[MF] [FreeUse] [Fiction] The Skylar Chronicles, pt. 7

My eyelids lifted slowly, heavily as my body naturally pulled itself from the dark recesses of sleep. It was my day off, so I didn’t set an alarm the night before. The best feeling is knowing that you don’t have to set an alarm and there is nothing today that requires your attention. It took some time for me to fully wake up and keep my eyes open. I drifted constantly back into being semi-asleep and then awake again. Finally I reached out from under the blanket and grabbed my phone off the wireless charger on my nightstand. I lifted the screen in front of my face to check the time.


*4 Snapchat Notifications*
*1 Facebook Message*
*1 Text Message…from mom.*

*Why the fuck am I awake so early?*

I usually sleep in at least two more hours on my day off, but every once in a while my body decides it wants to be some semblance of a morning person. Today appeared to be one of those days. I rolled onto my back and went through the notifications on my phone one by one before deciding to get up and start my day. And by start my day, I mean go pee, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, and sit my ass down on the couch and play some video games. I rolled myself from my bed and grabbed up some boxers before exiting my room. Upon opening the door to my room, I heard the shower going in our shared bathroom. Frankly, I had no idea if Skylar worked today or not, but if she did she was late.

I reached my hand for the handle of the bathroom door, figuring Skylar wouldn’t care if I came in to pee and brush my teeth in my boxers. After all, the dick that was in my pants had been in her mouth and pussy several times by now. We were well acquainted with one another’s body. No luck. The door was locked. I let out a heavy sigh, noting to myself that I really needed to use the bathroom but knowing there was nothing I could do. So I went and sat on the couch, skipping a few steps of what I had planned, and started playing Jedi: Fallen Order. After about 10 more minutes, the water of the shower cut off. Skylar didn’t emerge from the bathroom in a towel like she normally does, however; this time she stayed in the bathroom. Glancing over from the TV, I could see her shadow move around under the crack of the door. It was another 30 minutes before she finally opened the door and gave me a very surprised look. Pausing the game, I gave her my full attention.

“Oh…you’re awake,” she said in a voice of realization.

“Yeah, I do that.”

My surprise was that Skylar came out of the bathroom in a white blouse under a black suit jacket with her makeup and hair done perfectly…and no pants. She wore a dark blue thong, but that was it for her bottoms. Still, my eyes were on her face, captivated in the moment by how stunning she looked. I’ve told you before, Skylar was an absolute beauty. But she wasn’t making eye contact. Her face lowered and her eyes gave focus to the floor beneath her feet.

“What’s the occasion? No pants day at work?” I asked, breaking the awkward silence that neither of us had ever shared in all our time as friends.

“I expected to be finished before you woke up,” she responded in a downtrodden voice, still not looking at me.

“Finished with what?” I said with a bit of a chuckle as I stood to my feet and walked past her into the bathroom. I left the door cracked so that I could hear her as I relieved myself in the toilet and then brushed my teeth. She stayed silent until I pulled the door back open as I pushed the toothbrush back and forth in my mouth. She finally turned and looked at me.

“I have a Skype interview today with a bigger and more well-known law firm,” she informed me. There was no smile on her face, though.

I spit the toothpaste into the sink and began running water over my toothbrush, “Skylar, that’s fantastic!” I gave her a big smile, but then it hit me. “Wait, you said a Skype interview?”

She nodded, “It’s in Seattle.”

“Seattle…like, where your parents live…like, not here…”

She nodded again.

“You don’t seem very happy about it,” I noted.

“I am. I’m very excited about the opportunity. It could be my chance to really be more than just a secretary and to learn from people who have tons of experience in the area of law I’m pursuing with my degree. But it means I have to uproot my life and leave all my friends that I have here. But I’ll get to live near my parents again. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew if I got the job or not.”

It hit like a truck to hear her say those words. Skylar might be leaving. It was a bittersweet revelation to be met with.

“I support you either way,” I assured her. I stepped toward her and gave her a kiss on the lips before slapping her ass, “Now go nail that interview.”

I needed to be as positive as I possibly could for her. She probably knew I wasn’t the most excited about this, but I couldn’t confirm that for her. She needed to pursue her dream. Sometimes that takes you other places. She gave me a smile and turned to go to the dining room table where her laptop lay.

“It’s going to start in 15 minutes, so please don’t make any noise and don’t walk in view of the camera,” she instructed me.

“You got it, lady,” I responded in a sardonic voice.

