Is my housemate a prostitute? Here’s the story

I’m living in a share house with 3 other people and recently an 18 year old girl moved in. She is studying hospitality and has no job yet always manages to have money somehow.

After living together for 2 months I’ve noticed some things about her.

Her biological mother is confirmed to be a prostitute and drug addict and my new roommate was adopted by a foster home.

She visits her biological mother every week and doesn’t come home for 4 or 5 days at a time. Sometimes she’ll arrive home early in the morning and sometimes very late at night. When she’s home she always seems really tired and wants to smoke pot.

After 2 months she is still unemployed and studying yet when I ask her about money she says she does a lot of babysitting. Strange though when she goes out to babysit she’s usually wearing something quite provocative. My other roommate dropped her off near her mother’s house one time but not the actual house so she could discreetly walk there without us knowing where it is.

She has very easy access to drug dealers.

Recently she had a massive falling out with her mother and in the past week she’s had 2 random guys come over and sleep with her at night. She claims she’s met them on Tinder.

She tells me about her sex life and so far she says she’s slept with about 5 guys since moving in. Strangely she never sleeps with the same guy twice.

One time I went to collect the rent and she told me she’d have it later. She stayed home the whole day and then a guy came over and they had sex and he left in the morning. That morning she actually approached me to give me rent. Usually I have to approach her first to get it.

One time after coming home after 5 days away she was really stressed and tired and told me these weird stories when she was stoned. These stories included strange guys biting her ankles, her nearly being punched by a guy and tales of drug use and taking Valium and her mother going psychotic after a guy suggested they have a threesome. I asked her how the hell she was finding these strange people and she remained vague.

One time we went out to get food and she joked that I would have to pay a fair bit for her company and that I should be lucky we were hanging out.

Once again with all her living expenses and rent and student loan she still manages to stay ontop of things despite not having a job.

Whenever I ask her where she’s getting money from she says she’s been babysitting or that she has a lot of savings.
So what’s the verdict? All this evidence seems pretty damning and

I’m thinking of subtly kicking her out because I don’t want my house to become a whorehouse. Is she a prostitute or am I being paranoid?



  1. Sure seems like it. I wouldn’t want that in my place, either. It’s a really good way to get the police around or having a crazy trick follow her back and get stupid.

  2. Well this isn’t judgmental at all…

    Rarely would a prostitute allow their clients into their home. Or even knowing where they live.

    Plus how she gets her money is her business. If you are not her significant other and or family member. And she is not causing you any problems besides your paranoia over her income get out of her business and worry about your own.

    Sounds like she is just not a monogamous person. Good for her…

  3. this sub isn’t really the right place. plus if she’s a sex worker it’s really none of your business, unless there’s too many people at your place and that bothers you, you can simply ask her to stop bringing them home (but then again you wouldn’t be able to bring too many strangers at home either, you’re both paying for rent). there’s nothing wrong with being a sex worker, if the drug dealers thing is that serious and that bothers you then tell her straight up. you’re being quite judgemental.

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