Star Wars : Dark Secrets – Chapter 5 – MF, Secret Sith, Sith Lord, Deception, Creampie, Blowjob, Rough, Jedi, SWTOR

Xau and Kelsa watched as the impressive Hutt pleasure barge identified as the *Royal Tecario* loomed in the distance of the cockpit view port. The ship was quite large, easily the size of an engorged corvette and like a number of military ships that could match its berth, the ship bristled with weaponry and protective shield units. Xau had no doubt that even more hidden technology that could be unleashed on anyone Creeku decided had worn out his welcome. The entire length of the Royal Tecario was covered in smooth crimson armor. The shells appeared even more glamorous with intricate gold designs that spread from bow to stern. They segmented the vessel into eight uneven sections and even lined the powerful engines and main prow of the intergalactic gangster’s vessel.

“I can’t believe that the Hutts live in such opulence and wealth. All I see when I look at them are big fat slugs.” Interjected Kelsa as she at Xau. The Draedus drew closer and the dark spider could feel flutters through the Force, coming from his apprentice. All round them, the cockpit hummed with power and energy as various lights blinked on and on within the powerful and sleek ship’s cockpit.

“Appearances aren’t everything Kelsa. The Hutts are not an enemy to be trifled with.” Xau said as he looked over the display of their shields and weapons. Both were powered at fifty percent with additional power being put to the engines in case they needed to get away from the Tecario in a rush. It was never a bad idea having an exit in mind when dealing with Hutts, or Sith Lords for that matter.

‘Better that we have to move fast in my ship rather than these outfits,’ thought the Sith silently.

Xau was dressed once more in regal attire while Kelsa wore a slightly different colored one piece. The ensemble was cut very favorably, for any who found Kelsa attractive and wanted to see more of her body. The Hutts were not always known for being great hosts to Jedi and Xau only wanted to reveal their true identity if it was necessary. Xau would have been lying if he didn’t feel on edge after Val warned him about how many Sith Lords seemed interested in gutting him and then leaving his body to suffer the elements on some nameless moon.

‘That will not happen to me, and I shall not be defeated by a Hutt,’

While her MAster remained silent and their vessel got closer, Kelsa continued her mental review examination of the giant gastropods.

“Like, I know that they have all those slaves. People even just wind up being born into generational slavery and serve years, even their lives to the Hutts. I just don’t get how some of them don’t eventually just decide to turn around and kill their Masters,”

‘Some people like their bonds. They like the comfort,’ The hidden Sith thought glibly.

“It couldn’t be too hard to cut through their hides, especially with a lightsaber, hah!” Kelsa said as she tracked their course and aligned some more power to the afterburners to give her Master a bit more maneuvering power.

“Just like the Jedi Order, the Hutts Cartells are grand and well equipped organizations. The clans look after their own. Say you killed a Hutt, well unless you killed every single last one, the blood debt would follow you. Even if it was a large slave rebellion, if just one clan managed to keep their slave armies in line the rebellion could be crushed. And Hutts aren’t known for just slapping people on the wrist. Any surviving slaves would be put to death. If… they were lucky,” Xau grimly told his apprentice as the sensors registered that they were about two minutes out. Kelsa gulped down her fear as she prepared herself to take on the role of a bodyguard again. After a moment, her natural exuberance and smiles were taken away and replaced with a stoic somberness.

“The Sith Empire does the same. How else do you think that they keep their slaves and soldiers in line? Not all of them believe in the Emperor’s plan for the Empire,” Xau almost had to laugh at his own subversive talk. If the Emperor could hear him now, he was sure that the number of Sith agents and Lords hunting for him would expand quite rapidly. His apprentice contemplated the new knowledge as one of the docking handlers aboard the Tecario signaled them.

“Ferrus Rake you are clear to land at Bay Two. Be sure to be careful around the other ships. Even a small scrap and you could piss off a delegation aboard, and earn yourself a death mark. Or two. Control out.”

“Roger that Control. Not to worry…” Xau replied back coolly. The man with dark hair wasn’t worried because he wasn’t an idiot, but he was a very good pilot. His skill came quite naturally, thanks to Xau’s affinity with the Force. He gently swung the ship to port and aligned it to enter one of the two massive hangars that the Hutt barge supported. There were indeed quite a few auspicious ships already stationed on the platform. Xau ignored cataloguing them to ensure that he brought the ship in without any trouble.

