Nora’s friendly goodbye to innocence ( part one) nsfw

This is my first attempt with erotica. I would appreciate comments. Thanks

Nora is abruptly awoken from her numb dazed stare at the stars and with good timing. Her clothes are getting moist from the clutches of the damp in the dew forming with the thinning of the night. “Get up, get up, get up, sleeping beauty” barks Jerry, “I am a man of my word. I am here to safely escort you home and wish for you to hurry about it”. A smiling Nora looks up and extend out her hand. She over reaches to grab his forearm and drag her fingers slowly to his firm strong hand. “Your to good for me and so gallant, strong, handsome and to think that you’re my best friend. What would a girl do without such a gentlemen”? Jokingly replying to express her gratitude, while getting the boost to her feet. Nora has many good memories of her childhood friend playing in the street. She was always drawn to Jerry. She always been sensitive of her anxious and curious feelings toward her friend and wanting to explore more avenues. Her misfitted emotions has intensify lately especially due to her moving at college within days at the far end of the country. She appreciates these precious last moments with her friend.

Firmly in charge, Jerry lead’s Nora kicking off a trail among discarded plastic cups.“The kegs has been spewing foam for over an hour now” he said pulling and jarring on her to haste. His brusqueness excited Nora. The unexpected change of balance from being manhandle has made Nora very self conscious of her body sensation within the movements. The rhythmic shock wave echoing within her jaunty soft breast, forcing them to bounce inside her bra to rub and stir new found energy that is resurrecting her spirit and body by towering those nipples hard and proud. The big awkward steps made her flesh jingle and wedge her clothing deep within her folds to reveal the contour of her natural form threw her fab hitter pants. The friction is stirring within her the flow of reverberating lust deep within her soul. A counteractive effort is needed to downgrade her senses in preventing overload from the natural manifestation of eroticism.

Nora quickly accelerate her pace to flee her captors grasp moving in front to mock him by jogging backward and says, “You better call the Federal Marshall, your prisoner has escaped but I would surrender peacefully if you would just slow down”. She lifts both hand in display of no ill intent. “I’m unarmed” moving closer to snatch Jerry’s left arm with both hands. Her right hand grabbing his inner arm to surround half way his bulging biceps. Her left hand clenching his wrist pressing the back of his hand firmly against the narrowing of her waist just above the thigh. She then rest her head, docking it tenderly against his shoulder. Jerry quickly senses the extra weight to his one side, forcing him to rethink his original speed. His new found ball and chain quickly transformed into a source of heat and comfort. He responded some what in kind by adjusting his speed and attitude according to Nora wishes. She always knew how to obtain cooperation from him.

“I never thanked you for making me leave my car at home last night”, said Jerry sarcastically. “You looked like you had your fair share of beers”, replied Nora, “Didn’t you not have a good time at the gathering”? “Well!, hum!, yes, I enjoyed myself”. He lied not sounding convincing at all. Nora understood that Jerry is preoccupy with this girl named Shannon. He is always trying to gain her heart with some success until the arrival of Glen the rival competition for the affections of Jerry’s desire. Shannon is fortunate to comes from a family of good stock. She is popular, cool, organized, pretty and smart enough to graduated with honors. Jerry would do well with her on his side but Nora believes that he does not know her like she does. Shannon can’t possibly appreciate Jerry like only she could. She secretly hopes that he would comprehend her wishful thinking and accept that he’d be better off with someone different.

They have reached the end of the field at the mouth of the unkempt weather washed up trail toward town. Jerry is attempting to free himself from Nora’s grasp and he is getting impatient. Nora’s snare amplifies his anxiety that is boiling aggravated steam within him. He feels the increasing pressure building getting hot and thick. He states, “Can we pick up the pace. We still have close to a mile hike before we reach the road for home. It would be nice to get there before the neighborhood crows start gossiping”. Nora is reluctant to let go her prize and says “Only for one condition. I get to ask you a question and you respond with complete honesty. You know to help us pass the time and out of good will, I will reply one of your question, in the same fashion”. “The content of my question needs to be sexual ”Abruptly a begrimed Jerry replies with the hope to discourage his friend from pursuing her silly game. Nora releases her grip and says “Done deal”, while jumping in front of him giving the double finger pistol draw. She concluded by saying, “Gunned down in close range”.

Nora is aiming for Jerry’s breaking point. She is quickly manoeuvre herself slightly ahead creating some distance to ask her provocative question. At a safe distance away, the situation is now a go and she firers at will. “Have you talked to Glen last night at the party”? A flustered Jerry chokes, “Sweet heart please, this can’t be your question? I’m sorry but your query is withdrawn. It is not to late to back out from this deal”. Nora quickly rebuts, “No, no, I take it back, in fact, why don’t you go first. Go ahead and ask me your question. Tell me. What secrets do you want to know”? Jerry still rattled recovers from the surge of adrenaline from to the red alert and replies “You need to give me a minute to think about this one. I want to make you sorry and rub your face with the memory that you engineered this”.

Jerry is five years older that Nora and they are both raised within the same neighborhood. A younger Jerry was sometimes ask by Nora’s mom to keep Nora entertain while she brings in the groceries. He instantly liked this skinny, hyperactive, creative creature of good will and Nora loved every second of it. Years later, Jerry was hired to care for her lawn. Nora was always there to be known and tease her good friend. Jerry being an only child took affection to Nora has a little sister and always felt proud of her achievements. Years passes and puberty transform little girls into little women. Boys will always be boys but Jerry erotic fantasies could never reach ecstasy with the thought of Nora. He always felt obstructed by the little sister image.

