For both males and females (please be respectful), for how long have you not masterbated and how do/did you feel?

Male, 17. I have ignored my sexual thoughts for 9 months until I realized that I am actually asexual. I’m at 1 year of not masterbating rn and I have not gotten a single erection in over a month! Tbh I feel great! Sure, my testosterone level maybe down to the ground, but I’m feeling more productive, happy, healthy, and confident! What about you?



  1. > ignored my sexual thoughts for 9 months until I realized that I am actually asexual.

    Does not compute.

    Why ignore something that’s natural and doesn’t hurt you? What does asexual have to do with it? I always assumed asexual people didn’t have many sexual thoughts to ignore in the first place…

  2. Dude, get checked out. If your testosterone actually is low it has many more effects than “low/no sexual desire”. If your hormones are all ok and you still feel that way, its cool. Just be open minded and more importantly get some bloodwork done.

  3. You should have at least had a few wet dreams. The sperm your testes makes needs to be gotten rid up somehow. Without masturbating, wet dreams are the body’s way of doing this. If you haven’t had any wet dreams, then yes you need to see the doc. Asexual is really an emotion, and less a physical thing. No sperm production is a physical thing that needs checking into.

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