“Kelsa, scan the ships in the hangar. Figure out every registry and scrap of information you can,”

“Yes, Master.”

“And then feed it into the database. I want to know what players will be in the mix,” The hidden Sith’s hands moved over the controls of his vessel as he slowly guided the vessel in past the Macom field that created the inner haven for oxygen breathers inside of the hangar. As the Draedus’ landing gear was lowered, Kelsa started to read off a few of the ‘dignitaries’ that Creeku had summoned to his floating home away from home.

Most were simply minor underlings and lieutenants. About five names were identified as members and associates of various criminal courts and alliances. Kelsa mentioned that they had financial ties to the great Hutt Lord. Some names stood out, with larger reputations that Xau loosely catalogued as ‘friends’ of the Hutt who attended his court from time to time.

Two names stood out. One was the Mandalorian Warrior. Thamar Locke, a renowned fighter who hunted both Sith and Jedi, quite successfully from what Kelsa pulled up. Then there was just one last name that stood out. Senator Sinde Lisentis, Kelsa’s mother and a Republic diplomat.

“My mother? Here?” Kelsa said in alarm as the Draedus touched down on the Tecario’s hangar floor. Xau rose up after unbuckling his safety harness and then grabbed his armored jacket as rose up. He remained cool and dispassionate despite the change. He hadn’t anticipated running into Lisentis here but it offered him other options, other variables into the mix. It was not as if she was an enemy at this point but perhaps there was a way to make the icy woman thaw slightly. His apprentice however was still quite nervous over the development.

“Master.. If she recognizes me we’ll all be in trouble. I don’t want to be a slave to a Hutt Master. Please…” Kelsa said as she moved towards him and hugged his body. Xau grinned and stroked her blonde curls and her cheek. His fingers ran over her false tattoos before curling around her chin.

Pulling her chin up his dark eyes gazed into her luminous green orbs. You are no one’s slave but my own he thought before he pulled her into a slow kiss. Their lips melded together in a perfect exchange of wet warmth and flesh. Kelsa’s eyes closed from the feeling as her hands clung even more tightly against her Master. Soon enough Xau could feel her leather covered bust pressing up against his chest as she held herself close to him; a bastion to the storm of fear that had manifested inside of her.

Slowly he let his lips fall from hers while his hands moved over her arms and body. “Do not worry my apprentice. I shall ensure that the two of us are clouded through the force. Even if she looks upon us she won’t clearly see our features. I just wish our bond was stronger, the illusion would be even more likely to keep her from noticing.” He said softly as her eyes glimmered with an idea he knew she’d have.

“But Master we can bond… quickly before we have to go down. If anyone notices the smell well I am supposed to be your body slave…” Kelsa said with a soft purr as her hands slowly trailed down along the front of his dark clothing. Xau could have smiled at the development. He loved making her think that her ideas were her own. Slowly he nodded and then kissed his apprentice again, this time adding more force as he pressed her back against the walls of his ship. After spending time with Val Xau realized just how much fun it was to be truly rough and unleashed when he was engaged in the carnal pleasures. He had always wanted to hold back with Kelsa till the right point of completely corrupting her. The hidden Sith knew that that point was coming rather quickly.

His hands moved over Kelsa’s full breasted body slowly. She purred in his control as her Master squeezed her double D cup bust before her hands moved up and slowly tugged down at the zipper that kept her bodacious curves in check. Xau didn’t shed all of her clothes however and once he had tugged down the restraint enough to see her young blonde’s pretty pink nether lips he turned his gaze back up from her body to her face. Kelsa seemed to melt under his gaze before he leaned forward and kissed her neck gently while he pressed his hand back down along her belly and then against her pussy. Kelsa’s breath caught in her throat, sending a shuddering wave of pleasure through her body as her Master continued to keep her pinned up against the wall even as her pussy juices started to flow and get trapped against the black leather of her body suit.

