Should I [F] fuck my hot professor? [m]

Soooo I think I’m going to fuck my hot professor.

Things have been building up for awhile now.

On the first day of semester I came into class, took a seat, and he just gave me this look. You know THAT look. THAT look is so transparent. When someone really really wants to fuck you it’s written all over their face.

It immediately made me wet, that look he gave me. Knowing, in an instant, that my older hot professor wanted to fuck me.

It also made it super difficult to concentrate. Every class I had with him I was left squirming in my chair. Every part of me would tingle. I could feel his eyes drinking me in – looking at my legs, my figure, my breasts.

I started wearing some pretty sexy outfits. Nothing too racy. Just tight sweaters without a bra. Mini shorts. A faded tshirt where you could almost make out my nipples. Pretty sure I’ve been driving him crazy haha!

And to be honest I’ve been going absolutely crazy thinking about him! And I was on the verge of just staying back one day after class, locking the door and jumping on him when last week he emailed me asking if we could make a time to talk about my last assignment.

I have NO idea if he actually wants to talk about my last assignment or something else …….

When I took a while to respond (trying to think of something naughty without getting in trouble) he texted me.

“Did you get my email?”

It seemed like a weirdly, I dunno, personal text?

I wrote back: “hey! Sorry I haven’t written back. Yes let’s make a time. When is good for you?”

“Hmm. How about ASAP?”

“Sure! I’m not in trouble am I?”

“Definitely not. ?”


Anyway I figure I’ll ratchet things up a notch by wearing this very very sheer yellow dress that I have. Honestly if he doesn’t make a move when I’m wearing that, he never will!!

Wish me luck …..



  1. If he doesn’t make the first move then you do it! Just grab his cock, he’ll get the idea

  2. Wear the sheer yellow dress and no undies. Wrap it with a coat until you enter his office, then slide the coat off and gauge his reaction.

  3. As someone who’s been in his situation (eye fucking a student and frequently phantasizing about her, but knowing that this is one of the safest ways to lose your job) I guess he’s probably not sure himself. Even if he definitely wants you, he might not act on it.

  4. As someone who’s had too much experience with trying something with someone “too close to home” I’m gonna play the devil’s advocate and vote to don’t do it.. it can get awkward/difficult in so many ways afterwards… you’re there to study and he’s there to teach. Unless you talk it out and explicitly make it a one time thing?

    Anyway, you do you!

  5. It’s only a matter of time. It’s just everything else you have to figure out.. let us know how it goes!

  6. Go for it. He definitely wants to fuck you, but if you want it you’re going to have to make the first explicit move.

  7. Don’t wear panties, then drop something away from him so you have to bend over to pick it up

  8. Wait until after final grades have come out. Then there’s no power differential.

  9. Probably not the best idea but if you end up doing be sure to share the results on here!

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