiss deeply, before tidying our hair and returning to work past a bunch of staring co-workers.

What followed was night after night after night of reckless sexting. We’d stay up until all hours telling each other stories, sending videos of each other coming, planning challenges for each other and demanding obedience (me) and giving herself (her). A day without Amanda was one day too long – even now, it’s still makes up a fair chunk of the ol’ spank bank. We’d also tell each other how our own marriages were going, filling the emotional hole that each of us had.

Our original ground rules (hastily established on the 3rd night or thereabouts) included that this would stay virtual, never physical. Aaaaand you can imagine that rule became a guideline pretty quickly. Our stories turned from outlandish tales (ok, maybe some 8-inch cocks) to unlikely plans, to *hey, this party of a mutual friend would be a great story base,* to *I’m going to fuck you at this party.* This party became real, and was the birthday party of the girl Amanda giggled with on the first SnapChat (did she ever know? I still don’t know. Amanda said she didn’t, but that probably doesn’t mean much).

So the party night came. It had been months of the dirtiest sexting we could think of. I brought a condom with me – which for a married man of 6 years felt embarrassing, like a naughty teenager – and got ready for a no holds barred night of semi-public sex. Only for her to ignore me when I arrived. Aaaaand proceed to ignore me for the whole night. Because this is a real story! I mean, I felt dejected, but to be honest it was an absolute relief – anyone who’s cheated knows the intense guilt that comes after the high is gone, and that’s what I was feeling. I gave Amanda and two others a lift home, dropping Amanda first then the other two. And then got ready to go home and have a massive wank.

Then I checked my phone and saw it. A missed Snapchat, 3 hours ago. About 30 minutes after I’d arrived at the party. Saying

*Come meet me out the front.*

I couldn’t believe my eyeballs. Had I really not checked my phone for that long? HAD I REALLY LET THIS CHANCE GO DOWN THE DRAIN? I shoved that guilt back into the tissue box, then sent back a message telling her that I’d only seen the message now and that I’d let her know when I’d stopped waterboarding myself for missing the message (or something along those lines). And then after a small wait, she sent back a message saying

*Come back and pick me up. Park down the street, keep your lights off.*

Now I wasn’t feeling guilty *or* macho – I suddenly felt way out of my league, and that this was serious. There was no fun and games (well, there was, but you know what I mean) here, this was the real deal. So what did I do? Looked her house up in google maps and turned straight back. Who wouldn’t?

I pulled up stealthily and yep, there she was. She opened the door and got in. It’s hard to describe the sexual tension here – we’ve been speaking for months, telling each other our deepest desires – but the nerves are absolutely killing me. It feels like Star Wars II; it’s way too serious and we should just laugh at the absurdity of the situation (“*I hate sand…*”). But we don’t. She tells me to pull into a hidden carpark about 3 minutes from our house – convenient, I must say – and I park the car.

My heart is beating so fast it could jump-start a truck. Her breath smells of ~~opportunity~~ alcohol as we silently lean in for the kiss. The first kiss is awkward, fleeting. Then I grab her neck to pull her in and it’s all systems go.

We start furiously kissing each other. I pull her body onto me (yes, awkwardly – we’re still sitting in the front of my car) and begin grabbing each other. She puts her arms around me, I put my finger down her pants to find that her pussy is absolutely dripping wet. I get my finger wet and start rubbing circles on her clit – and then her phone rings.

It’s her husband. My erection immediately does a double take and runs for the hills. With a stammer, I ask if she’s going to answer it – she says no. I nod, then tell my erection it’s ok – it’s safe to come out. We start up again – then her phone rings again.

It’s her husband, second time within a minute. My erection dives into a nuclear bunker and won’t be seen for the rest of the night. I tell her we should stop and I’ll take her back home, she says she doesn’t want to and keeps kissing me. Then he calls again.

*Then* he sends a message saying that he heard her come inside and then go out again. And that she needs to come home now, if she’s cheating on him then he should tell her (*sounds like this isn’t her first time?)* and that he won’t stop calling until she picks up. I gently (well, not too gently) push her away and tell her that this needs to stop; she needs to answer and I’ll be starting this car and taking her home. She slumps in defeat (*looks like she’s about to cry?)* and calls back, telling her husband that she forgot something at her friends house and had to go back and get it, *ok?!* She’s a worse liar than Donald Trump and I can see that her husband will see completely through this. Now I’m *(selfishly)* starting to worry about myself. What if he sees me drop her off? What if he has a gun? What if he tracks my plates and car and comes to my house? *What if he tells my wife??* This is now the worst situation I think I’ve ever been in, this ends to end ASAP.

I drop her off an extra street away, to be safe *(for me. Sorry Amanda).* She gets out of the car, and I speed off like a Mexican at a Texas highway police stop. The ride home is the guiltiest, worst time of my life. I have no idea what’s going to happen for Amanda’s marriage, and I hope to god nothing happens to mine. In fact, just writing this is bringing that stressful feeling back!

I get home and after a drink, I send her a message asking if she’s ok. And she responds – yep, everything’s fine. I ask really? *What fucking kind of relationship do you guys have??* And she says she fucked him and then he fell asleep. I’m speechless… but if that’s how they roll, so be it. I thank my lucky stars and roll into bed.

That’s pretty much the end of this story. You’d think I learn my lesson, but I don’t – we keep sexting for many more months, and we go to another 3 parties together. However Amanda ghosts at the end of the second party, I ghost at the end of the 3rd and and again ghost at the end of the 4th. So I suppose we did learn our lesson – we never did get any more physical than the first party.

For those watching at home, my marriage is now much stronger and as I said, I’ve told her this story. Cheating – emotional or physical – is a tough gig, and I’m very lucky that everything turned out ok and I learnt my lessons the easy way.



  1. The human is a animal after all. Many years of training in our cultures have teached us, that having many relationships at the same time is wrong, but our biological way of feeling this subject is different. And love is a simple biological thing that holds only a few years.
    So in my opinion having two girlfriends at the same time, isn’t a problem when everyone knows everything and has the same rights in the relationship.
    So don’t feel sorry for that. It’s totally normal amd okay, the way you did it and acted afterwards :)

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