“Master…. Please… don’t tease me.” Kelsa begged out as her lips quivered. Xau felt his cock hardening at her words as his lips bit and lapped against her neck before running his tongue back up to her ear as his fingers pressed in and penetrated her pussy. His member was throbbing now and soon enough he felt Kelsa’s hand moving forward and stroking along his waist line. Suddenly with a simple flick of the force his belt buckle flipped up and his pants unbuttoned before his pants were nudged down a few inches. The Sith had to chuckle at that but as soon as the laugh left his lips he found Kelsa’s ravenous lips racing forward against his own. The hidden Sith heard her warm wanton moan as her hands reached up and cupped her Master’s face as her hand maneuvered near his pants and soon enough brought out his rapidly hardening shaft. Soon enough the ten inches of now solid cock was being cradled inside of her hand as she pressed his resonating cock right up against her sensitive clit.

“Mwaaaghhh… Please… Master… I want to feel your cock inside me. I want to feel our bodies become one…” Kelsa moaned out breathlessly before Xau nodded and grabbed her hand and neatly plucked it away from his cock. Moving swiftly he grasped his hard shaft a moment before plunging it forward and spearing open her still nice and tight pussy as he pressed his apprentice back against the wall of the cockpit. Kelsa cried out in pleasure and the opening of her bodysuit spread out even more as Xau speared her warm dripping pussy and slammed her back against the wall before pulling back and pushing in again.

Xau’s cock was on fire as he pulled back and dragged his thickness along her precious walls Kelsa’s lips opened up in a great roar of pleasure as her hands moved from her Master’ s neck to his body to hold on as her body was ravished by waves of pleasure. Xau’s right hand reached forward and tugged aside the tight material of her body suit and exposed her left breast to his reach before he grabbed and squeezed her soft flesh. His hips rolled back and then he forced even more of his length deep inside of his apprentice as her hands clung close to his body as her eyes continued to shake as her entire body was pressed firmly against the wall again and again.

As Xau continued to attack his apprentice’s body he could feel her body already ramping up towards release as he squeezed and mashed her heavy breast before he leaned in and bit down on her lip. He could feel her entire body reverberate with the spike of pleasure as he dominated her body fully. He knew every point to rub on Kelsa’s body, every sweet spot and every tender caress that would ignite his apprentice’s deepest pleasure. Now however in the rough intimacy of the cockpit mostly all of the subtlety was abandoned to solve an immediate reluctance that Kelsa seemingly had forgotten about as her Master fucked her pussy harder with every thrust of his powerful body. Finally as she moaned out in absolute bliss Xau felt his apprentice’s body seize in around his cock as he pushed forward yet again. Her legs spread out and nudged against his side as he held her up against the wall and her hands locked around his neck as she held on to anything before the mass of pleasure was unleashed.

“Masterrr… I’m cummmiiinnnggg!”’ Kelsa cried out as Xau practically hurled himself against her perfect form. Her blonde hair shook violently as he claimed her body and penetrated deep inside of her before the Sith Lord growled out in his own release. His apprentice moaned out in a series of equally unintelligible whimpers as he held her shuddering body against his own. His release blossomed into a magnificent and fiery blast of cum as he filled his apprentice up with his seed yet again. He could feel every subtle shake and rub of Kelsa’s hands as she held him like some long-lost heirloom as her nipples continued to scratch into the pristine blue fabric of his shirt. It made the shivering blonde’s sensitive body move even more beyond her control as her entire vessel was soaked in her Master’s delicious offering. Soon enough Xau collected himself and started to pull out of Kelsa’s tight mound. He felt her fingers urge him away but he simply shook his head before hearing her weak whimpering mewl as his cock came free and more than a bit of cum seeped out of her reddened and thoroughly abused cunt.

A few minutes later and her nervousness thoroughly expunged and replaced with something else entirely Kelsa strode down the landing ramp. Her face carried an expression of stoic determination as her hands kept close to the twin blasters at her curvaceous hips. One blaster was a genuine Rodell 12 Heavy Assault Pattern Blaster while the other was a clever holder for her lightsaber. Given that they had already been delayed enough the cum from her and her Master’s last joining still lingered not only inside of her but inside of her suit as well which made keeping her focus a tad bit more challenging. However, given her Master’s word about how strengthening their bond would ensure that they would not be detected she felt confident that they would succeed.

