That time my written [f]antasy became reality

I originally posted this as a slutty confession, knowing as soon as my husband read it I would get exactly what I wanted. While it’s read more as a confession – know this is exactly what happened and it was as good as I imagined it to be, maybe even better since he added his own desires into the mix. That story coming up soon ?

I want to be explored while laying in my comfortable bed with a soft, velvety blanket wrapped around my body. Fuck the fact that covering up my body feels prude or the lie I tell myself that my husband might not think I’m sexy if I’m focusing on trying to stay worm. That I’m prioritizing my falsely perceived expectation of being cold blooded over my own personal comfort. I feel sexy when I am warm and cozy and I want to feel that way while you explore me.

I want to feel the blanket graze my nipples, as the weight of the blanket pulls against me, causing them to become ever so slightly erect. I want to feel your hand lightly run along my body, pausing every minute or so to trace your fingertips against my skin. Eventually, you will place your full hand on my body, cupping the warmth between your hand and my soft curves.

You start across my stomach, rubbing your hand across my body and moving up to my shoulders. I feel you begin to massage my shoulders and for the first time I feel the moan building from within. I hold it back just a bit so I can truly feel your touch. But I know it won’t be long before I hear the pure sound of pleasure escaping my mouth in a deep, almost primal, tone.

The funny thing is, at this point these days I don’t know if I’m doing it because I feel the pressure to provide an external clue I’m enjoying myself or if it is an involuntary reaction to my pleasure. The lines have become blurred for me now, so tonight I decide it’s happened because oh my fucking goodness does this feel good.

You are exploring my body with your hands and then your mouth. You position your self on top of me and slide only halfway down, cradling my breasts between your hands. You lick my nipples slowly to start, wetting them and letting the cool air dry on them, causing them to become harder, firmer, by the moment. You then suck and fiddle and tweak and whatever else is fun for you, and I begin to feel myself needing to come.

Is it because you have turned me on so much playing with my uber sensitive nipples or is it because it makes my pussy wet knowing how much YOU are enjoying my breasts. That your own cock is rock hard against the bed as you lie in between my legs, teasing my nipples so much I’m ready to come.

I feel it building up, the pressure rising from my vagina into my clit. I feel my pussy tightening up, I hear my moans becoming shorter, sometimes going several seconds between sounds.

It’s in those moments of pure silence I am feeling the most because I’m completely inward and receiving all of the exploration of my body I needed. Soon you can tell I am getting close and slow down your movements, going back to gently licking my tender nipples and kissing sweetly around my breasts.

You have brought me down from orgasm for one thing – you are ready to explore my pussy. You position yourself next to me, laying on your side assuming a position that allows me to feel like there is no expectation to kiss you or take action. In other wards, you are telling me to lay back, relax, and fucking enjoy.

I feel your fingers gliding around my pussy, touching and massaging my swollen lips. Rubbing each side between your fingers, encouraging the blood to flow hot and heavy. You finger begins to part my lips but it slides in from the wetness that has already accumulated.

As you massage the inside of my pussy, carefully avoiding my clit, you make sure that every inch is being touched and loved on. Your firm touch begins to build the explosion that is building against and I start feeling an ache for you rub my clit, and for me to come.

I’m not held in this position for too long, and you start to circle your fingers around my pulsing clit. You play with different pressures and techniques until you hear my silence, and know you have gotten it right.

You keep at it, building me as close as you can when you whisper, “Not yet, relax and be quiet” in a firm, but authoritative tone.

I lay there on the brink of orgasm, going between wanting to come and wanting to take it as long as you will give it to me.

I start to feel a bit guilty about taking it for too long (as I only have a small threshold of receiving without guilt), and emit a small sigh – testing how serious you were about being quiet.

It’s a game I’m playing to see if you will push me. Force me to relax, demand me to enjoy, warning me to be quiet, again. This time I’m able to listen and lay there and feel myself starting to lose my breath in the best of ways, my pussy fiery with passion. Every time you can tell I’m getting closer you remind me to relax, knowing your reassurance will send me deeper and deeper into pleasure.

But eventually, the orgasm can’t be held back any longer. And you seem to always know when that is. You will tell me to count down from five, and then I can come.

4… I hear my voice shake as I’m not quite able to move down to the next number. I am utterly torn between this edging heaven and the explosion that is moments away.
2…I take a few more seconds to enjoy every sensation knowing I was was steps away from jumping off that cliff

My entire being explodes as I feel every muscle tightening and then relaxing so quickly it feels like every muscle turned liquid and I melt into the bed. I feel waves of this, each extreme feeling alternating but becoming less and less intense until I am finally spent and deep in the bed.

I lay there hazy and relaxed, drifting in and out. I want to just lay there like this forever but eventually I remember my manners and lean over and kiss you, whispering, “thank you”.

You help turn my body into yours, feeling my wet pussy curled up against your skin. You play with my hair and kiss my neck, eventually cuddling my body and we both feel heavy, sleepy,and satisfied. This is the signal you give me it’s ok for me to fall asleep.

And truthfully my initial reaction will always be of guilt, but I bat that feeling away knowing that next time, you will more than get yours. Because I fucking love to take care of a man who takes care of me.


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