I sat myself back down on the couch and let it all sink in. Our lease was coming up, so that’s why she had decided to make the move for this now. She didn’t want to leave me without a roommate and stuck in this apartment. I looked around our apartment and kind of took it all in. This could be my final month in this place that housed so many memories. Memories of when my brother lived with me and we played video and drank alcohol like total adults. But more so…memories that I shared with Skylar. I remembered when she first moved in and how naturally we took to living with one another. The times we hung out on the couch, eating take out and watching movies together. And yes, the times we fucked. The times we used each other’s body for our own pleasure. Hard to say I wouldn’t miss that.

A smile crept on my face as my dick grew hard in my boxers thinking about Skylar at that dining room table. The same table I had bent her over a few days after our first time together. The memory of her thin hands gripping the table tightly as she endured the hard and fast thrusting of my dick inside of her from behind. I felt my top teeth bite into my bottom lip at the thought. The thought was broken at hearing the sound of Skylar’s Skype program ring and the sound of her answering the incoming video chat.

“Hello Skylar, thank you for taking the time to meet with me today,” a voice projected from her laptop speakers.

“It’s my pleasure, Mr. Quinn. Thank you for considering me for this position,” Skylar responded in a very professional tone. I had very seldom ever heard Skylar’s professional voice, but she brought it out in full swing.

The two began to talk as the interviewer, Mr. Quinn apparently, asked Skylar some very standard questions about her qualifications. I sat on the couch and let my left hand push my dick back and forth a little bit, playing and keeping myself hard at the thought of everything I had done with Skylar over the last 7 months. And then the mischievous part of my mind perked up. I imagine if I had a mirror that I would have found myself to be giving the very same mischievous smile that Skylar often gave me. I looked over the couch at Skylar. Her eyes quickly darted to me and then back to the computer screen. They were about 5 minutes in.

I lifted myself from the couch and walked to the opposite end, so that I had no chance of coming into the view of the camera. I looked at Skylar again and then proceeded to get on my knees and then down on to my hands. Skylar, in the middle of answering a question, found the ability to multitask by shooting me a look that said in absolutely no uncertain terms, “I will fucking kill you.”

I gave her the smile as I silently pulled a chair away from the table and made my move to crawl on hands and knees under the table. I was very thankful in the moment that Skylar hates pants and does anything she can to not wear them, whether that means wearing shorts or walking around in panties…sometimes walking around in nothing at all. I crawled to Skylar’s feet and leaned down to kiss them. Her foot jerked suddenly, kicking me in the cheek. I recoiled, but kept silent. Above me, I could hear her voice, flawlessly answering the question that had been asked. She proceeded to attempt to cross her legs, but I quickly pushed my head between her knees. She attempted to squeeze her well-toned, muscular legs on my head, but I pulled them back apart with my hands.

There it was, just waiting for me, Skylar’s pussy, hidden behind her thong, seated perfectly near the edge of the seat. I pushed my head even further forward as I pulled her legs further apart. The upper part of her body sat rigid and unmoving. Getting under her leg with my hand, I pulled her thong to one side and began to lick her clit very gently in circles. Skylar’s voice quivered a little bit, but she regained the solidity immediately and kept going with her interview. I’ll be honest, I didn’t hear a whole lot after that. Skylar’s legs tensed up around my head when she felt what I was doing and lifted her feet onto my back, scooting herself ever so slightly forward to give me a better angle at eating her pussy. My mouth went to work. I ran my tongue up and down against her hot, wet slit and danced circle on her clit before I would push my tongue as far in as I could get it to go at that angle. I then let my head drop a little lower, my mouth going just below her pussy, and let my tongue push slightly between her minimally exposed ass cheeks. That one was just for fun to mess with her a bit. Her ass tensed at the feeling of my tongue hanging around it. I smiled to myself and returned my tongue to her pussy.

“I have a great appreciation for attention to detail,” I heard Skylar say in response to a question about what some of her strengths were.

The real test of her fortitude came when I began to push a single finger inside of her. My tongue swirled on her clit as my finger pushed back and forth into her pussy, curling it back and applying pressure to her G spot every time. Her juices ran out onto my hand and my mouth. I knew she was taking absolute pleasure from what I was doing to her. And Mr. Quinn on the other end hand no idea that Skylar was being used. From what I you could hear, it sounded as though the interview had begun to wrap up. All in all, I think it had been about 15 minutes since I crawled under the table. I began to finish up by backing my head out slowly from between her legs. Skylar’s right hand quickly, yet stealthily, reached under the table and took a fistful of my hair. I clenched my teeth against the pain as she pulled my head back against her pussy. This job wasn’t done yet. I began to kiss and lick against her as she spread her legs a little wider for me, her hand now running through my hair and applying pressure to the back of my head so that I would stay put.