Xau followed her shortly enough and was dressed in his stately dark blue uniform after he cleaned up his hair and made sure that his jaw and cheeks were freshly shaved. It wouldn’t due for a baron of Thyferra to look unkempt after all. They walked together in the act of bodyguard and protected after being met by one of the countless red and silver protocol droids that Creeku employed to greet his more esteemed delegations. The droid led them straight away into a great hall, whose ceiling appeared to have been carved from the rib cage of some fantastic beast of immense size. Creeku’s throne itself was no less ornate. It appeared to be made of another creature’s skeleton with a massive reptilian skull forming up the massive green and tan skinned Hutt’s impressive arms rest while its spine and legs form the couch section.

Creeku’s booming voice immediately brought Xau’s study to a halt. “Ho Ho Ho…. Thamar.. Take care of this wretch for me.” The gleaming gold and red protocol droid who stood next to his dais translated. There was a massive crowd hovering around Creeku but it wasn’t so dense as to completely cut off Xau from seeing what happened. A Devaronian in black heavy plate armor was clutching his left gauntlet. Blood flowed freely from a wound he must have sustained earlier before his attention was focused on something much more deadly entirely. A Mandalorian in impressive black and green armor moved down from the Hutt’s dais and looked at the Devaronian.

Despite his noticeable wound the Devaronian seemed to have more than enough fight left in him. The red skinned warrior immediately used a medstim on his arm to help stop the bleeding before he drew a long blade. The steel of the curved sword was midnight black and Xau studied the blade intently. It appeared to be modeled after a style he was not familiar with and he knew that couldn’t bode well for the Mandalorian as he stepped slowly down from the raised platform that the Hutt and his closest confidants resided at. The Mandalorian warrior quickly placed his already smoking blaster inside a side holster as they squared off against the horned alien. The T-shaped visor on Thamar’s helm was angular and as sharp as the blade that extended down from his left gauntlet. While not nearly as long as the blade that the Devaronian held, Xau had no doubts about its deadliness.

As he watched for the duel or execution rather to start his eyes spotted something else amongst the crowd. Turning to Kelsa he placed his hand on her shoulder for a moment before pulling away.

“Stay here… I will be right back.” The hidden Sith said as Thamar and the Devaronian moved in against one another. Xau moved with slow deliberate steps, not wanting to draw any more attention to him then his already tall and handsome features would. The Devaronian lunged in against Thamar but the Mandalorian easily spun away from the blade. Another clatter of steel rang out as Xau glanced towards Kelsa to verify that she had remained at her post. He moved closer towards his target as the Mandalorian cut through the distance between himself and the Devaronian with a feint. Too late the Devaronian realized his mistake before the silver steel crush gauntlet equipped on the Mandalorian’s left hand came crashing down against his throat.

Red fingers clawed away at the iron grip as the Devaronian tried one last ditch maneuver to stab the Mandalorian but with the application of even more pressure Thamar broke through the tissue and muscles protecting the sentient’s spine. In less than one minute after the fight had started the Devaronian’s lifeless corpse fell to the floor. While the horned sentient had growled and roared as he attempted to skewer the Mandalorian Thamar had said nothing; nor did he say anything after he had secured his victory. Instead he simply turned and strode back towards the Hutt’s dais as Creeku’s booming laughter once more filled the room.

“Ho ho ho! Guards take this slime from my sight. That will teach the Black Sun to try to bring me down. Me Creeku! Mightiest of the Plesaric Clan!” Creeku boasted in thick guttural huttese before it was translated by his protocol unit. As a set of heavy set Gamorrean porcines shuttled the corpse away Xau found himself right behind a blonde of similar beauty to his apprentice. While Sinde Lisentis was older he could still detect the vibrant energy that her daughter could muster. The only issue was that Xau could not allow that to interfere with his plans.

Finally he moved in closer towards her and leaned in to whisper directly into her ears, hoping that the noise wouldn’t be detected by the two Senatorial agents that had been shoved away from their charge at the beginning of the fight. He didn’t waste any words preparing to further the elaborate ploy that he had crafted through her own daughter. Instead he felt boldness would be the best to upset and preparation the icy diplomat might be able to manage.

“My name is Dark Violator, I’m a Dark Lord of the Sith and if you don’t come with me now I shall kill your daughter before you can blink.”


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