Nora still within two arm reach is double tapping the tiger button and insist in keeping the pressure on. “Please don’t make me wait, ask me already”. Jerry is attempting to keep his wit and has the misfortune to rely on his lack of imagination in attempt to resolve the situation. His focus fall short on the obvious and ask the first thing that pop’s in his mind. “Yes, yes, the question. OK, what is your most memorable sexual experience”?

Nora over dramatizes with a sudden stops then turns to face her interrogator. She braces herself by putting one hand forward and waits for the imminent collision. Ground zero and Nora let’s herself be pushed by his overpowering kinetic energy. The impact sends shock wave threw them both, alerting all senses with the moment in awareness of being firmly pressed together. Nora capitalize on this outcome by squeezing closer and pressing her breast solidly to his chess. The fingers of her left hand is distracts him by teasing and flirting the back of his neck with the intent at scrambling his neurons transmission to the cerebellum. Jerry’s in confusion fail to notice the advancement from her other hand that is adjacent to his groin. She starts to tenderly rub high inside of the inner thigh, purposely arousing the animal instinct. Using her wondrous awed voice she proclaims, “This must be how it feel to be driven by you” and then bites her lower lip to conceal an outburst of emotions. Nora then tiptoes stretching herself upward to whisper inside his ear. The ascension of her bosom rubbing static electricity contaminates Jerry. Her lower hand by default rise to the occasion and make full grope of the contour of his genitals and in the midst of her actions she infuse him with these words, “Follow me off trail and I will show you”. She tags him and playfully runs off the trail.

A dumbfounded Jerry is uncertain of his next move. He is perplexed not because of his friend behavior but because her actions has aroused him to erection. Thinking and whispering to himself he tries to conjure logic within the situation. “Okay, my gland is forcing me to make sense of this unprecedented events. Nora never crossed that intimacy line before. Why this night of all nights? How does she fit in all of this? She is my friend. Can she”? He pauses. “Can I or should I but I can’t deny that I have wood. I’m confused, should I follow my instinct or my feelings. Where this is going”?“Hold up”. He cries out, knowing to well her position off the trail. The chase is on and every muscular effort petition extra production of testosterone for the body to metabolize and with it the increase of emotional confusion. The trill of the hunt as heighten Jerry throbbing member to the status in rank of general and is leading the offensive into what is an obvious trap. He finally acquires his target. She is standing in an open area out of sight from any possible praying eyes. She stands still facing him, passively waiting like a decoy. “Got you” he said while putting both hands around the side of her shoulders like a lame midway compromise to a hug and claim, “Where is my prize”.

Nora is role playing the pure essence of naivety. She features her vulnerability with both of her arms held in her back gently rocking back and forth in a sideways motion. The gentle sway stirs deeply in Jerry’s intense primal energies. Her gaze fixated downward to reveal domination to his supremacy. She occasionally make and break eyes contact in micro seconds at a time, flaunting approval for him to assert himself. Jerry put a finger under her chin and rise her face to elevate her stare into his own. The trap has been triggered. The hunter is now pray.

Nora has absolute control of the moment by hypnotizing Jerry with her dancing eyes and tells the greatest tale ever told without sparing the details. She softly whispers her story. “I will do more than tell you, I will show you my inquisitor”. She goes on to say, “I once met a boy and he gave me the opportunity to play with his junk, no strings attached, he said. I was astonished that I accepted the offer, I being curious of boys and this being my first time”. Nora never broke her gaze and with both hands was fast working on unbuckling Jerry pants and belt. The weight of the buckle brought down his pants straight to the ground. Nora still sedating Jerry with her smiles was handling his personal over his boxers and feeling all side, up and around his shaft. Jerry is rendered speechless having lost the power of articulation. “Take out my one eye pet snake, he told me”. Nora continue her narrative while exposing Jerry gender to nature. “I’m flustered, it is so big and hard. I could feel the warmth pulsating in the venous blood vessel within that raw power of rapture that I was beholding. He then asserted that feeling by claiming enjoyment when I stroked his shaft up and down while juggling the testes from one to the other. He requested that I swallowed him whole. I can’t put all of that in my mouth, I said but I will try”. She quickly gives Jerry a tender close mouth kiss on the lips and says, “I will be right back” then kneel down in front of him.

Nora’s gaze is level squared front and center to Jerry’s groin. His body heat radiating carried by the breeze onto her face and with it his mild scented musk. She taken back with the visual which is exceeding well beyond her overactive imagination. The testicles are dangling low inside his shaven elastic ball sack. By lifting them up and let them bounce within a drop and she’s amused with the thought of an iguana’s dewlap. She wants to measures and gauge this fully erected rigid unyielding protruding helmet rimmed capped penis. She put her right hand behind from the bottom of the shaft and extend her fingers upward failing to meet the tip. She brings her face forward giving herself a gonad chin. She then let’s the red hot flesh of his cock brand her skin across over her lips and upward to the side of her nose past the indent of the eye orbit and fully across the length of her forehead. Never again is she going to look at her face in the mirror without the recollection of the memorized scar of Jerry’s manhood.