“I think that will be all for today, Skylar, we will be in touch by the end of next week to let you know if we’re going to move forward with you,” I heard Mr. Quinn finally say.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Quinn. I look forward to hearing from you soon,” Skylar responded. I could tell there was a little desperation in her voice from what was happening under the table.

The Skype call ended. I was in trouble now. Skylar’s hand, which had been caressing through my hair, suddenly took a firm fistful of hair again. I let out out a cry of pain as she stood to her feet and dragged me out from under the table on hands and knees and into the living room.

“I bet you thought that was fucking funny, asshole! You better hope that didn’t do anything to cost me that job!”

Skylar’s free hand hooked on to her panties and dragged them from her body. She stepped out of them and tossed them to the side.

“You want to eat pussy? Here, eat my pussy.”

She pushed me on to my back before quickly straddling my face with her legs and pressing her pussy back on to my mouth. Skylar wanted it her way, rough and fast. There is no other way to describe what she did other than to say that she began to ride my face. Her hips rocked back and forth against my lips and my tongue. Taking Skylar’s juices into my mouth and down the sides of my face, my dick was rock hard and pushing out the bottom of my boxers. I reached with my right hand and began to stroke it. Skylar’s moans were loud and desperate. She needed every second of this. I needed no telling that I was not in control. I looked for opportunities to catch my breath whenever she would lift her body a little higher or lean back a little further.

After about 10 minutes of Skylar fucking my face transitioned into her fucking my dick. She lifted herself from my mouth and repositioned herself facing away, riding reverse cowgirl, as she pushed my dick deep inside of her pussy and began to rock back and forth quickly. Watching her ass bounce up and down as she rode my dick was amazing. The passion she put in to fucking me, feeling every single movement back, forth, up, down. Feeling her try and press herself deeper down, wanting to take every inch of my dick. The inside of her toned, tan thighs were absolutely soaked. the flood of her juices ran down my dick. Feeling the smoothness of my dick sliding back and forth inside the warmth of her pussy eventually was met by shooting my cum deep inside of her. She felt every pulse from my hard dick as I let out a moan and tensed up beneath her. She let out a breathy moan with each pulsating shot inside of her before lifting herself from my dick.

Then she did something entirely unexpected. Right in the middle of the living room floor…she cuddled up with me. Her head rested against my chest and her hand fell to my abs. She draped a leg over my leg, her foot casually caressing up and down against my calf.

“I should have told I was considering this. I’m sorry.” She said, her mouth half pressed into my chest.

But I didn’t say anything back. I wanted this moment. If there was going to be anything I would remember, it would laying on the living room floor after Skylar fucked my body…and just cuddling together.

Five days passed since Skylar had her interview with the Seattle-based law firm. When she got home from spending the morning and early afternoon out with Hazel, she had needed to take out her pent up sexual frustration. And who better to be her sexual outlet than me? She came through the door, dropping four or five shopping bags immediately and mounted me on the couch, making out with me intensely. Her hands grasped the sides of my face, pulling me into her kisses. The TV remote dropped from my hand as I placed both hands on her firm, round ass and squeezed. It didn’t take long for her to lift up her skirt and pull her panties to the side as I undid my pants and pulled the down from under her body. The warmth of her pussy surrounded my dick immediately as she began to rock back and forth, moaning into my kisses. This was very different than normal. We didn’t spend a lot of time kissing, but today that seemed to be exactly what she wanted. I lifted Skylar as I repositioned on the couch. Her legs wrapped around my lower back, pulling me deep inside of her. My lips made their way to her neck, not giving a fuck if I was going to mark it up or not. My teeth nipped at her neck as my lips sucked and then my tongue swirled on that spot. Skylar’s moans were intense in my ear.

It was never going to be a long drawn out fuck, my body made sure of that. I could feel the build up of my orgasm when all of a sudden I heard a ringtone go off. Skylar’s phone began to ring next to the couch. She leaned over with me still deep inside her and on the brim of cumming.

“Fuck. Hold on. Fuck,” She said as she looked to see who was calling. She glanced up at me as she pressed the Answer button.

“Hello? Yes, this is she.” Skylar’s face took on a very serious tone. I maintained a light thrust back and forth inside of her. My hands held her knees now, as I straightened my back.

“I see. Yes. Well, thank you so much, Mr. Quinn. I’m very excited! Yes, I’ll get the paperwork filled out and sent to you as quickly as possible! Thank you again, sir. Bye.” She pressed the End button and stared at her phone for a few seconds. I picked up the pace of my dick sliding back and forth a little. My body conceded and flooded Skylar’s pussy right as she uttered the words, “I got the job.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ewty56/mf_freeuse_fiction_the_skylar_chronicles_pt_7