Which perspective do you enjoy reading from the most?

Hi, I’ve been thinking about getting into writing erotic fiction and I’ve a good bit of writing experience under my belt. I’m just not sure whether to write from my perspective as a female, a third person perspective or a male perspective. I believe I could do all pretty well but I’m just wondering which you guys enjoy reading from the most?

Thanks! – Emma

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/53kdyr/which_perspective_do_you_enjoy_reading_from_the


  1. I like reading from all perspectives. If the emotions and descriptions are ‘on’ it’ll be a good read. Good Luck to you!

  2. I’m a guy, and I like reading from the guy’s first-person perspective. If it’s an all-girl scene, I like it in third-person. I really dislike the second-person (using “you”).

  3. I’m a guy and I like reading from a woman’s first person perspective. It’s easier for me to imagine what the guy is doing/feeling than the gal.

    Also I think it’s funny that every person who commented said something different. You can’t please everyone I guess :)

  4. I started doing female because there are certain things I like imagining from the female perspective. Plus it really shows how she feels.

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