I lost my virginity to the Mario Party 5 minigame music. Normal stuff. [MF]

This is sadly (or amazingly?) a 100% true story. It goes from me being a naive lil buddy to me STILL being naive but just with a woman bouncing up and down on my ~lil buddy~. Wow that joke was forced. And yet, we persist.

So due to being religious early in life, I was still a virgin at 24, but I decided that I wanted to have sex. It has gotten pretty good reviews over the years and I really just wanted to be a part of the wider cultural conversation, ya know? But none of that was on my mind when I matched with “Becca”. She was very very cute in a ~hot librarian~ way with big round glasses and short hair that ended right above her shoulders. Her smile caused her face to squish up and I, frankly, am a sucker for that shit. But we matched and started talking and the conversation went to where almost all tinder conversations go: the artistic merits and cultural impact of specifically Mario Party 5. She eventually invited me over to play and I called my Uber.

I cannot emphasize this point enough: I honestly though I was being invited over to play Mario Party. I was amped to squad up with my boy Toad and crush some mini games. I in no way picked up on the obvious context of a woman on tinder inviting me to her place.

When I got there she came down to the lobby to let me into her building. Her large glasses that dominated her face were perched on her nose. She was wearing sweatpants and a t shirt, both of which ran on the looser side but as they flowed they caught on the contours of her figure to reveal some curves that were not apparent in her profile. We small talked and eventually arrived at her apartment.

~*~*~*~If you’re looking for Nintendo content, start here~*~*~*~

So we got the game going and I dapped up my boy Toad. It has been a while, we had a lot to catch up on. And she picked… Luigi. LUIGI?? WHO PICKS LUIGI. Honest to god I almost left in protest. I’m against discrimination as a rule, but the exception are people who pick Luigi in MP5. But ANYWAY.

We started playing and things gradually got more flirtatious. She’d reach over and try to block my eyes during mini games. I’d sneak my hand across her lap and press extra buttons on her controller. Your run-of-the-mill cutesy shit. Before what would be out last minigame, I said I had a plan to keep her from winning, but I’d have to sacrifice it all to make it happen. Oh, and she had to take off her glasses. Her mouth cracked into a soft smile, she placed her glasses on the table, ran her hands through her hair, and shot me a playful look. “Ready?” She asked as she raised her eyebrows in unison. “I am if you are”

The second she pressed Start, my controller was out of my hands and I (softly) tackled her off the couch and onto the apartment floor. We tumbled once or twice until I was flat on my back, looking up at her face framed by her dangling hair. Her hands here on the floor on either side of my head, and her leg was pressed up against my crotch. After a second of silence absorbing the new scenario, she broke in with “so, we finally gonna do this?”

The answer must have been yes, because before I could even process what was happening her lips were on mine and her hands were sliding under my clothes. I wish I could titillate your senses with the saucy, alluring details of clothes being torn off and if she was wearing anything exciting under that t shirt, but I can’t. The next thing I knew, we were on her bed, we were naked, the clothes were gone. That’s all I got. That’s all you get. Sorry team.

The curves that had teased me from beneath her loose shirt had nowhere to hide now. She had two perfectly round breasts which defied gravity and every law of physics in their shape and form. Each were a perfect handful, no more, no less. Her curvature was subtle, but obvious. A tight, slender stomach expanded out into a tight, smooth ass. Her face that had previously been contorted by her smile or dominated by her glasses could now only be defined by her eyes. A clear, pretty blue before, they were now smoky with lust, and though I was clueless where this was going before, it was abundantly clear now.

And it was even MORE clear when she commanded me to get on my back, she was going to ride me. She slid one hand around my cock and used her other to push my chest so that I was laying down.

“Wait, you should know, I’m very very cool with this happening, but I’m a Virgin”. This was followed up by a “you sure?” exchange that was very very wholesome and she handled it like a pro but probably not the content you’re here for. So I’ll skip to when she tore open a condom and slid it onto me slowly.

She climbed on top of me, guided my head to her pussy, and looked at me in the eye.

“Ready?” She asked, a smile erupting across her face.

I didn’t have time to answer before she lowered herself all the way. I felt the warm embrace of her pussy wrapped tight around me and I didn’t thing it could get any better. But, of course, it did.

She put her hands on my chest and started bobbing up and down, her ass clapping against me. My hands meandered from her chest to her arms and finally settled on her hips, helping her find the rhythm. When I looked at her face I saw the dominant eyes and confident expression had been replaced by a soft blush and open mouth. Her moans were soft and barely had enough force to escape her lips before they tumbled out in a disorganized, unintelligible whisper. She was lost in her own world, hypnotized. I felt bad that I eventually had to bring her back to earth. “Becca, fuck, I’m going to cum”

Suddenly the confident seductress was back and her face snapped into a smirk.


Her hands left my chest and went to her headboard. The steady beat of our sweaty skin instantaneously sped up. “Cum, cum in me, cum now”

Her wish was my command. I clutched at her thighs and hips as I forcefully erupted.

Her body, slick with sweat, lowered onto my chest and we sat there for a moment. She played with my hair in silence, giving me a moment to appreciate what has just happened. All we could hear were our heavy breaths.

Well, that and the Mario Party 5 mini game music beebopin’ in the background

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/f1ceq8/i_lost_my_virginity_to_the_mario_party_5_minigame


  1. Dude, cudos. I find this story fascinating because I also was kinda a late bloomer myself but I lost my virginity after playing Smash Brothers all night with a girl I matched with on Tinder. One of the best nights of my life. (And she was a total dom)

  2. Are you straight up saying you began and finished intercourse within the time frame of one mario party mini game??

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